This is the Message Centre for The Apple Master

Hi Ya to The Apple Master

Post 1


Hey Apple Master - You took a while updating your intro - but I found you in the end.

I've been around for some time and unlike you I have not read any of DNA's work, but I remember the TV series.

A sci-fi fan through and through I see - Star Wars happens to be my favourite as well - A Trek fan too - well thats enough of me

How do you do - I sell Apples - there I am talking about myself again.

Well - I hope you like the site enough to stay around and if you need any help just call or drop into my Compost Heap - lots of links to help you get around.
from Maidstone to Grimsby
BFN - have fun
vegimansmiley - smiley

Hi Ya to The Apple Master

Post 2

The Apple Master

Thank you for making me feel welcome!! I must say that this wasn't expected! Someone found me immediatly!
Star Trek is ok, Next Gen and Voyerger the best of them!
I shall check out your compost heap soon, but as the apple master i must say that I only control Flying Apples, not the mere tree types!
C ya around!

Hi Ya to The Apple Master

Post 3

Hatman ACE

I'm here now! Me being an ACE, I too must welcome you, to h2g2. Me not being a very good one, am late, and you have aready been welcomed.
Anyway, go to my homepage(click on my name at the top of this post) for fun stuff for beginners.
(I can't believe Vegiman hasn't read any Douglas Adams, for shame!)
The Hatman

Hi Ya to The Apple Master

Post 4


Hi Hatman
Nice to see you.

A lot of people round here sign of with their initials, especially if its a long name.

I just realised The Apple Master your initials are TAM

Well TAM I agree with you about N/Gen and Voyager - The new series of Voyager starts on Sky1 tonight, although I have seen the first three of them on video - I shall still tune in tonight.

I found you cos there is a 'who is on line,link' which shows precisely that. It also highlights anyone who is new. You can have one on you home page if you want.

Most of us started with simple pages but it doesn't take long to pick up a few bits here and there.

You may be interested in watching Tomorrows world Wednesday night (12th) as Douglas Adams (Known as DNA around here) will be appearing on it.
catcha soon
vegimansmiley - smiley

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