A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Things mothers say

Post 141

A. Honeybadger

My Mom still says things like "you're not too old for a good hiding", though she has (thankfully) given up on the "you're not too big to go over my knee, m'girl" smiley - laugh

Things mothers say

Post 142

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Mother's "Looks" were infinatly more frightning than any threat, I still back up and shut up when I get one of her "Looks"

I have also perfected the "Look" Alex has learned to respect the "Look" as did I

Things mothers say

Post 143

A. Honeybadger

smiley - rofl the "look". I was always (and still am) better at them than Mom. My sis is terrified of my "look" but, since she's 18 years younger than me, I was always her second Mom anyway smiley - laugh

Things mothers say

Post 144

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The "Look" is an inbuilt woman thing that kicks in when the kids reach 3, along with all they sayings that have been posted here. How many of us have caught ourselves saying exactly the same phrases to our kids that our mum said to us

*Raises Hand*

Things mothers say

Post 145

A. Honeybadger

Oh, most definitely! smiley - blush

Always swore I wouldn't be like my Mom when I had kids - I love her to pieces, but she is sooooo hard to live with! - but I still end up saying the same kinds of things... smiley - sigh

Things mothers say

Post 146

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I think it's imbedded deep in the DNA that you will eventually turn into your mother

Things mothers say

Post 147

A. Honeybadger


smiley - run

Things mothers say

Post 148

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I know it was a shock to me when I realised it

Things mothers say

Post 149

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]


In the car...

Mother: "You're going too fast."
Me: "*sigh* The limit is 40, and I'm only doing 30"

Mother: "Ooh if feels faster!"
Me: "$@£%!!!"

smiley - fish ... Two minutes later, just enough time for *that* goldfish up there to do a full lap around her head ... smiley - fish

Mother: "You can go a bit faster if you want."
Me: "Yes, Miss Daisy!"

smiley - hsif ... Imagines goldish going the other way to see if it all looks different I guess ... smiley - hsif

Mother: "She's dead now."
Me: "She who?" (Knowing full well.)

Mother: "That woman."
Me: "You mean Tandy?"

Mother: "That's her."

And so the day goes on.

Things mothers say

Post 150

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

My mum is ok, it's my Nan who's marbles a rattling

Things mothers say

Post 151

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

There is time left yet. smiley - rofl

Things mothers say

Post 152

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Luckily my nan is my Dad's mum so it'll be me who's marbles will rattle

Things mothers say

Post 153

Yael Smith

I sound just like my mum when I talk to my baby, though I don't threaten to smack him.smiley - groan
She never hit me, but threatened to all the time...smiley - yawn

Things mothers say

Post 154


Four things stick in my mind....

"Its looking a bit dark over will's mothers" if the weather looks bad

"can you hear the trains at manea?" if you asked what the weather was gonna be like, if you could the weather would stay fine!?!

"come you down, do you'll fall!"

And finally the words that go down in family history.......


It took nearly ten mins of us laughing for her to twig!!!

Things mothers say

Post 155

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The "Its looking a bit dark over will's mothers" was a favourite in our house too

On the other side it, if you saw a little blue sky inbetween storm clouds it was "Not enough to knit a cat a pair of trousers"

Things mothers say

Post 156


In answer to the original post it must vary regionally cos I've heard 'Well I'll go to Cardiff on a bike' in South Wales.

Things mothers say

Post 157


okay i admit to skipping some but it all made me laugh too much, my mum and nanna used to say them all!!

my dad was worse at sympathy than the persons mother who told them not to move it.
if i fell down and hurt myself my dad used to check i hadnt broken the pavement

sithee later

Things mothers say

Post 158

Malabarista - now with added pony

My father has a very annoying "I guess you know best what's important" when I choose to do something other than visit him (and he wonders why!)

My stepmother comes up with things like "you can't take your things from your closet without asking" and then she wonders too!

Things mothers say

Post 159


As an Aussie, it's quite interesting that some of the phrases mentioned above have made their way out here. We just put it down to things that came from the motherland and that they probably know what the phrase means in Britain. So i think it's quite funny that the origins are lost even there.

My mum used to work the old "YOU'LL BE THE DEATH OF ME" pretty hard. Another morbidity related phrase that used to really scare me was...

"YOU'LL CATCH YOUR DEATH!"smiley - run

It doesn't get any more disturbing than that

Things mothers say

Post 160

Malabarista - now with added pony

my mother had a quite scary saying, or so I always thought - when we were complaining about being hungry or thirsty somewhere nothing was available, she'd always ask "Soll ich's mir aus dem Daumen saugen?" - "You want me to suck it out of my thumb?"

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