This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Post 741

The Caffeine Kid

nahhh... I'm here for the THRUST (lol) and parry of meaningful conversation. smiley - smiley

Its a celibacy forum, not an exclusive club for the under privilaged?



Post 742


Good evening, one and all. N7 still present and correct. smiley - sadface

Bloody typical. I spend all of last Wednesday evening snogging a particularly attractive girl I had met, then she tells me the next day that 'she can't handle any of this right now, it's all a bit too weird.'

B******s. smiley - sadface


Post 743

I'm not really here

At least you got a snog.
I haven't had a snog since last November. smiley - sadface
(sex without emotion does have it's drawbacks after all. smiley - sadface)


Post 744


Much sympathy, Mina. Random snogs are deeply unfulfilling, and that's not even taking the absence of sex into consideration. smiley - sadface

I think hugs all round are the order of the day... smiley - smiley
*dispenses said hugs to all inhabitants of the gloomy metaphorical dungeon called 'Celibacy.'*


Post 745

I'm not really here

~hugs N7 back~


Post 746

Spaceman Spiff

6 days and counting. The habit is hard to break. (This is my record time for the last year or so)
You know, there is a club for this sort of thing. It's IRSC (I'd Rather Stay Celibate), the hard core chapter of IRSS (I'd Rather Stay Single). IRSC currently needs a new president (the old one had to kick himself out).


Post 747

I'm not really here

Maybe I should offer myself as president.
I would rather stay single. smiley - smiley


Post 748

Spaceman Spiff

Woo hoo! We're going international! As soon as I get my scanner working, I'll post the format for your card. (I got mine laminated)

um, scratch that former record though. I'm up to about two hours now. (Don't I get a coin or something for that?)


Post 749

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - winkeye


Post 750

Shellers (Master of wit and ready repartee)

Morning all, I'm still here.

Nine months and four weeks today smiley - sadface


Post 751

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hugs Shellers*


Post 752

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

OK, I'm back smiley - sadface
What's the worst part of having fallen off the celibacy wagon?
Getting back on it again smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface
*therapy smile*
St.Bob - I miss you already....


Post 753


So, the Nookie Monster has departed to ravage pastures new, eh?

Oh well; commiserations. Celibacy's just a frame of mind, anyway. Apart from the lack of sex. (Damn! Spoiled it again...)
Well, we're all here for you... smiley - smiley
*'strength in numbers' vibes go out to GB and anyone else in need...*


Post 754

Lost in Scotland

Nine months, Shellers?? That's nothing!! Compared to some, that is.. Compared to others, lucky ones *casts a glance at GB* you are right. It's been a while...


Post 755

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

Still here.


Post 756

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*hugs N7, Lost in Scotland & Petunia*


Post 757

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

Still here , too smiley - sadface

* soaks up N7's good vibes then joins group hug * smiley - smiley


Post 758

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

Me too love.... good news is jen is out of hospital though. Vince has dissaperd off the face of the planit so I can have a bit of peace for a bit but Oh god I miss you...oh well I will be back there soon


Post 759

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I miss you too.
Now I have to cope with celibacy whilst having a long-distance relationship smiley - sadface
Roll on October.....{therapy smile}


Post 760

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I notice the thread's slowing down; I have a theory that you are all merely feigning celibacy and I'm the only genuine one left... two weeks two days, I tell you, two weeks two days...

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