Journal Entries
Been ages...
Posted Oct 3, 2005
...since I've done one of these.Maybe later I'll post a longer one posting about my month off work, my birthday trip to Paris, a weekend in London and our trips to Southend Pier and London Zoo.
But then maybe I won't.
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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2005
Why I love local papers...
Posted Jul 29, 2005
They put it all in perspective.
For example, recent front page news in the Brentwood Gazette was that Subway was opening a branch in our High Street. never mind what the Romans did, just think of the exicement that must go on in my hometwon if that is front page news.
Somebody has also left a copy of the Southend Echo on my desk. Having perused it I have a found one letter that proclaims that the Tory party has been 'middle of the road' since the mid-70's (I'm thuinking that needs to be a very broad road...), and one that feels that building an extra gas holder on canvety island (already perma-frosted due to the siting of a gas refinery on the place) might make Canvey an open target for suicide bombers.
Little England. God blees them every one.
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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2005
My paternal Grandfather,
Posted Jul 18, 2005
God rest his soul, was a Methodist lay preacher, and as such didn't swear At All. But he did believe in what he called 'The Natural Law of Imbuggerance'.
And I guess by that he meant things such as the fact that your local pub starts to stock your favourite tipple (Magner's Vintage Irish , for those interested*), just as your
orders you to go on the wagon for two months so he can get some blood tests that aren't affected by alcohol.
*feel free to send cases to the following address, in sympathy:....
I promise not to drink them until the two months are up.
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2005
My last journal...
Posted Apr 22, 2005
as a single man.
I'm off out of it now to get married in the middle of Nevada.
Try not to break the place while I'm away and for heaven's sake have fun with the election.
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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2005
Beer and Clothing in Las Vegas*
Posted Apr 10, 2005
Well, enough doom and gloom round here in this journal, time for some good news. The rings and the outfits have been bought, the flights are booked, and so's the chapel, and all our accomodation.
Can you guess what it is yet?
Some of you will already be aware that myself and SLG are engaged, and on the 27th of April we commit to the next step, and get married.
Not for us the usual stuff of churchs and registry offices. Oh no. On the 24th we jet out to Las Vegas and will be married in a ceremony where SLG will be given away by Elvis! How
is that? (I also happen to think it highly important to point out than no less than Jon Bon Jovi got married in the same chapel. I think thats
, as well as kind of hilarious.)
The following day we jet to New York for our honeymoon, a eight night stay in New York.
We'll tell you all about it (well, the bits that are fit to print, anyway...) when we get back. (hopping up and down and wanting to go now.)
*This joke is copyright SLG, but I was allowed to borrow it.
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Latest reply: Apr 10, 2005
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