A Conversation for An Empty Area of Space...

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 21

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

*Stubles in from the hall covered in honey and slocshing around in tea soaked socks* Can anyone tell me were all the rest of the fun is around here?...no. OK. I'll find it on my own. *Follows his Honey tracks back out the door*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 22


(observing tea covered partigoers) I think I need to set my nanomolecular rerplicat-o-matic to umbrella. Or tea sheild. What's this about monkeys?

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 23

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

*runs in from next door lab, after hearing mention of monkeys*
WHERE!!! did you see one of the little buggers? Where did he/she/it (gotta be PC of course) go?
*runs around frantically for a second, then returns to his comfortable chair in the laboratory*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 24


*walks in wondering why everyone is running from place to place around here*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 25

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

*finds a seat in the corner and takes out the notebook, set in on the table. Feels his nose to make sure he didn't break it during that last fall* Oh i found the cheesy bisquits, now to see what this notebook has in it.....*opens the front cover of Engels's notes that read: 'MAY CAUSE SOME TO BECOME PARANOID', flips through the first few pages* What if someone is watching me....Oh my God I can't read this here...What if they get me? What if they know....? AND WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT ALARM FOR IN THE LAB ROOM?

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 26


*materialises in the middle of the Great Hall, on top of the table, looks down and realises one foot is sitting in a plate of 3 day old taramasalata*
*delves into pocket and pulls out a tripod*
*sets it up and places an object similar to a large camera on top*
*presses a large button, and steps back*

*gets into place in front of device, about 15 feet away*
*there is a loud flash and a cloud of blue smoke describes a perfect smokering up towards the ceiling of the Great Hall*
*there are now 2 Babel-17's standing in the hall*
Right, you get scouting, meet me here in about 20 hours, I'll be back to pick you up.
*B-17/1 replaces the apparatus in his pockets and dematerialises*
*B-17/2 looks around and leaves the Great Hall munching on a cheesy biscuit*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 27

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E wonders what on Earth (OK, what one the Space Stations smiley - winkeye) been going on in here...*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 28

Chris Tonks

Planet of San Beta!! I was just wondering the same thing!smiley - winkeye
Don't worry, I can track absolutly *anything* on this vessel! They won't cause any harm.
What's happened to my download speeds? It's taking my about 10 mins to acess a single page on h2g2 - and on 56k!!
I don't know...

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 29

11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_

*Gladly notices Big C didn;t notice him hunched in the courner reading Engels' notebook* I told you they would find me....they've sent reinforcements from below, they multiply..aaaahhhhhh. They're onto me, the server going down yesterday...that was no accident they know I'm here.....I can't hide anywhere....OH GOD WHERE CAN I HIDE? I gotta get ride of this notebook, but how could anyone else handle what's in it....*Stuffs face with cheesy bisquits to try and comfort his paranoia* I've gotta give it back to Engels....maybe he can help....yes he'll help me, wait what if that's what he wants? Maybe he planned the whole thing from the start. 'hide notebook, spill tea, set missel off, lose monkeys, get Dodge Ram drunk, *Clutches head in hands and rips out some hair, looks up to the camera that would be overhead in a pysco movie and gives a uneasy crazy, madman type laugh*
No I'll go to Engles, he will help. *leaves the room and heads to the lab, on the way out he gets pinched in between the two sliding doors* Owww, excuse me can anyone lend a hand.......?

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 30

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E lends a hand & pushes the dorrs apart so that he can get free of the doors...smiley - smiley*

Don't you just hate it when even the doors turn against you...smiley - winkeye

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 31

Chris Tonks

I saw him, I heard him...smiley - winkeye
Computer! Keep tracking system logged on to subject 11_3082 Tysbe Perich_(ACE)_.
[Confirmed. Inform in results?]
Anyway, could I have a Vogsphere salad please E?smiley - smiley

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 32

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

(A wet and agitated monkey limps in carrying Peet on its back)

"Don't ask."

(Fortunately, Peet had remembered the age-old rule of laboratory animals - drop them in a maze, and they will head straight for the food...! He peels himself off the monkey and heads for the snacks)

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 33


Um... Has anyone noticed those two monkeys in lab coats that are crouching behind the snack table? One seems to be taking notes, and the other's got a syringe. Is there anything I might want to know about what's been going on in the labs?

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 34

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

*Walks in, sees the monkeys*
Hm.... no.... there's nothing...erm...strange about that at all.
*calls to the monkeys*
Rocko, buttons, drop that notebook and get back in your cages, You've been bad little primates this time, havn't you?

Hmmm... does anyone have anything to drink in here? I'm getting a little thirsty, with all this chasing monkeys around. smiley - winkeye

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 35

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*hands over BigC's salad, which, even though it's a little late, is incredibly delicious because just that little bit longer was taken over making it even better...smiley - winkeye*

What kind of drink would you like...there's...well...there's everything...smiley - winkeye

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 36

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

Hmm... how about a scotch on the rocks. I need something strong to try and forget the choas going on in the labs. smiley - winkeye

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 37

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*a scotch on the rocks miraculously appears in E's hand & she hands it over to Engles*

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 38

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

(Peet approaches, stuffing his face with a steak pie sandwich)

Hey, folx - Howzitgoin'?

Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 39

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

(steak pie *sandwich*??!!)


Ahhh...food...The Great Hall

Post 40

Chris Tonks

*munches on salad, even though, against popular belief, it isn't strictly speaking healthy*
Cheers E!smiley - smiley
Peet, you evidently got out of the maze. I must congratulate you!smiley - winkeye
Surely it was hard?

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