This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Back to Virginity

Post 2321


But... surely we'd all have different ideals?

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2322

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

there are only so many ideal images out there...smiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2323

Huffers, compulsive lurker

I would disagree

Back to Virginity

Post 2324


Me too....image is a huge area....people would only all look the same if people started to discriminate on image...and even then I can't see the majority actively wanting to look alike.

I hope people never do that - I have enough trouble remembering peoples names as it issmiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2325

Huffers, compulsive lurker

ah yes, but by then you'll probably have mini computers in your watch and things that automatically help you identify people!

Back to Virginity

Post 2326

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I'm sure there will always be those who are rampantly anti-fashion... I can't ever imagine wanting to look any way except blatantly eccentric!

Back to Virginity

Post 2327

Huffers, compulsive lurker

smiley - ok

Back to Virginity

Post 2328


smiley - smiley

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2329

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I can't imagine why 'd ever decide I needed to change what I look like anyhoosmiley - erm

Back to Virginity

Post 2330

Huffers, compulsive lurker

you mean you're very good looking smiley - bigeyes?

Back to Virginity

Post 2331


I know I'd like to be taller. About 6'4" or more... smiley - bigeyes

And I'd love to grow muscles spontaneously...

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2332

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I've met the gorge Sarge and she is very good-looking and smiley - hugable.

smiley - bigeyes

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Back to Virginity

Post 2333

Huffers, compulsive lurker

smiley - bigeyes

anyway... I'd like to be maybe just a little taller, but more importantly, less prone to spots smiley - ill!

Back to Virginity

Post 2334

Researcher 159112

I'd like to be just slightly taller and very much thinner and much less prone to spots

I'm working on the last two - can't do much about the first one!

Back to Virginity

Post 2335

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Believe me you will grow out of that.

smiley - laugh I meant the spotty skin, but if your request is to be taller, I can only suggest you go stand in a grow-bag or else I could take you to Mina's dungeon and smiley - handcuffs you to the rack.

And turn.

And turn.

And turn.
smiley - bruised
Painful but effective.

Back to Virginity

Post 2336

Researcher 159112

I think I'll pass on that one smiley - biggrin

I believe I've lost weight in the last 6 months tho. Will says I have and he wouldn't say it if he didn't mean it. smiley - smiley

Back to Virginity

Post 2337

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I was actually offering to take Huffers to the dungeon, smiley - laugh
Although, he's lovely just the way he is smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin

You're gorgeous too, honey! Don't worry about your weight, chuck away those scales and enjoy your life!

Back to Virginity

Post 2338


No one's offered to take /me/ to the dungeon... smiley - cry

And I need to be taller!

'I think I speak for all smallish people when I say that big people are scary. They take up far too much room, and when they perspire they make a high-pitched noise only audible to people under 5'9.' - Scott Adams, 'The Way of the Weasel' (so far as I can remember it...)

I'm not actually under 5'9", but I can still hear the scary noise... smiley - sadface

- Jordan

Back to Virginity

Post 2339

Researcher 159112

It's scary when people are taller than you. I'm too scared to go to the school Buttery cos all the 3rd and 4th formers are taller than me and because of this they push into the queue...even though I'm second year 6th!!!

Back to Virginity

Post 2340


AW! smiley - yikes That's mean!

I've got loads of friends who are 6'+ and I wish the lot of the rotters would go and shrink. I'd even give them some spare IQ points for a few inches. Sounds like a fair split, doesn't it?

Poor you, though! Where do you live?

Come to think of it, how tall are you? smiley - huh

- Jordan

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