The Communications Team

Hello and welcome to the h2g2 Communications Team's homepage. The Communication Team keeps researchers informed and lets the rest of the world know about h2g2, the ever-expanding Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything.

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The Comms Team publishes h2g2 Announcements and works closely with the other volunteer teams to keep you in the know. If you use social media you may wish to subscribe to one or more of these social media news sources:

h2g2 Communications Team The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition on FacebookAnnouncing collaborative projects, researcher achievements, and community activities and events.
@h2g2_Comms on Twitter
The Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything on Google+
h2g2 Guide Editors@h2g2_Guide on TwitterPublishing and promoting the Edited Guide and the Front Page.
Create@h2g2_Create on TwitterCreative writing challenges and collaborative projects
Create's photostream on Flickr
The h2g2 Post@h2g2_Post_Team on TwitterNews and views from across the Universe and around the world

Do you have media or social media experience? Do you enjoy writing press releases or promoting the wonderful writing in the Guide? Volunteer with the Comms Team, just leave us a message.


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h2g2 Communications

Researcher U14914070


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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