This is the Message Centre for The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 1

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

Im writing this at 7.50 in the morning of friday 21st april 2000 and at 9.00 il be free! Free from the clutches of beutiful nurses (DOH!), free from the really hard beds which it is impossible to get a decent nights kip, free from the constant teperature/blood pressure readings, and free from the free internet all day (ALSO DOH!).
I have got nothing left to pull out (stiches wise) and let me tell you having pacing wires taken out is the wierdest experiance ever!
(I recomend it if you're a sadist) gotta go bye
Fallen angel

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 2

Archangel Zax

GO! Be Free!

wow! hope your recovery goes well!!

smiley - smiley
Saint Zax

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 3

The Apple Master

Its good to hear everthing went ok, and I hope the recovery goes well, and soon you'll be back at college with even more work to do!! smiley - smiley

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 4

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

Im out (YAY!)

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 5

Archangel Zax


Here, have a pint and a brownie!

Why'd it take so long? How are you?

Do you miss the pudding and jello?

smiley - winkeye

The Archangel Zax*

*making the rounds.

Out of hospital (nearly!)

Post 6

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

I was only in hospital for a week but it has taken me this long to get back on the internet. because I dont have it at home so I use Grimsby collages facilities and i wasnt allowed back to collage until now. soz

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