Marshchapel, Lincolnshire, UK

1 Conversation

Marshchapel is a small village about 12 miles away from the town of Grimsby on the east coast of England. This small village has been my home for 14 years now and I have also hated it for the same length of time.
The village consists of one shop, two pubs, a butchers, a chip shop, a village hall and a park for kids. It is the biggest out of a small network of villages that include North Cotes, Grainthorpe and an old RAF air base Cherry Park. The population of this village is around 500, but this is made up mostly of old people who like to complain at each other about someone down the street. These same people will usally then go down to the person they were complaining about and complain about the person they were just talking to.
This village has no intreast for teenagers, and very little for children. As a small child we had a slide and some swings, which has now become some swings, a climbing frame and a roundabout, but there was a loss of the slide! Teenagers have the football goals, but they never get used as the village seems to soak up peoples energy.
If you ever come though Marshchapel, I will give you this advice..
Get out!
It consumes your body with boredom, and if you stay after a while you start to become molded into one of the old residence peviously metioned. If you are over the age of 13 you will probably be blamed for everything that happens, and if not you will probably end up in perthetic fights about nothing that ever seems important to anyone else.
Drinking is perhaps the only thing that is good in Marshchapel, Alcohol is always good! The only problem with the pubs is that they are full of people your parents know, and also people that will start talking about how noisy/bad/annoying you are/were. If this option seems unbarable, drinking on the street will land you into trouble with the police. The best thing would be save a lot of money and go to Cleethorpes for a night out every two/three weeks (massive taxi fares) or just hope for a lot of house parties.

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