A Conversation for An Empty Area of Space...

CHEESY BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 281

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Another catastrophe stopped then... smiley - smiley

*refils the plate of cheesy biscuits & wonders why she doesn't have a little machine to do it for her......then she remembers that if she didn't refill the plate.....1/2 the time she'd have nothing to post.. smiley - winkeye*

CHEESY BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 282

Chris Tonks

Nah...you make some worthwhile comments sometimes...smiley - winkeye

*realises he's in trouble now...*

CHEESY BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 283

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)


CHEESY BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 284

Chris Tonks

*Notice to Everyone:*

As of the time of this posting, anyone who wishes to post in any threads in the Space Station forum must agree to the Terms and Conditions set out on the Space Station page, at the bottom.

Simply click on the appropriate link, and send me an email with your username on h2g2, so you will not be ignored in these threads.


- Pr. C. Tonks

*...Notice to Everyone.*

CHEESY BISCUITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post 285

Mew (who is hovering in midair unless otherwise stated)


Going away...but no C.ompuT.er this time...

Post 286

Chris Tonks

*Deep in the Primary Labs, where no one but Pr. C> Tonks can get into, a room fills with light.The main door slides open quickly, and a figure strolls in. He heads over to a control console, flicks a few switches, and more lights come on. He then walks over to a very large, round, thin object at the end of the room, and tugs off a giant sheet covering it. The ring underneath it turns itself on as the sheet is rolled up and thrown into a corner of the room by the figure, who proceeds back over to the control console. As he presses buttons and the ring begins to hum louder, he speaks out over the noise...*

Computer, set security systems on full. and that means full. Keep in constant contact with San Beta, and inform them of my departure. I will return in 3 days.

[Affirmative Sir. I will ensure that all will go to plan]


*The ring's humming is now very intense. The figure presses more buttons, touches a panel with his hand to verify orders, and places himself infront of the ring, a few metres back. He shouts out...*

D;C to D;Y2 !

*The eight protrusions lining the inner circle of the ring glow orange, and a beam is emitted by each into the centre.*

[Attention. Radupart emission in progress. Extreem caution advised.]

[Locking in Dimensional Matrix... done. Stitching...]

*The point where the eight beams meet begins to glow, and a field, literally a hole in the Dimensional Matrix, begins to get wider, expanding to the inner circle of the ring, where it stops.*

[Dimensional Matrix biPassed Sir. Fissure closure imminent. Please proceed immidiatly.]

*The figure, Pr. C. Tonks, walks up the the field, looks back at the lab, presses some buttons on his Watch, and steps through the Dimensional Fissure. It closes behind him, and the lights go out in the lab.*

Return from Somewhere Else...

Post 287

Chris Tonks

*3 days later, the activation sequence for the DMbP starts again. As the completed portal to Dimension D;Y2 shimmers slightly, Pr. C. Tonks steps though it. He wares a grim face as he steps over to the control console and shuts it down again.*
*He looks back at the closing portal, and shakes his head, sighs, and then walks out of the lab...*

*A few seconds later, the portal opens without the correct sequence, and a small purple blob drips through, an indetectable field sheltering it even from the C.ompuT.er PrimLab Security...*


Post 288

Chris Tonks

The Space Station BIg C has been moved!
We are now to be found at http://www.h2g2.com/A468155 !
smiley - smiley

- Pr. C. Tonks

Please do not post here any longer...

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