A Conversation for H2G2 Free-Form Fantasy Forum
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 17, 2002
*Takes a bottle out of a hip pouch, takes a swig, and passes it around.*
[Ma Chao] So... what did you want to ask?
The seige of Galyana
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Dec 17, 2002
[Furr] What brrought each of yeou to assisst the people of Galyana in rrepelling the Black Legiown?
Ai prresume that Lampwick and RRibald have been making ssport of how to use Materia and Magicite, refferring to 'drrop down menuss' and ssuch thingss. Tell me iff thiss iss trrue?
:: Furr reclines against the trunk of a tree near the fire and curls his tail around himself, waiting for the reply. ::
[/Furr; no Baileywick this time]
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 17, 2002
*Ma Chao shrugs.*
[Ma Chao] Well, as for the Materia... I just hold it and concentrate...
*Holds a piece of Materia towards a tree trunk, concentrates, and a blast of ice freezes it solid.*
[Ma Chao] see? As for why I'm doing this... well, I guess it's because someone has to do it.
The seige of Galyana
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Dec 17, 2002
:: Furr is pleasantly surprised by the results of Ma Chao's demonstration, though it's an amused smiled that curls his lip as he reveals... ::
[Furr] Ai ssee there iss a way for yeour people to employ the powerrs of the Eternal Balance, even on thiss plane of exisstence, though here it sseems yeou musst channel yeour thoughts through a mediuowm of ssome sorrt. The crrystalss yeou call 'Magicite', the subsstance yeou call 'Materia', the invocationss and gessturres yeou must use to frree its powerr to affect yeour own physsical rrealm. All these arre merely sshadows of the grreater 'oneness' that bindss all the planess of exisstence.
In the rrealm where Ai come ffrom, we need only think of what we wish to sshape into our rreality and it becomess sso. Ai have heard yeour people call our ffolk 'crreaturres' and 'animalss', yet we arre as ssentient as yeou. We have livess and lovess--
:: here his voice catches in his throat, then he presses on ::
...we have ssocieties and nationss, we have a hisstorry and ssome of us even have a vision for our futurre. We will not let these things be jeowpardized!
There is a correlation between the planess in a myrriad of wayss. Connectionss and juncturres whereby one may obserrve or interrject. And we arre all senssitive to the ffluctuationss in the Balance; morre so in our own rrealm, but enough sso in any otherr that we can detect the prressence of those who would attempt to deforrm or destrroy the Balance. Maiy ffolk became awarre of changess in the Balance ssome time ago, and have only recently been able to trrace its orriginss to yeour worrld. We have an inkling of the sshape and charracterr of thiss evil drriving force and can ffeel for a cerrtainty yeour worrld will not be the only one effected if thiss menace rrisess to full powerr. A ssplinterring of the planess iss imminent if we do not prrevail againsst the agent of thiss evil.
If for no otherr rreasson than to reclaim the lives of maiy friends, or at leasst avenge them, Ai will stand with yeou againsst the onslaught of the Black Legiown and the sschemerr behind their actions. Ai will find a way to rreturn them to our rrealm and perrhapss their orriginal forms...
:: He draws out the golden Magicite crystal he pulled from the wreckage of the carts earlier in the evening. ::
Ai have a vessted interresst in thiss endeavorr...
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 17, 2002
[Ma Chao] I'd like to know why Bahamut chose me. I've tried to ask him, but he won't answer, and I don't have the strength to summon him, even wqhen I'm fully rested...
The seige of Galyana
Dizzy the Void Posted Dec 17, 2002
[Lampwick, meanwhile, sets up a few tents.]
[Ribald] So, should we have some sort of fireside chat, or cut straight to morning?
The seige of Galyana
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Dec 17, 2002
Fireside chat...with 'ghost stories'. Yeah!
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Ma Chao] Well I'm not going first; I provided the drink...
The seige of Galyana
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Furr] ...so anyway, there I was surrounded by the enemy...
a horde of orcs <---on this side
on that side---> a slew of other fiends
and coming down---> an evil with a
on a leash <---the middle
I was trapped with no place to run. So I did the only thing I could...
I lit up a ball, started
the theme from Saturday Night Headache, and bust'a'move like Jon Revolta...
It was sheer chaos! The creatures began smashing each others brains out, trying to help each other so they wouldn't have to hear it. It was over in a matter of moments... When the carnage ended I was the Last Man Standing...
[just a little OOC]
The seige of Galyana
Dizzy the Void Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Ribald] /I/'ve got a story!
[Lampwick] Uh-oh.
[Ribald] [excited mode] So, there I am, armed with nothing but a spork, and then suddenly I'm attacked by five thousand berserker gerbils! Naturally, I ...
[Fade out. Fade in.]
[Ribald] [comedy mode] ... I let the Grand Visier reach into my Bag of Holding, and he pulls out one very annoyed-looking Ruby Dragon, who calmly says ...
[Fade out. Fade in.]
[Ribald] [I-messed-up mode] ... "Any deity THAT stupid DESERVES to have his altar desacrated." Then the old man starts to glow, and the rest of us run screaming ...
[Fade out. Fade in.]
[Ribald] [leaning in close] ... because the spell disintegrated the Queen's clothing, and everyone sees her ...
[Quickly fade out. Fade in.]
[Ribald] ... rats. Great big heaps of dead rats. The ogre king says, "Eat up! Is there something wrong with my hospitality?" So I reach out and ...
[Lampwick] And THAT's when the story ends.
[Ribald] YOU got a better one??
[Lampwick] No, but you've talked enough for ten minstrels already.
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Ma Chao] I guess it's my turn... but I don't know any stories to tell, save what you've seen me do. Most of my other stuff's pretty un-glorious...
*Looks at the Magicite containing Bahamut.*
[Ma Chao] ...except that one time...
{Blahblahblah} And there they were, Dragons! Dosens of them! Soaring through the sky! They put the Orc hoards to flame, and saved the land of Valkien! ... Dragons...
*Looks out towards the Blade Mountains.*
[Ma Chao] ... Dragons...
The seige of Galyana
Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Furr] Urrrrr... Ma Chao? Tell me there arre not sstill drragonss in the Blade Mountainss, for we will pass by that way, will we not?
:: Shudders. Mutters under his breath... ::
Ai severrely disslike rreptiless...
:: Baileywick tries to hide a mischeivous grin, reaches into his bundle of stuff, and inconspicuously slides something right next to Furr Purrfikt. ::
[Baileywick] 'Scuse me, guv'nor, dya mean a critter like as jes' crawled up next t'ya?
:: Furr looks down. Beside him rests a rather life-like rubber snake, though the facsimile has its intended effect. Furr instantly springs into a low-hanging tree branch, yowling in dismay. Leaves flutter down from the shaking limb, and only Furr's glowing eyes can be seen glowing from the firelight. The rest of the party explodes in a fit of laughter. Much later, and trying to regain what little dignity he may be able to salvage, he drops to the ground and examines the decoy. He stares at Baileywick, and a wicked gleam passes across his countenance. ::
[Furr] Funny man yeou arre, maiy frriend. Ai ssee we ssome ssporrt affoot... Ssleep well tonight...
[/Furr & Baileywick]
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 18, 2002
Feel free to join, just wander in, and try not to look to reptilian.
[Ma Chao] I think...
I think you misunderstand, Furr... Lampwick, hit Ribald on the back would you, before he squirts ale through his no- oh well...
The seige of Galyana
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Eric} A stoy eh, Well there is one from my journeys with Gosan-Coombe here. We were being hired to kill this fellow that poisened a well in the Hersishi deistric od Ziam. Well anyway ~yak Yak yak~ Killed him with a stead hidden down a booby trapped toilet. It was most amusing and ingenous as well. Best days work we ever did!
The seige of Galyana
Mystrunner Posted Dec 18, 2002
Could you give me a bit of background, if you don't mind...? B-Log is rather long... Setting, time of day, anyone to kill, etc.?
The seige of Galyana
Wargamer (The Wanderer) Posted Dec 18, 2002
Okay... *Deep breath.*
Galyana, City of Light, is under seige from the Black Legion. Ma Chao, Eric and Ribald left Galyana to try and gain help from Corellia, the neighbouring city state. On the way, they met Furr, an Esper Dragoon.
They discovered, to their horror, that Corellia had turned traitor, and Black Legion troops were everywhere. They tried to sneak in, but failed. However, they did gain a fair bit of Materia and Magicite along the way...
It is now night, and we're telling stories. If your quick, you can get some of Ma Chao's Wutian spirits before everyone else drinks it all...
The seige of Galyana
Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me Posted Dec 18, 2002
[Eric] Is that Wutian spirits from the Wutan Clan?
Key: Complain about this post
The seige of Galyana
- 201: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 202: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 203: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 204: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 205: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 206: Dizzy the Void (Dec 17, 2002)
- 207: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Dec 17, 2002)
- 208: Dizzy the Void (Dec 18, 2002)
- 209: Dizzy the Void (Dec 18, 2002)
- 210: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 211: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 212: Dizzy the Void (Dec 18, 2002)
- 213: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 214: Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere]) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 215: Mystrunner (Dec 18, 2002)
- 216: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 217: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Dec 18, 2002)
- 218: Mystrunner (Dec 18, 2002)
- 219: Wargamer (The Wanderer) (Dec 18, 2002)
- 220: Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me (Dec 18, 2002)
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