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Suggest a film demake.

Post 21


I've been trying to think of one for Errol Flynn...

Then I thought of this:

"The Matrix" (I keep coming back to that one), only this time:

A young Tony Curtis as Neo.
An older Burt Lancaster as Morpheus.

And Errol Flynn as Agent Smith. And swords instead of kung fu. I would watch the hell out of THAT.

Suggest a film demake.

Post 22


>I agree - any film with Edward Norton is well worth seeing. Even when he was much younger - what was that film with Richard Gere as his attorney? - he really stood out.

Even the Hulk remake? smiley - winkeye

(I suspect that was his own personal geeky Tarantino type moment to be fair - go for it if you can I suppose).

Acting styles over the years is really quite interesting.

I once had a golden moment at my brother's house a few years ago when a black and white film happened to be on the telly in his living room. He noticed it for a moment and commented 'Who's that crap actor, it's terrible?!'

Me - "...er that's Sir Lawrence Olivier, Ian."

(Twas a showing of Rebecca).

smiley - rofl

He was suitably embarrassed smiley - smiley

Suggest a film demake.

Post 23


Strong female characters from the past would be quite cool.

How about a remake of Thelma and Louise with Katherine Hepburn and Bette Davis

Suggest a film demake.

Post 24

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Even the Hulk remake?" [orcus]

Agreed. Also, in the "Italian job" remake, some critics complained that he just phoned in the acting, he was that lackluster.

But nobody bats a thousand.

"He noticed it for a moment and commented 'Who's that crap actor, it's terrible?!'
Me - "...er that's Sir Lawrence Olivier, Ian."

Olivier didn't bat a thousand either. He had serious trouble getting into the role of Heathcliffe in "Wuthering heights."

I would make peace with the changes that have occurred. If those older actors ha to adapt to modern challenges, who is to say that they wouldn't rise to the occasion?

I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. de Mille." smiley - biggrin

Suggest a film demake.

Post 25


Can't say I have bothered to watch the remade Italian Job.

Suggest a film demake.

Post 26


I believe Rebecca is considered to be quite good though. smiley - smiley

To be fair, it is just a style thing. I've never found Keaton or Chaplin funny but I bet I would have done if I'd been around at the time.

Suggest a film demake.

Post 27

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

You have missed nothing by avoiding the "Italian Job" remake. I never liked Chaplin, I kind of liked Keaton, and I loved Harold Lloyd. But Laurel and Hardy seemed best of all.

There's no accounting for taste. smiley - smiley

Suggest a film demake.

Post 28

Pink Paisley

Star Wars:

Princess Leia - Lisa Minelli
Luke Skywalker - Micky Rooney
Han Solo - Roger Moore
Yoda - Reg Varney
Darth Vader - Kenneth Williams

Music - Stock, Aitken and Waterman.

Am I getting the hang of this?


Suggest a film demake.

Post 29

You can call me TC

Darth Vader - Kenneth Williams

smiley - biggrin

Suggest a film demake.

Post 30

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The only Kenneth Williams who had more than one acting job was Michael Kenneth Williams

Is that the one?

Suggest a film demake.

Post 31


I think this is actually the one, paulh: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0931054/?ref_=tt_cl_t4

He's a very British actor from the VERY British Carry On films. The thought of him playing Darth Vadar will probably be hilarious to anyone who's seen any of the films.

Deb smiley - cheerup

Suggest a film demake.

Post 32

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I don't think I've seen anything he was in. This seems a shame, as the third picture he made had Laurence Olivier in the cast. he also did a version of "Beggar's Opera," which I've tried to understand -- "A Chorus of Disapproval" was even *about* an amateur production of that --

The one I mentioned has been in some well-regarded films, some of which I've seen.

There are an awful lot of talented British actors. I was happy that we Yanks lured Peter Cook to American television for "The Two of us," but he went and died on us not all that long afterward. smiley - sadface The Dudley Moore came over and became a big star here, and he died far too young as well. We may not be very good for British show-business people, though P. G. Wodehouse came over to Long Island, got interested in baseball [New York has a few good baseball teams smiley - winkeye], and lived into his 90s.

smiley - yikes It's comedy, isn't it? Steve Martin said that comedy isn't pretty. Sometimes, it's pretty deadly. smiley - run

smiley - winkeye

Suggest a film demake.

Post 33

Pink Paisley

THIS Kenneth Williams (in the dark suit).


But unbelievably, I found this!



Suggest a film demake.

Post 34

Pink Paisley

Actually, not so unbelievable when I think about it. That IS the interwebs out there.....


Suggest a film demake.

Post 35


smiley - applausesmiley - rofl

Deb smiley - cheerup

Suggest a film demake.

Post 36

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Darth Vader had to be *someone's* father, with a name so much like Vater [German for father]. Could Anna Sophie Mutter have played Princess Leia? smiley - winkeye.....

Suggest a film demake.

Post 37


>You have missed nothing by avoiding the "Italian Job" remake. I never liked Chaplin, I kind of liked Keaton, and I loved Harold Lloyd. But Laurel and Hardy seemed best of all.

There's no accounting for taste. smiley <

That's pretty much sums up my opinion also. Laurel and Hardy did come significantly after Chaplin though to be fair. Chaplin in sound hasn't been something I've seen much of though I really did like his Great Dictator.

Kenneth Williams as Darth Vader? smiley - rofl Even better might be Charles Hawtrey - in that case you could have Sid James as Han Solo versus Joan Sims as Leia - I actually could see Joan Sims doing quite a good job there.

Kenneth Williams would have been pretty brilliant as C3PO (really!), Bernard Breslaw as Chewbacca, Jim Dale would have to be Luke Skywalker.

Anyone for a retrospective Carry on Star Wars computer animation. This sounds rather fun...:D

Suggest a film demake.

Post 38


MARY Poppins

Dawn French and Rowan Atkinson in the main roles

Suggest a film demake.

Post 39

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Jim Dale was a great P T Barnum!

Suggest a film demake.

Post 40


bobstafford: you appear to have missed the point.

How about...

"The Terminator":
Starring Jack Palance as the Terminator.
Clint Eastwood as Kyle Reese.
And Katherine Ross as Sarah Connor.

Just picture those actors doing these two lines:
"I'll be back."


"Come with me if you want to live.".

I'd watch that.

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