This is the Message Centre for hammondorgan

May I ?

Post 1681


Life in the fast lane Ham ,what can I say ? When really all you want is a nice mug of cocoa and a cosy bed ha ha ha. You write when you can , enjoy the family , we'll catch up once you recover ha ha , you don't half make me laugh. Love you to bits Pinks x x x j

May I ?

Post 1682


Just back from Henley, another boozy Wetherspoons lunch, I left them at the bus stop, I'm heading for home my phone went, "We're in the Green Tree do you fancy another pint!" Ridiculous, I'm seeing them at 8:30 I'm supposed to be playing at the Cat tonight! If I still have my sanity tomorrow I'll write then, Love, Ham. (and of course happy Blaydon Races, 9th June and all that!) Love, Ham. And my missus has just shouted up Carver's been sacked, Hallelujah!

May I ?

Post 1683


Hey up Pinky, our visitors moved on today, but just down the road to Newbury, they're stopping at a Wetherspoons! There's no escape, we're going down there to see them tomorrow! I worry myself sick, Dave, the husband of the couple that came with them is just out of hospital about a month after a really bad do, he's a lovely lad but I reckon he should be taking it easy, they had about 12 pints yesterday, him and my brother in law, they came out to see me performing at the Cat last night, they hadn't had a break after the afternoon session! they could hardly avoid it they're stopping there! but at least I got home and had a kip, I've had a dry day today but I'm still feeling it! I bet you can't wait for the next instalment! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1684


Hello Ham ,at last a second to write to you. Lifes been a bit in the fast lane here too. It was me Mams birthday today ,we all went out for a meal ,The Plough ,Singleton.It was lovely ,the weather was glorious,she had a fabulous day,so that was nice . Now the bad news is ,and I feel guilty typing this Ham ,the garden is still not done hahahaha God ...Big plans for tomorrow though hahaha I keep saying it ..I WILL do it.

I know what you mean about your friend Dave ,that is worrying ,the thing is Ham people won't be told ,and even warnings ,healthwise ,they think they're ok. Such a concern.

That was good news Carver sacked ,not before time either. Right ,sending this now ,it's way past my bedtime. How did you do at the Cat btw ? Good I hope ? Let me know anyway Ham. Love Pinks XXX

May I ?

Post 1685


Thank goodness a day off today, just went to the market, that's my little Friday job. tell you what I got some flat peaches, absolutely lush, we went to Newbury by bus yesterday, out all day, Wetherspoons of course, we thought we might as well stop there cos we'd had about 6 drinks, fortunately Newbury races were on and they didn't have any rooms! It's quite a trek on the bus as well, but it was the first really warm day we've had and to be honest we enjoyed it. We got back about 9 then had a glass of wine! ¬ crazy! Oh the Cat was good, cos my sis in law was there she loves old pop stuff, I sang Devoted to You, a lovely Everly's song, and that went a storm, I might make it even yet! The old Bluegrass police twist their faces a bit but you've got to remind them that the Everlys were singing country before Bluegrass was invented! Happy Birthday to your mum, We're having a bit of a welcome rainstorm at the moment, wet'n waarm good weather for the cabbages as we used to say. Wally beernblues weekend, I've had a dry day today, I'm going to meet some mates for the acoustic Saturday afternoon session which is nice and quiet compared to the evening when you're deafened! The beer festival is pretty good but we'll just be having a few, I'm trying to rescue my liver! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1686


Hope all is well Pinky, we're back in our quiet little groove so to speak, I'm getting old, I went up to Didcot and my youngest granddaughter was bad with the beer! They grow so fast! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1687


Hello Ham ,wow ,I must be having fun ,how time flies smiley - smiley Everything is fine Ham ,well you know ? Has been better but can't complain. The weather has been glorious,the garden is looking ship shape ,and I'm feeling much better thank you Ham.

I also bought some of the flat peaches you mentioned,really delicious, a nicer taste than normal peaches ,though I do love those too.

So you survived your company Ham ? Lovely to see them ,nicer to say bye hahaha I have the pleasure of my lot yet to come ! When my brother comes up ,(Shepherds Bush) I'm going back with him for a few weeks ,a London break ,they keep asking ,I said ok. Then they want me to go to Malta ,later in the year ,we'll see. Everyone trying so hard to keep my time occupied,all very sweet ,all very annoying ..I'm a grown up ,I can utilise my own time wonderfully hahahaha They don't think so !

Well I did the deed Ham ,left Virgin Media ,and joined Sky. More channels ,a new phone number ,and faster internet ,all at the same price I was paying Virgin. It was fast ,easy and done efficiently,in no time at all. Everyones happy ,well apart from Mr Branson I suspect hahaha he'll live ,I'm sure.

Right sending this now ,so you know I am still here ,and I will write later. Love Pinks XXX

PS Yes they do grow up too fast Ham ,you're right there XXX

May I ?

Post 1688


Long as you can get through to me, pigeon post if all else fails. My sis and brother in law are OK, but honest it's the drinking, I just get bored with it that's the truth, and nobody likes a pint more than me as you've probably gathered. My brother in law drinks endless pints of John Smiths, and moans when he can't get it, Dave his mate drinks Fosters, and I'm talking 10 pints a day! I wouldn't wash my feet in either. we're off to Wales in a couple of weeks, we'll stay a few days, did I say I was all at sea re hols because of my op, which is scheduled for late September? We never go far in August for obvious reasons, school hols etc, and I'm reluctant to leave my tomatoes as well, the Tumbling Toms are all in the greenhouse in big pots, covered with flowers, You're not supposed to do anything, no sideshoots, supports or anything, I'll believe it when I see it! You're headed for the big city then, I'm headed for Aldis and B&M, my company have drank me dry! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1689


Oh! I didn't know the op was scheduled for September Ham ,the sooner the better I suppose , but yes , it does mess with holiday arrangements. Wales is always so beautiful though, anytime of year. You'll both have a wonderful time.

Not sure of dates yet for my holiday Ham , of course I'll make sure you know the minute I do. I'm really enjoying the garden , my walks on the beach , spending more time with the family and friends. I popped into Buzz, changed my profile status , didn't hang around long , friendship invites just seem to come the second you log in , it's our last port of call Ham ,state of emergency I think . Right , sending this now , speak soon Love Pinks x x x

May I ?

Post 1690


Pinky honest it's really boring at the minute, we've barbied yesterday and today, that's about the height of excitement! Oh I took our gas barbecue to bits and took it up the recycling depot today, Oh, they tell me the Portcullis, (Labour) club has finally closed, all kinds of shenanigans have been going on apparently, but it seems it's gone for good, or so I'm told. It still strikes me as remarkable that your family were such a big part of it, and of course I remember it as a really vibrant club, I was a member there long before we moved to Wallingford, of course as a bit of real estate it must be worth an absolute fortune, I doubt if they'll be allowed to knock it down, right opposite across the lane the Mint, which was an old bonded warehouse I think was turned into really tasty apartments, I'm sure the club site will go the same way. It's really good to hear that you're getting back into some kind of routine and enjoying a bit of social life, I'm spending that much time in the garden I'm starting to vegetate! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1691


Hello Ham ,so they're closing the club down then ? How sad ,I'll have to tell me Mam and my brother ,he really loved it there and I think I told you ,he does have a drive out to Wallingford now and again .Your probably right Ham ,it'll be something they can make a lot of money from ,upmarket apartments ,something anyway. It's so sad.

I hope you had a lovely Fathers Day Ham ? I have to say ,I was dreading it ,emotions running high etc, suprisingly , we had a lovely day ,one or two down moments ,of course ,but on the whole ,it was lovely ,went out for a meal ,little drive upto the Trough of Bowland ,a walk around ,then home ,it was really nice. Just next Saturday to get over ,hubbys birthday and can you believe his 4 mth anniversary, to the day ? Four months ,already ,wow ,can't believe it.

Next Sunday ,it's my annual charity walk (pub crawl ) so I'm in training this week ,hahaha and just the week ,they reckon the weathers going to be wet and cloudy ,lovely,just my luck smiley - smiley I need to get some power walking done though Ham ,I won't make it to pub number two hahaha I'll try though smiley - smiley

Right my Darling friend ,sending this now ,and truly ,as boring as you think your life maybe ,it's more exciting than mine is right now keep writing. Love Pinks XXX

May I ?

Post 1692


Yep Pimky. I did think that yesterday might be a bit emotional for you and the family, it sounds like you're dealing with your loss in the best possible way, love to you all. I've always thought Father's day a big con, we never observed it up North but as the years have gone on my kids have started sending cards and they're taking me out for a Ruby Murray on Wednesday, and both came around yesterday, Louise gave me a bottle of champagne, which we had with dinner yesterday, which is why I never got to write last night! Oh, the Wigan Wanderers rang last night to say they're coming down, they're staying at the Cat next weekend, we'll have to have a drink with them, goodness help us! They're coming down for this civil war enactment thing they do, crackers, the whole town turns out to cheer the Cavaliers and boo the Roundheads, you'd have thought they'd have got over it by now! On Saturday we had the town Carnival, and the Rugfest, a mini rock festival the Rugby club puts on which gets bigger every year. Of course it chucked it down most of the day on Saturday, I was going to go up to Oxford but I was driven back home because of the storms! You might remember the Carnival, it used to be huge and they picked the Carnival Queen at the Labour club, it was a big event in the Wallingford calendar. Oh and there was this huge bike ride yesterday, bikes everywhere, I biked down to Waitrose on my old shopper, baskets back and front, I got cheered all the way! Reet, I'm off to Didcot Doggie walking, Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1693


Been up to Oxford today, walked along the Thames, or Isis as they insist on calling it in Oxford then met my missus for lunch, the first really warm day we've had, not that sunny but sort of humid enough to drive you outdoors, I spend half my life sitting at this little patio I made between the greenhouse and the compost bins, doesn't sound idyllic I know but it's sheltered on all sides,I get settled there with my radio and a book, I alternate between reading and the crossword, the Independent today defeated us both! I'm actually reading a Sue Townsend novel, the Woman Who Went to Bed for a Year, she was a very fine writer, best known for the great Adrian Mole books of course but I always enjoy whatever she writes, she was funny, clever and a really wise and sympathetic observer, great stuff. Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1694


Well I don't know where my days go Ham ,I really don't ,it's not like I'm doing anything constructive either . Very odd ,you must think I'm having the time of my life with my delayed replies. We've had some lovely weather ,no storms ,it seems as though ,it's overcast most of the day ,then about 5pm ,the sun comes out ,the heat is ,overpowering ,and it stays sunny until about 9pm, very odd. Nice for getting the flowers and herbs watered though.

I'm out with some lady friends tomorrow ,coffee and cakes ,it's our charity walk Sunday, they want me to have 'input' ,I don't know why ,we all know it's basically a pub crawl hahaha Anyway ,I'll go tomorrow and see what the plans are .

Still no date about going to London Ham ,can't say I'm distressed about that , if the family weren't there I don't think I'd ever go. When they decide ,I'll let you know anyway.

Right best get off to bed ,they're coming for me (how scary does that sound eh ? hahaha) at 10:30 am ,better make a move. Sending all my love Pinks XXX

May I ?

Post 1695


Well you've got to do some route planning, I've seen some of these ladies get-togethers in Blackpool, I know what goes on! It's my Granddaughter's 15th birthday today so we've been up there, (Didcot) oh I had a lovely longish bike ride this morning then went and sat by the Thames for an hour right next to Wallingford bridge on the way back and finished my book as well, The African Queen came under the arches, a mock up trip boat from London so fortunately I had my camera and I got a good shot of it, it was so hot, my arms are stinging now a bit. I've got most of the day to myself tomorrow, it sounds awful but I find need a bit of space since I retired and I enjoy a time out, that sounds churlish but it's not meant to be I promise, you understand. My missus is going shopping to Reading with our elder granddaughter, Eve, she's going to China for a year fairly soon, part of her China studies course, I went out with my eldest daughter and my Grandson last night for that curry I was talking about we had a really fun evening, the first in a long time I have to say, it felt like old times, here's hoping, families eh! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1696


Hello sweetheart, I'm just dropping by before heading up to the club, we've had the Wigan Wanderers down for the weekend but apart from a very drunken session on Friday night we've been spared, fingers crossed. The town is full of Roundheads and Cavaliers, I couldn't get across the Krinny this morning for pikemen going through their paces, nuts, absolutely nuts! They've got these muskets, they weigh about half a hundredweight, they're crazy, must be, the town stinks of gunpowder! If Isis attacked nobody would notice honest! Reet wish me luck in the draw! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1697


Hahahaha Ham , sounds like there's a war going on down there hahaha You're so funny ....well I survived ,the 10 mile walk ,got soaked to the skin ,then out came the sunshine dried up all the rain ,so a lot of silly ladies went on the walk again ....I have found muscles I didn't know I even had ,honest ! We raised £300 for local charities , stopped at three pubs along the way ,back to the Bourne Hotel ,Knott End ,where we started and had dinner ,creamed garlic mushrooms,to start ,the roast beef Sunday dinner ,and half of lager and lime ( I wasn't counting ) then home for a long hot soak in the bath ...pleased I don't do those walks every week Ham, I'd never be sober hahahaha

Hope you won the draw ? Hope everyone is ok ? We got through Saturday really much better than I thought ,it was hubbys birthday and the 4th month anniversary of his death ,we did good Ham ,you'd be proud. It does get easier ,I didn't think that was true ,but it does. Just pleased the kids were ok ,and they were. Right ,off for a cup of tea Ham ,we've got workmen here today ,doing new gas pipes on our road ,who's house are they starting with ??? Yes ours ,great ,digging up the garden path and heaven knows what else ..never a day goes by there's not something. Speak soon ,Love Pinks XXX

May I ?

Post 1698


Peppered steaks actually. Of course I'm on a starving day today so we'll have them tomorrow. My younger granddaughter started her first work experience today, a posh Thameside bar restaurant, the Beetle and Wedge at Moulsford, she came home really upset because all they did was have a go at her, I'm seething but there's nowt I can do unless my daughter asks me to get involved, she's gone to bed in tears, needless to say she isn't going back, apparently the boss said to her 'wear another dress tomorrow', this was a new black skirt that my daughter bought for her specially for the job, the bairn was really looking forward to it, I'm so bliddy angry. Knot End eh? How romantic is that? I've only been once and I want to live there! I've been biking today, got a puncture at Dorchester, fortunately I had a spare tube handy, there's experience for you, always carry a spare rubber! Love, Ham.

May I ?

Post 1699


No way Ham ? Who do they think they are ? These people ,I'd be unable to contain myself ,I know how you feel ,like going over there and causing hell ! Bless her ,and you wonder why kids don't want to work eh ? Poor bairn ,what an awful experience ! Hope she's ok now Ham ,I do really.

Well the heat has been unbelievable ,the electrical storms amazing , and another apology from me ,for not being on the PC for days. I don't know where the time goes Ham , I can't believe it when I see four days since I was last here , I seem so busy ,doing ,not a lot to be honest ,but the days just fly by.

I've been spending time over at me Mams ,she's not feeling too good ,aches and pains. I do everything I can of course. Just gets worrying as they get older I suppose, mind you I worry about everyone no matter what the age. No change there then ? hahaha

Right ,sending this so you know ,I do live Ham . Well done winning the peppered steak ,I do love that ,and even better news you always carry a spare rubber around with you ...I wouldn't expect anything less of course smiley - smiley hahaha Hoping everyone is ok Ham ..I'll write over the week-end Love Pinks XXX

May I ?

Post 1700


Thanks Pinky, you sound as angry as me! Anyways my elder daughter is a primary schoolteacher and she's got Isla a placement at her school which she's already started, the pub manager had the cheek to call and ask why she wasn't coming in! I went up to see the bairn on Tuesday, I said to her if you can't be yourself in any job get out of it, she's got a personality like a sledgehammer, she's a bit different but we've always encouraged her, anyways she's having a great time with Jill, and it's much better for her. I hope your Mum gets over her problems quickly Pinky, I'll keep looking in, just write when you can and don't worry, actually I know Saturday's a difficult day for you so thanks. It's Scorchio here again today, we're at a Barbie tomorrow so I'm off to get a few beers. I'll write tomorrow, Love, Ham.

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