A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 101


Okay, I'll set up a page when I have a spare five minutes.

But just to clarify here first - all I really, really need is:

. Link to the Thread Page
. The Quote

The rest of the information is nice to have, and would save me a bit of time, but can work it out myself if I need to. I'm not adverse to doing the legwork if it reduces the hassle for submitting Quotes.


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 102


You DO do an amazing job Geggs, your sterling efforts really are appreciated smiley - hug

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 103

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'm impatient to see myself placed on the Leader Board. I've had a couple of QotD's over the years, including one last year, I'm pretty sure, and now I have today's!

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 104

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I've given up on seeing myself on there--I'm neither witty nor pithy. Of course, talking more would probably help, too...

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 105


I'll try to get the Leaderboard updated today. I seem to be doing it once a week at the moment...


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 106


Neither "[email protected]" nor "[email protected]" work as valid http:// addresses in my browser I want to send you a suggestion that impressed me.

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 107

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

[email protected]

Is an email address, Stone Aarts.

lil x

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 108


Oh I see it's an email address smiley - run

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 109


smiley - ok

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 110

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - ok

Aaah.. Bless... Watch those likkul legs go! smiley - bigeyes

smiley - laugh

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 111


There's enough Quotes in the system to last till Tuesday. If anyone wanted to send some to [email protected] I would be ever so grateful.

I just need a link that gets me to the right page (in any format you like), and the text of the Quote itself. I'll do the rest.

Thanking you.


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 112


Just another little nudge...

We have Quotes up till Sunday at the moment. And nothing after that. If you want to see Quotes next week, please send some in.

Thank you. smiley - ok


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 113

Secretly Not Here Any More

Sort it out folks, I can't single-handedly keep Geggs in quotes!

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 114


To be fair, it's not just you. I am grateful for your mass emails though.smiley - biggrin


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 115

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Cheers Geggs (or Mr 603) for some excellent quotes the last week - but could we have another update in the post of people's rankings - i'm wondering how many more I need to make it into the top 10 smiley - winkeye

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 116

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Also, I realise we submit them anonymously, but (as a suggestion for comments to everyone subscribed) could we have an ability to wave that, for those that want to, and start a list for who submits the most successful QotDs?

smiley - cheers

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 117

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I might actually make *that* listsmiley - laugh

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 118

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

Currently I think I've had two successful suggestions, and either one or two failures with my suggestions smiley - biggrin

Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 119


Yes, I really ought to put an update in to smiley - thepost. I'll try to get time to do it next week. Admittedly, I've not managed to do an update since I took over qotd, and that's since November, so I need to cover the back end of last year and the start of this.

I'm on opposed to having a submission leaderboard too, but it does rather depend on my know who everyone is from their email account, and they may not necessarily be the case.

Oh, and thank you to everyone who has submitted Quotes. We're good till Friday now.


Have you sent a Quote to [email protected] today?

Post 120

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

"I'm on opposed to a leaderboard"


Sorry, I don't normally ask on little things like that, and I know the rest of the sentence implies it, but I really am not certain, smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

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