Journal Entries
Something else that embarrasses me, but which I feel ought to go here...
Posted Aug 9, 2002
I am now on the National Junior Shooting Squad.
This doesn't mean much more than that I shoot and am under 21, however.
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Latest reply: Aug 9, 2002
General Crapness
Posted May 14, 2002
I just shot two absolutely terribly atrocious cards, made worse by the fact that I was shooting for the instructor in a competition because he can't use his trigger finger (took a large chunk out of it with a 20lb sledgehammer), I've got coursew*rk due in first thing tomorrow which I still have to do loads to, an exam first thing tomorrow, difficult maths homew*rk due in after that, I've got five bars of chocolate I shouldn't have due to a mix-up someone made packing stuff I'd just bought in a shop into a bag for me, and I can't get back there for ages to return them, so I've got to pay for them, and I think I'm going to have to really cut down my time online. If you hadn't guessed by now, I'm somewhat p**sed off.
S**t s**t s**t.
And don't anyone try to make me feel better.
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Latest reply: May 14, 2002
Um. Well.
Posted Apr 7, 2002
A few of you might remember that just under a year ago I mentioned here that I'd joined a rifle club. Well. I shot in some competitions over the winter, and got through to the finals in three of them. Those finals took place today (in Chichester).
I won them all.
And my sister won hers as well.
I'm not entirely sure if I'm in shock or just extremely surprised... and to be honest, after I was presented with the third I wanted to run away and hide somewhere. I have to be photographed at the club with the trophies and medals as well. And someone was talking about calling the local paper... I just hope the school doesn't get to hear about it.
But... if I want to run away and hide from all this... why am I telling you lot about it?
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Latest reply: Apr 7, 2002
Life, again!
Posted Mar 20, 2002
Dad's got a job!! He starts on Monday!!
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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2002
First AS module results.
Posted Mar 14, 2002
Well, we got our results for the modules we sat in January.
These go towards our AS-level final grades, except for Maths, which go towards my A-level Maths - I'm doing Further Maths...
Maths, Pure Module 1: B - 78% (2 marks off an A)
Maths, Pure Module 2: D - 57% (3 marks off a C)
RE, Foundation Module: A - 80% (on the boundary line!)
Chemistry, Foundation Module: A - 90% (definitely an A! )
I'm verty pleased with all these results, especially the fact I passed P2! I'll still be re-sitting it though, and probably P1 as well. I may also re-sit the RE exam.
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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2002
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