Journal Entries

Pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium pentium...

Today we have a pentium! A 486 no longer!
We danced around the house in a line of conga!

(Well, you try making that rhyme! smiley - winkeye Come on, I want solutions and lots of them! smiley - winkeye)

Then I thought of Ottox... smiley - sadface
You know, if Ottox could actually make it to the January meet, and I could make it to the January meet *fingers crossed!* then I might have been able to persuade dad to give him the 486... which is slightly better than the one he has at the moment...
Oh well.

Oh, this is so much better! Much faster, better monitor, that's it, but smiley - bigeyes it's so much better! smiley - biggrin

OK, I'll stop enthusing about an ancient computer now...


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Latest reply: Dec 10, 2001

Today is Wednesday

And not only I have a rehearsed and performed in a concert, but I have taken part in a world record attempt. smiley - biggrin
That's one of my very minor ambitions out of the way. smiley - smiley


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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2001


I had my first driving lesson yesterday (coincidentally, it was also my 17th birthday - well that's not a coincidence at all, actually... smiley - winkeye) and the reaction form one of my... friends? has rather annoyed me.
He appears to be absolutely convinced that women are always worse drivers than men.
This is the exact wording from when he met me afterwards;
Him: Did you crash?
Me: No.
Him: DAMN!

It's so great to know that one of my friends is willing me to crash...


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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2001

Life, yet again...

...has surprised me.
Someone's bought my Dad's company! They're going to put it back on its feet! smiley - biggrin
Of course, it may not happen, there's a lot to be talked about and a lot to be done, but hopefully it's all going ahead. smiley - smiley
And I've applied for a Saturday job, just in case...


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Latest reply: Oct 5, 2001

Life, again...

...has leapt out from behind some small pebble yelling "BOO!".
Tonight I shot my best EVER score: 99 out of 100.
I don't know if anyone else has ever been depressed and happy at the same time, but it's confusing the hell out of me.


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Latest reply: Oct 2, 2001

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Ming Mang

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