This is the Message Centre for The Apple Master

My First Day

Post 1

The Apple Master

Ok then, my first entry to my journal! I'm all excited!
So now I am a researcher for the earth edition, its cool stuff!
I can not wait to have look though the guide and see what other people think of life. I can't wait to make my first addition either! should be fun!!smiley - smiley
So I should just say what has happened today, but theres not much to say! To all those who know me, and go to Grimsby College I will say I had an aplogy of Lee Jones today! smiley - smiley made my day! Speak to me to find out more!
Well I am going to end this first entry, it wasn't much but the next will improve, so lets just watch!!

My First Day

Post 2

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Well let me be the first to shake you by the hand....

You have done better that me, I own the Trilogy of Hitch Hickers, but as of yet have never read it, not even the back!!!!

one day maybe, when I break a leg or something!!!

Sidney smiley - smiley

My First Day

Post 3


More shaking going on here.

Shaking by the hand, you understand, not general shaking or even Shakin' Stevens.

My First Day

Post 4

The Fallen Angel (bloke form Altair Prime wishes to meet single female from Achenar 6d apply within)

This is my fist day to. You may Know me as Paul who was at the bus stop with destiny last friday. im on this site as The Fallen Angel so pop in some time and have a look round

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