Welcome to a world which makes no sense!!

Hello there whoever you are, and where ever you are reading, I hope its nice. This place is cool, I mean Smilees are like this :-), and fish can be drawn ><>, WOW!!!
Anyway, enough of that, You might wonder who I am, well I am Chris Walmsley. This will still mean nothing to you will it? Unless of course you know me. But to those of you who don't know me I might just say something to make you feel like you know me. Of course you will never really know me, or you could get to know me oneday, but I don't know!
Ok so I live in England, near a town called Grimsby, used to be the biggest fishing port in the contry ><>! :-). My village is boring, and it is madness that keeps me going. I like sports and films, and Star Wars is the best film ever made!(http://www.theforce.net" >http://www.theforce.net - keep up with episode II rumours)!
Thats a little bit about me then! So i should say reading the Hitch Hikers Guide book was great, very funny and strange, and also complex! I still haven't completed the whole set but am trying hard!
So you now know a little, but of course this is my first time I have entered anything since becoming a researcher, so I hope to enter a few entries into the guide!! Keep an eye out!
http://www.h2g2.com/u117009" >http://www.h2g2.com/u117009 for my mates page.


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The Apple Master

Researcher U117004


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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