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hammondorgan Posted Oct 29, 2015
That's your exotic persona coming to the fore again, you'll be on the North Pier next. Funny enough I listened to a radio programme about Blackpool on Radio 4 extra it was, I listen to that a lot, and Gypsy Petulengro is it? was on there, really great personality, you would believe anything she told you! Also, there was a programme on about the Pendle Witches on the telly, I think it's still on the BBC I player, really disturbing stuff, I know we've talked about this before, those poor people breaks your heart a couple of centuries later! I hope your mum's OK, God gel you need a bit of stability. What is your boy up to, is he still into his music? I didn't say my younger granddaughter is getting into music with some friends, it's in the blood her dad's sister has been backing singer on umpteen hit records, she's still going, cracking on a bit and wears a blonde long wig when she's performing these days. Her uncle is a professional slap bass player also, and of course there's me! I bought a CD on the market yesterday, don't know if you remember the Deep River Boys, they were an American vocal group who had a quarter hour slot on Radio Luxemburg in the 50's and early sixties, they did gospel and pop songs, you won't believe this but it's the honest truth, my favourite of theirs when I was a kid was Lucky Black Cat!!!!!! Some current resonance methinks! Anyway I was amazed to find a CD of theirs, they're long forgotten really but it's great stuff. I'd love to cross your palm, Love Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Oct 31, 2015
Hahahaha you can cross my palm anytime you want Ham . Well the pumpkins are carved ,I made cream of pumpkin soup with the 'flesh' ,surprisingly tasty. Onions ,garlic a few lentils ,pumpkin and a drizzle cream over the finished bowl of soup ,I was impressed with my self to be honest ,oh and a few sprigs of fresh thyme from the garden.Roasted the pumpkin seeds with salt ,garlic and some chilli's,not quite so impressed ,but my daughter loved them.
It's been a tough year Ham especially for my children . Still coming to terms with the huge loss we've gone through. Everything seemed to just go on hold or stop completely. You can imagine how difficult it is ,even hearing some songs for us all ,songs my husband sang on stage . We have a dvd of one of his shows ,impossible to watch of course. Our Zac is now picking up his guitar more often I've noticed . Things will get back to a little more normality ,eventually ,I keep saying this ,it still just seems so strange to us . The loss is just undescribable Ham ,he was a huge character and an ever present source of encouragement to us all Ham. Music was his first love , since his death ,it's painful listening to anything ,he loved all music ,sang most songs of all genres. I just keep on saying to the bairns ,it will get better. Everything is just as he left it ,nothings changed. For Christmas ,I think I'm going to start moving things ,not everything ,but just make some subtle changes. It's just so hard.
On a happier note , me Mam says she feels fine ,she's fitter than me to be honest ,results next week ,fingers crossed everythings ok .
It's lovely your granddaughter is involved with music ,has to be in the genes Ham It really is the language of the world , and I'll check out that CD you bought Ham ,youtube are bound to have it.
I did see the documentary about the Pendle Witches ,unbelievable isn't it ? Mind you ,there's a few MP's I'd have great pleasure at lighting the first match to burn them at the stake Ham hahaha that's another story for another day though hahaha I'm off to wrap gifts I've bought for the 'trick or treat' bin fun fun
Have a fun halloween. Love Pinks Rose Lee XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Oct 31, 2015
We were just on our way out when we had a constant stream of kids Trick or Treating, consequently late for our dinner date at the Pizza place in town! Did you find any Deep River Boys? I haven't had a chance to look yet, they're interesting historically, really made the bridge between Spirituals and popular music and on into DooWop, they sang at the White House and everything. I know sweetheart it's a long drawn out process this grieving. Closure, what on Earth is closure and who needs it? You're desperate to hang on to, not to close off something which is part of you and the kids,he will be alive as long as you and they are. I found a bit of the Deep River Boys, fantastic, have a look just for fun. Love, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 1, 2015
Well I love them and they are on youtube ,I knew they would be We had the same here Ham ,me trying to get all gypsified, trick or treaters ,non stop. At the party we managed to raise £311 ,for charity ,and my fortune telling was a hit
I got an award for best outfit ,a gold skeleton hahahaha like an Oscar ,but not hahaha funny though. It was a lovely party ,we had a good time.
I want to just chill out all day today though ,nowhere to go ,no one to see ,just a lazy day. Hope you manage one too Ham. I'll write later . Love Pinks XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 1, 2015
I'm off to hospital first thing Tuesday, if I go quiet I'll be back soon! I'm looking forward to watching your lot in an hour, it'll be on up the club, my missus has just gone out shopping to Didcot,it's actually a decent shopping centre these days, don't know if you remember the town, it's still a bit like the Wild West, there's only a couple of pubs left in the place, it used to be a heavy drinking railway town, many of the famous old pubs are gone, shame really. Actually the football team are on a great run in the FA cup, they're on telly next week, which is huge for them. Reet, there's a leg of mince or something waiting to be won, if I don't get on tomorrow it's pre op nerves, Love, Ham.
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 3, 2015
I'm back, quickest recovery ever recorded! All stretched out, gowned up in my comfortable hospital bed and the anaesthetist says I should really visit the sleep clinic before they can operate, totally useless. It's your weight we have to keep you safe, I said did you not know how heavy I was before now? You know us having got up at 5am, I've got the arrow's drawn on my knee where they were going to make the incision, honest I can't believe it. I'm going to take a deep breath before putting in a complaint, second time now they've put it off for really stupid reasons, I'm hopping mad. Sorry that wasn't meant as a bad joke! We've changed our whole year around, thing is I'm lighter than I've been for years, not exactly twiggy but certainly no Big Daddy! Just let me have this whinge, thanks, Love You, Ham.
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 4, 2015
Morning Pinky, I hope all is well with you, it's bliddy drab here, the garden got so soaked overnight, it lashed down, but it's still warm and the grass and of course the weeds are still growing. I sowed some lettuce in a trough in the greenhouse, they're coming through great, I'll keep going with them, but it's nice just to walk out and pick salad leaves when you want, oh and spring onions, same way in a 2ft plastic trough, they'll just about see us through to spring, but I'll sow some under glass in the garden when it's dry enough, you always get at least 50% germination, slow growing but well worth it. Eeee I'm bored to be honest, SAD I reckon, plus the trauma of yesterday, but what the heck, oh we've got a funeral this afternoon, my ex next door neighbours mum, I think I told you, 94, a real Cockney lady, great fun right till the end. Doesn't look like it will be the jolliest as the family have been at odds for years, oh what tangled webs we weave and all that. The old lady deserves much better. Got to go and get dressed for church, Love, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 5, 2015
You're kidding Ham ? That happened to me once ,all gowned up ,ready for a minor ladies op thing (D&C they call it ) ,in comes the surgeon ,me looking all glam in my green cap ,lovely ...he said ' We can't operate ,we think your pregnant ! ' You've never seen anyone dress so fast in all your life ,as it happens ,hubby was painting the spare room ,when I got home ..he was shocked ..I said 'STOP painting ,it'll have to be blue or pink!' I was in total disbelief ,it was horrendous Ham . Anyway ,after further tests I wasn't pregnant at all ,hormone disruption or something stupid thank your lucky stars right ? It could have been a lot worse hahahahaha You could have been painting the nursery now hahahaha I know how mad you must feel ,I understand completely. All for your own good though ,just making sure the after care will go perfectly Ham. Annoying ,but ,it is for the best ,it's just awful when you've prepared yourself,and then it has to all be done over again.
I've got this dreadful cold ,sniffles aches and pains ,I can't seem to shake it off ,even after a day resting and living on Lemsips ,it's not moving. I've got so many jobs I need to be doing ,and really the weather has been quite mild apart from thick fog for for a few days.
The results came back for me Mam ,she's fitter than you and me put together Ham ,nothing wrong at all ,just a tiny cyst on the liver which apparently means nothing at all. You can imagine she's firing on all engines now ,the list of things she wants sorting out for Christmas ,well makes your head spin hahahaha Good news though ,we can all breath easier now.
Right my darling friend ,I'll send this and have another lemsip ,the profit they must be making off me hahahaha Have they any idea when the op is going to be Ham ? Or is that the worst question I could have asked ever ? Love Pinks XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 5, 2015
Ah the old Lemsip, not to be sniffed at! Listen I just heard on Radio 4, so it must be true, that Blackpool has the lowest life expectancy in Britain! So look after yourself!!!!! I've a good mind to come up there and give you embrocations, pea soup that's what you need you know, the Geordie kind, with lentils and a hambone, you don't rub it on you understand, but nowt like it for a cold, with dumplings of course. I've never made a dumpling, wouldn't know where to start. It's dank here again, I'll probably have a trip up to Oxford, I like a trot around the old flea market on Thursdays. You know I've only been back to Bucks once since I packed in work, I worked there for over 20 years, of course you know, and I find myself reminiscing quite a bit I'll have to have a stroll down memory lane sometime soon. I tried Quorn for the first time ever last night, my grandson is vegan, he's 15 but takes it really seriously, he loves animals. It's doing him no harm he's built like an ox, size 11 shoes! My missus made him Quorn chilli, and I really enjoyed it, mind you chilli owt and it tastes good. I'll post this and come straight back otherwise it will disappear. Love Ham.
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 5, 2015
And it did, I managed to get it back by hitting the back button quickly after I posted. I'm sure the computer picks up on my neurosis. No I'm not psychotic thank you, but you have to wonder. Oh Pinky, that funeral, these are a family we've known for years, filing out of Church and going there separate ways totally sad. Me and my missus went and had a beer in town, (the Dolphin, I bet your mum remembers it) but it was so sad. I must tell you, cos I didn't know, the old lady was a foundling, literally, adopted at a year old, married three times, eventually moved here to be with her two older kids, what happened is she sold her house and moved in with my ex next door neighbour and they used the money to build an annex where she lived for the last few years. My neighbour, who with the best will in the world, is a bit of a girl, is a great friend of ours and she had married a local fellow who had been divorced, hadn't a happny to scratch his hindquarters, and I suppose increased the value of their house considerably with the old lady's money. Ironically he's on his last legs (literally, the Sue Rider nurses were looking after him so my neighbour could go to her mum's funeral, she had to move all her mum's stuff out immediately after mum died so he could come back home and live in the annex! There you are sweetheart, there's a novel there, get your quill and ink out! But isn't it crazy, the old lady, obviously a tremendously strong character, kept her family together, worked her entire life, and they end up like this. My mates from Wales are coming on Saturday, we're going to an 89th birthday party for an ex colleague of ours from the hospital we all worked at. he's moved to Spain but he's coming back for this. Oh what tangled web we weave! Love Ham.
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 5, 2015
Sorry that's 80th Birthday party, as if that's not bad enough! Love, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 7, 2015
Well at last ,what a trouble logging in here Ham ,it's taken ages ,wouldn't let me in at all earlier.
It is so sad Ham ,such a hard life really and just sort of cast aside without celebration or much contemplation. I feel much the same when I deliver flowers to the elderly people in care or nursing homes. I look at them and think ,once you were someone's child ,so loved and cared for ,then a wife ,hubby or lover and parent probably. Just sitting there ,alone ,eyes that speak volumes yet say nothing ,just sadness and total helplessness ,peering back at me. Once young ,beautiful ,vibrant ,with hopes and dreams ,looking out at the world with all seeing eyes,hungry for adventure. I've gone all dramatic Ham ,I know you understand what I mean so I won't continue in this 'Bronte' (dare I say ? ) mode. Just makes you feel sad.
They say everyone has a book inside of them , sometimes ,I just sit on the steps at the beach and 'people watch' (ok ok call me nosy ) I look at the people and think ,'I wonder what your story is ?' Of course we'll never know ,but it's interesting to put your own stories to the faces. Most of mine would be unpublishable (not sure if that's a word ,if not it should be ) of course,but it gets you thinking Ham. If by chance you do strike up a conversation and for some reason (could be curiosity ) people always end up telling me their life stories ,they are far more exotic or exciting than even I could have imagined,it's quite incredible. I spoke to a lady ,elderly ,last week ,from down south ,Brighton ,she had been a dancer ,had travelled Europe,danced in all of the big theatres etc. Her home base had always been Brighton. Anyway ,she decided ,in her retirement, to visit Blackpool ,she'd never been before. That was thirty years ago ,she loved the place and people so much ,she moved here and never looked back ,she was eighty years old, and looked years younger. Such a lovely lady ,and a million stories to tell. She said next time we meet ,we'll go for a coffee ( I didn't like to say I only drink tea) ,so I of course agreed. Incredible how you just meet someone ,a total stranger ,and a book appears
It's the ham shank and split pea soup ,with dumplings that keeps me going Ham ,I make to die for dumplings ,well not die for ,but they are delicious ,always drop an egg in to lighten the dough. There is an explanation for the early death figures we have here Ham . We get everyone else's problems ,from everywhere ,they settle here thinking the streets are paved with candy rock and kiss me quick hats ,the sea air and 'brisk' winds take their breath away ,another statistic ,that's my story and I'm sticking to it hahahahaha
Hope your friend has a wonderful birthday party ,flying over from Spain too ? We need to be over there ,all that sunshine keeps them preserved I think hahahaha Have a lovely week-end Ham . Love Pinks XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 8, 2015
Hello sweetheart, we had our mates up from Wales, and their dog (Bella, a beautiful black and white Spaniel) which I immediately take ownership of, so I've been a bit tied up. The birthday party was really good, it's really hard to explain, but when we moved down here I was given a staff house in the grounds of the hospital, most of us lived there on the staff estate, it's where my kids grew up all my mates were working at the hospital, you name it, cooks, porters, nurses, it really was a kind of collective, I think we all look back on it as a really formative experience. Of course we're all getting old and it's like this diaspora, we're incredibly close and when we get a chance to meet it's desperately bittersweet. Everyone's gone on and did all kind of things, not least me, but honest despite everything it was the best of times for most of us. So we had a great time, there's always less and less people, one of my pals played for Man U, a great character he didn't recognise anybody, one of the most loved people I've known in my life, doubt if we'll ever see him again, so you know what I mean. We got a minibus so we didn't need to worry, just enjoy it, I think I told you about my mate Mike, he had stomach cancer and he's great now, well the way he was getting stuck into the Guinness would suggest that's the case, there was six of us there from the old rugby team, fantastic really. Well I just thought I'd drop a line, I'm still hung over from last night and I had a decent drink at lunchtime, an early night is indicated! Love, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 11, 2015
I'm amazed you could even even see the keyboard to type Ham ,sounds a perfect party to me So pleased you had fun ,and yes I do understand the comradery . Bonds built never to be broken ,it's very special.
Well from your absolute partying lifestyle ,to ermmm ? My dreary excuse of an existence hahahaha The weather has certainly been in perfect mood with my mood ,and the outlook is still looking pretty grey ...we've had rain ,blustery winds ,grey skies ,no sun ,though I'm sure I caught a glimpse yesterday for a split second ,of course it could have been light from the reading lamp,reflecting in the mirror
I did the most stupid thing I've done in a longtime on Saturday ,I went food shopping to Clevelys ,what possessed me Ham I have no idea ,it seemed like a good idea at the time . Cars that people can't drive, everywhere ,shopping trolleys which people had no control over ,swamped the aisles ,screaming out of control children ,mothers oblivious. I'm still getting over the shock of it all to be honest, it'll snow over in hell before I do something so stupid again.
I started dancing classes ,modern ballroom and latin ,a family friend persuaded me ,he's quite the expert ,we did the rumba last Thursday,and if I do say so myself ...Watch out Strictly Dancers hahahaha It was fun Ham ,keeps me out of mischief I suppose I'll keep you updated on the progress ..of course it's another ,well discussed behind my back ploy to 'get me out into society ' again ! I can just tell by the highly enthusiastic phone calls 'Oh you've ALWAYS wanted to that !' ...'You might meet someone nice!' ..'Think of how fit you're going to be !' It was like a hot line when I get home ...How many was there ? Are there people on their own ? Did anyone TALK to you ? ...The teacher did ,and she was very helpful ...the sheer disappointment in the voices ...that long ,heavy 'Ohhhhhhh !' I'm going along with it Ham to keep faces straight ,it was fun ,but you know ,I don't want fun hahahaha I just want a bit of peace and quiet and people leaving me to mope about . It won't happen of course ,they persist in getting me out there ,joining in with the masses ..I never did that before my husband died ,what makes them think I've changed ? It baffles me ! I'm sad ,not a different person ,it's like I've grown angel wings or something ,some fragile butterfly who has to be coaxed onto the flower ...I wish they'd give it up and look harder ,my horns are still here ,they haven't moved an inch hahahaha Nor will they
Anyway ,before I get into even deeper conversation about my imperfections Ham ,I'm sending this ,and hoping all is well with you and hoping you've recovered from your party week-end Love Pinks XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 11, 2015
Pinky you're a born Latino, I can see you now with a rose behind your ear, and me with one between my teeth, I'll show you how to Bolero! You'll be at the Tower Ballroom sometime soon I can see it coming! This site is so quiet after the recent signing in problems, we're like ghosts in the corridor! We've just had my daughter and the dog. my missus went off with them for a walk around the Clumps, I kid you not I get back from town having biked all over the place shopping, doctors to collect prescriptions, post office depot to collect a parcel, then she has a go at me cos she's started tidying the garden up, I drag the mower out and she boogers off for a walk, typical! It's getting dark here already, you don't half notice the difference when you go North, it'll be dark by 4pm here. Oh, the parcel was a playbook I bought off ebay, more stress and anxiety no doubt, I'll let you know! Love, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 12, 2015
It's more quick quick slow ,1 2..3 ..1 2..3 ,not so much roses in teeth YET Ham You've got me picturing it though hahaha Actually my dance partner has mentioned the Tower Ballroom ,Wednesday nights ,they do latin and modern ballroom apparently, who knew ? I don't think the Towers ready for me yet Ham hahaha I'll see how it goes.
We have sunshine today ,so I'm home to get some jobs done ,then get all latino'd up for my dance class ....from Wurzel to Carmen in one fair swoop hahaha Is there no end ?
So what's the new book about ? Should you be biking with your knee Ham ? Have they said anything at the clinic ? I mean you don't want cause anymore damage . Best just ask Ham incase.
Right off to gather leaves while the sunshines ,I'll write later ,let you know about the rumba progress ,I can feel your waiting with baited breath Ham hahahaha Have a good day. Love Pinks XXX PS it's nice having the site to ourselves anyway ,I only talk to you makes no difference x
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 12, 2015
Yes Pinky and thanks for asking, the more muscle strength you've got the less stress on the worn joint, the physio told me the best thing I can do is keep biking, cycling is aerobic, it puts no stress whatever on joints, funny enough I saw a lass yesterday walking with two crutches, she was going into Lloyds the same time as me, she was climbing off a tricycle, marvellous, hey that tablet I got is great, well so far, I'm just noodling with it for half an hour a day, (stop sniggering you're so immature!) to get the hang of it but I was online , hooked into my wireless in about 10 minutes, couldn't believe it. Starving today, I've prepared my ridiculously healthy salad, I generally eat later than my missus simply so it isn't as long till the morning and I can have some porridge! I finished the book I was enthusing about,, this is the Wicky page but it doesn't convey the humour and sheer vibrancy of a very brilliant writer, I got another of his books straight away off ebay, but I started another Annie Proux book today, I'm already into it, The Old Ace in the Hole it's called, she's just so readable, genius. It's black as the hounds of hell out here now, I've got the winter blues I reckon, I'd love to see your toes twinkle, that would cheer me up, Love You, Ham.
May I ?
Pinky Posted Nov 14, 2015
My toes did twinkle Ham (she says with pride ) UNTIL ,suddenly the teacher tapped me on the shoulder and said 'Very good' ,then I lost the complete sequence,to say I could have smacked him one ,is a bit of an understatement hahahaha But ,I have got it now ,the complete rumba,next week the quick quick can it be Ham ? I'm in training this week
I understand ,of course ,the stronger the muscles ,the easier it will be after the op ,it makes sense Ham when you think about it. I was just a bit concerned ,I'd have you bed resting until the op ...good job I never went into nursing eh ?
The weather has been atrocious ,Storm Abigail hit during the night last night ,I thought someone was trying to break in. Horrific winds ,rain lashing against the windows ,and they said on the news ,we didn't get it bad ,well I feel sorry for Scotland thats all I can say and it takes a lot for me to feel sorry for Scotland hahahaha
I'll check out the new books Ham ,I need some interesting reading. I'm reading (you're going to cry now ) A Christmas Collection ,me Mam bought me last year ...all Christmassy stories , mushy love stuff hahaha You know the type ? Man leaves ,but they get back together for Christmas,and live happily ever after ...Woman leaves ,but manages to make it home for Christmas Eve ,lives happily ever after ..Sort of adult Cinderella and Snow White stories junk ,but I can't for my life give a book away to charity if I haven't read it ,especially when me Mams bought it . I asked her why she bought it for me ,she said 'I loved the Christmas tree on the cover it reminded me of you!' *sighs deeply* ..forgive me Ham ,total mush ,but what can I do ?
I didn't snigger No I did not ,I almost fell off my chair laughing ,but snigger I did not Ham hahahahahahaha the visions ..I won't go there hahahaha honest ,but you do make me laugh hahahaha I love my tablet ,it used to let me into h2 before the ban ,now it won't let me in at all ,I have to use my desk top ,very strange. They are so handy though,you can check anything anytime ,anywhere..wonderful. So pleased you are 'connected ' Ham
Right sending this now and hoping you have a lovely week-end.Are you allowed a proper Sunday dinner Ham or has that been sabotaged too ? With salad ? Think of how healthy you are ,you'll be like an Adonis before the op Keep up the good work. Love Pinks XXX
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 14, 2015
Pinky, I'm writing on my new tablet, just showing off, I'm watching the rugby league international, fantastic game, we're out tonight, honest the weather's so lousy. I think I'd rather not bother, I'm struggling with this bliddy touch keyboard, I always wanted to do the rumba Rosalie by the way, love Ham.
May I ?
hammondorgan Posted Nov 16, 2015
Pinky, I don't think I've sent this your way before but given the title of our long-running correspondence I thought I'd share it, Crosby at his very very best, I just played it at home yesterday funny enough, don't take too much notice of the lyrics I'd never be that presumptious! Love, Ham.
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- 1761: hammondorgan (Oct 29, 2015)
- 1762: Pinky (Oct 31, 2015)
- 1763: hammondorgan (Oct 31, 2015)
- 1764: Pinky (Nov 1, 2015)
- 1765: hammondorgan (Nov 1, 2015)
- 1766: hammondorgan (Nov 3, 2015)
- 1767: hammondorgan (Nov 4, 2015)
- 1768: Pinky (Nov 5, 2015)
- 1769: hammondorgan (Nov 5, 2015)
- 1770: hammondorgan (Nov 5, 2015)
- 1771: hammondorgan (Nov 5, 2015)
- 1772: Pinky (Nov 7, 2015)
- 1773: hammondorgan (Nov 8, 2015)
- 1774: Pinky (Nov 11, 2015)
- 1775: hammondorgan (Nov 11, 2015)
- 1776: Pinky (Nov 12, 2015)
- 1777: hammondorgan (Nov 12, 2015)
- 1778: Pinky (Nov 14, 2015)
- 1779: hammondorgan (Nov 14, 2015)
- 1780: hammondorgan (Nov 16, 2015)
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