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Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Sep 8, 2005
So, how's it going on, any news yet ?
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 8, 2005
170 for 4. Strauss 71, Freddie 17. Fingers crossed that these two can put a useful partnership together
Peers into the distance, is that a cloud on the horizon.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Sep 8, 2005
I know it sounds odd, but I guess a downpour would be convenient right now ?
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 8, 2005
No, only joking, we need to get as many runs on the board as we can, we need to be safely in the lead before rain would help.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Sep 8, 2005
God this is tense....
At least with football you only gwet 1/2 hour or so of shitting oneself. This is going to last 5 days (hopefully ).
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 8, 2005
Going to have to run my flexitime down and go and watch it can't take the tension.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Sep 8, 2005
Better, but really we need to get to 300/4 to be in charge.
The Aussies are deffo on top at the moment.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Orcus Posted Sep 8, 2005
Ish, depends on whether they can get many more.
An overall total approaching 400 would be fine, more would be excellent.
They *should* be able to do that but must stop losing wickets as the later batting gets weaker the further down the order.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 8, 2005
To state the blindingly obvious Warne with his tail up, in his last Ashes match in England, has the potential to tip the balance at any point.
I hate to tempt providence but what is the record number of wickets taken in an over?
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Orcus Posted Sep 8, 2005
Dunno actually that's an ineresting one.
I've definitely seen 3 I guess four is very rare (although I think I recall watching one), ever seen 5?
On a more optimistic note. Strauss is on 92 no and Flintoff is building a nice total. Lets hope they keep it up
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. Posted Sep 8, 2005
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Sep 8, 2005
Well my take is that Australia are on top still big time. However Strauss and Freddie are building a partnership that *could* start to tip the game in our favour.
However I would say to do that they have to score at least 80 or 90 more runs before the partnership is broken.
To be honest I cannot see that happening.
I would say if it was a normal test that we were trying to win and nowt else then 400 would be a decent ish score. However with the possibility of two days of bad weather and us only needing a draw a score of 350 might just be enough for a 1st innings total.
However I expect England to be all out for about 310 or so to be honest. It looks to me right now that the ashes are not coming home.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Orcus Posted Sep 8, 2005
Who hold on, Australia will have to bat a sod of a lot better that in previous matches to win this. Lets not jump the gun. Remember we have a stronger batting line up this test too.
Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master Posted Sep 8, 2005
I dunno, I have had a *really* bad feeling ever since the ECB announced they had provisionally booked a victory parade. Talk about jinxing the boys...
My lot have been banned from bigging up England in any way whatsoever on pain of a savage nipple cripple!
I really have a deep sense of forboding about this one. I just hope it rains, a lot and soon.
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Fifth Ashes Test - The Oval
- 41: aka Bel - A87832164 (Sep 8, 2005)
- 42: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 8, 2005)
- 43: aka Bel - A87832164 (Sep 8, 2005)
- 44: nicki (Sep 8, 2005)
- 45: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 8, 2005)
- 46: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Sep 8, 2005)
- 47: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 8, 2005)
- 48: aka Bel - A87832164 (Sep 8, 2005)
- 49: nicki (Sep 8, 2005)
- 50: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Sep 8, 2005)
- 51: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
- 52: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 8, 2005)
- 53: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
- 54: WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean. (Sep 8, 2005)
- 55: aka Bel - A87832164 (Sep 8, 2005)
- 56: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Sep 8, 2005)
- 57: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
- 58: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
- 59: Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master (Sep 8, 2005)
- 60: Orcus (Sep 8, 2005)
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