Journal Entries
Posted Oct 1, 2001
...having been going almost well, has suddenly leapt out totally unexpected from behind some small pebble, yelled "BOO!" and totally disrupted everything.
My Dad is redundant.
On Friday everything was seemingly fine, business as usual. This morning (Monday) he arrived at work to find all the locks changed and a letter to each employee saying they were all redundant.
The company that owns the company he works for, and all the other companies that it owns, have gone bust. They're under voluntary liquidation. (Anyone feel like buying a very small electronic gadget designing and manufacturing company? Workforce of five! Collapsed completely!)
Dad gets paid eight weeks salary, either by the company or government, and after that, who knows? I really hope we don't have to go back onto family allowance or whatever it was we were on last time. But if he doesn't get another job, we may have to. Mum works full time now, but she pays for the huge menagerie. It must be several times huger than last time. Last time we only had one horse and one hamster. Now we have probably over a hundred rodents, some poultry, and two horses. It was Dad's earnings paying for us to eat.
I guess I'm sounding like a spoilt middle class brat, I probably am, but I really don't want to go back to living on mouldy bread, exhausted veg and gristle.
And we have to buy a new cooker and keep two old cars on the road.
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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2001
First day at college and I get attacked by a homicidal pillar...
Posted Sep 10, 2001
Well, today was my first day at 6th Form.
It felt nice, walking to school again. I've always enjoyed it, except when it rains, and sometimes even then, cos I like the rain. Today it wasn't raining, but the wind was, as always, trying to freeze my hands, and as normal it was failing to.
I discovered that I have the first double on Mondays free, so I can either go back to sleep, lurk on h2g2 () or do homework I forgot over the weekend...
I had Chemistry, (Further) Maths and RE today, and the good news is I understood all the Maths! (And all of everything else, but maths is more difficult )
And as for being attacked my a homicidal pillar - it slit my wrist. Yes, a pillar. Stop laughing. Actually, laugh all you want, I did when I managed to ignore the pain... Great, huh? First day at college and I get attacked by a homicidal pillar... what tomorrow? Perhaps a chair will stab me? Maybe a door will attempt to strangle me? The whole building fall down around me, miraculously missing everyone else?
Or maybe I'm just being paranoid...
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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2001
Conductorum Weirdum
Posted Sep 7, 2001
Well, my orchestra actually has a new conductor now, and he's weird!!
And *scared look* I was the only flute there today... and I'm the worst in the orchestra, I really hope everyone just forgot it started again today or something and they're still going to come... I can't play it by myself!!
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Latest reply: Sep 7, 2001
I pushed a button!
Posted Aug 23, 2001
And it's all Ottox's fault!!
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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2001
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