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Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 41

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

In the Special Edition,
"Han attempts to get his gun out of his holster, but, crucially, FAILS. Greedo gets the drop on him, and shoots first.
What does this make Han look like? A wuss. A half-arsed loser who can't talk his way out of a confrontation, and hasn't the skill to shoot his way out. A dumbass. But it gets worse.
Greedo got the drop on him and shoots... but from a range of less than a metre, MISSES HIM" [Hoovooloo]

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Let me get this straight. Han Dropped his gun, and Greedo missed from a range of less than 3 feet? This was *not* good for *anyone.* Why bother to have the scene at all, if you demolish two characters' credibility?

That is, if Star Wars is supposed to be serious, which I don't try to imagine. I like some sight gags -- the fat guy [who looks like Andy Griffith] in a flying chair is a very funny scene smiley - laugh. And try to watch with a straight face when the Ewoks are on the screen smiley - laugh. And what is that on princess Leia's head, a pastry? "Spaceballs" gt some well-deserved laughs at the expense of "Star Wars." Gotta love it! smiley - ok

[But that's okay, as I need some laughs smiley - erm]

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 42

Mol - on the new tablet

Need help.

Nod and Osh saw Ep 7 today. For reasons which were *entirely Nod's fault* (ie not the result of bad parental organisation) they missed the start.

Can anybody who has seen the film please head over to my PS and I will set up a convo there (to avoid spoilers here) - they aren't sure how much they missed or how important it was.

They were both absolutely blown away, btw. I haven't seen Nod that excited since ... well, actually, I'm not sure I've *ever* seen her that excited.


Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 43

Gnomon - time to move on

They were being ironic in the new film.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 44


With the Kessel run thing? Yeah I know but it still grates - I should probably get over it smiley - winkeye

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 45

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

No matter how long ago or far away you are, the universe still wants you to believe that people will do stupid things that you, as a viewer, know they shouldn't do. smiley - winkeye

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 46


"Let me get this straight. Han Dropped his gun"

No. When I said "Greedo gets the drop on him", I meant "Greedo shoots first, despite all the efforts Han has gone to over the last couple of minutes to keep him talking and distracted while Han gets his gun out".

Han does not *literally* drop his gun.

But yet, Greedo does MISS from a range of three feet. Which makes him look utterly ridiculous and removes any impression you may have gained that this guy was some kind of threat, and, worse, makes Han look even more of a moron for letting such an idiot beat him to the draw.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 47

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I stand corrected.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 48


Yay! We've seen episode VI. Now speculating what will be in the next two...

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 49

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Apparently not every *dead* character stays dead, judging from this episode smiley - winkeye.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 50

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

smiley - yikes

Don't tell me that, I don't wanna' know!!

*Puts fingers in his ears.*

smiley - musicalnote La la la... La, la la la... smiley - musicalnote

smiley - pirate

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 51


Did I say VI? Of course I meant VIIā€¦.
I think we've learn from films in general what amazing powers of recuperation some people have whereas other are felled with surprisingly little force.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 52


Ah yes, I knew there was an entry on it:

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 53

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"what amazing powers of recuperation some people have whereas other are felled with surprisingly little force." [Teasswill]

It seems to be the rule that in an opera, the fat lady sings and then dies, at which point you know the show is over. smiley - winkeye

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 54

Pink Paisley

Stormtroopr armour is absolutely rubbish.

What is it for? If you can, please point me at a single instance of it saving a stormtrooper from dying after being hit by a shot from anything more lethal than a door.



Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 55

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Most of the time people are using blasters, which could be pretty powerful for all we know. What's much less forgivable is that the Ewoks take 'em out with bows and arrows. smiley - rolleyes

smiley - pirate

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 56

Mol - on the new tablet

I only found out this week that stormtroopers are people in armour. I thought they were like cybermen.


Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 57

Rev Nick - dead man walking (mostly)

There was a cute graphic on FaceBook this week, a storm-trooper and a Star Trek character. The trooper fires 200 shots and hits nothing - and the red-shirt dies anyway.

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 58

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Have you not seen A New Hope before?

smiley - pirate

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 59

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

smiley - simpost

Ooooh!! Post a link! Please, please... smiley - grovel

smiley - pirate

Star Wars - I know it has been asked .....

Post 60

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Maybe the Star Wars universe is not the same as our own. That would explain different laws of physics and cause-and-effect. smiley - winkeye

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