A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It seems smiley - tit is still under moderation, surely this should have been sorted out months ago? He has attempted to reply to an old Researcher's question, but his answer is still hidden smiley - sigh

Also, why has there been no ACEing done for 5 weeks? I know it's voluntary, perhaps I should ask for my 'at back? smiley - tongueincheek

This place appears to be floundering with only the regular users and Guide Editors keeping it on track smiley - erm

Come on Robbie! Shake them up and get some FUN back into this place smiley - divasmiley - bubbly *hic*

Auntie Giggles

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

are the volentear groups etc still going anymore? err, I've so lost track wth who's doing what etc smiley - alienfrownsmiley - ghost

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 3


Auto-censor glitch, the system is blocking "0B1Kn... ...0B", 0 = zero, if the 'Kn' is followed immediately by the '0B'.

Try it and see!

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 4


I also find the frequent blockages of Traveler in Time's posting irritating.

I suppose it may have to do with the "TiT" monogram.

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 5


Perhaps not, but the statement above as written included the blue-tit smiley and that was not posted,

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Traveller in Time, also known as TiT, is on pre-moderation. That's why his postings are often shown as "hidden" - they have to be looked at by a moderator before they can be displayed.

I don't know what he did to be put into this state.

Everything I'm about to say is what I've gathered from official announcements:

We're not allowed to discuss moderation decisions on the site. I understand that moderation is done by a team of moderators who are not allowed to discuss moderation decisions with each other; there's one central head of moderation who is the only person who sees all the moderation issues.

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 7

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

I did see a string of ACE greetings about a week ago, but they are far more sparse than ever. As for moderation, it has always been what-ever TPTB decide it will be today.

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Gnomon,

I know why smiley - tit was put into pre-moderation. I am questioning why it has been going on for over a year and still not sorted.

He has been allowed to use at least one of his sock puppet accounts quite openly and without any further penalties.

Perhaps someone at the top of the chain could look into this matter and bring about some resolution, allowing smiley - tit to enjoy his return to h2g2 after we lost him for a number of years when we left the control of the BBC.

lil xx

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 9

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Please alert [email protected] if you have information of an account that should have been pre-moderated.
thanks for your help
smiley - towel

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


It had been pre-moderated, and then opened up again.

So I don't see why any of his accounts need to be moderated at all. As far as I can see he has done nothing. He's only attempted to answer questions in the same way as he did while under the BBC.

I think someone above needs to look into the reasons why smiley - tit is being treated in this way. I haven't always understood his way of abstract posting, but I *do know* he has been totally harmless in h2g2.


Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 11

Milla, h2g2 Operations

again, please help the moderators by alerting them to which account this is.
smiley - towel

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 12

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

Not necessarily in any way related, but a thought comes to mind.

Our military keeps changing their annual assessment schemes and methods, every other year is a new and more fair method. Something that is never taken into account is the human factor. If there is a grievance, a grudge, a very old axe to re-grind - it will still find a way in.

I have seen touches and traces of this "axiom" under every level of h2g2 management since 2004 - the "personal" touch, shall we say?

Just thinking aloud ...

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 13

Witty Moniker

smiley - popcorn

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 14

h2g2 Operations

A message just came in from Robbie Stamp:
"Hi All,
the team have alerted me to this thread. So just to say that I haven't disappeared. We do work closely with the moderators and the Core Team and are keeping an eye.
We have been dealing with some serious login issues and they have consumed our limited resources and proved hard to crack but we have made significant progress and hope to be able to announce something soon."

for Robbie Stamp,
Milla of Operations smiley - cogs

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 15

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Thank you, Robbie.

I look forward to hearing more from you soon smiley - ok

In the meantime perhaps others could be more lenient with pre-moderation, they are well aware of how much this disrupts the flow of the threads, especially when it doesn't appear necessary for it to be extended for such a long period of time.

As I have been away from the site for thirteen months, only looking in occasionally to watch out for my friends, I shall stay quiet once more as I don't seem to have energy for such excitement these days smiley - winkeye

lil ~ Auntie Giggles x

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am really, really happy to hear from you again, Lil.

And Robbie, I admire you more than I could ever say.

I also have deep admiration for the many Hootooers who still visit this site, knowing that it has seen better days but still has something to offer.

This is my favorite site, and I love it.

smiley - smiley

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 17

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Well, any prolonged pre-moderation would be with the backing of the owners, would it not? So, expecting "others" to not follow the direction of NPL would be slightly odd, and cause them to lose their volunteer roles, right?

smiley - towel

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 18


Hi lil ! smiley - smooch
It seems all of the ACEs have been busy IRL at the same time, so no ACEing was done for a while.
... Which makes it that much harder to catch up now that there are so many. smiley - runsmiley - puffsmiley - puff
But we'll get there, eventually. smiley - ok

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 19

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

This is, no doubt, the wrong place. But an idea keeps coming to mind.

There are some pretty good minds and talents who still come around, that could be a benefit to the day-to-day operation of the site. Some that are amazingly clever and skilled in many ways, others who just have quite a lot of time on their hands.

Some barred from helping because of past transgressions reguarding "personalities". None particularly against the site or its management.

Perhaps a time will come to re-think that one particular policy? Just another thinking aloud moment.

Where have all the Helpers gone?

Post 20

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

As a moderator at another site I don't think it right to keep someone hanging on.Either ban them completely or allow them to post provided they follow the rules..

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