The Happy Camper (formerly New Fast Automatic F-Reek)

On a brief personal note, I used to be the New Fast Automatic F-Reek in a former life. I have completely forgotten my former sign in and password and so I have reincarnated myself in non F-Reek form.

It's good to be back and I look forward to speaking to you all at some point.

There's still way to much disco, and way too much is not nearly enough!!
Unfortunately there is not enough time for golf. This is my passion and has been since Christmas 2003.

I enjoy this some much that I'd like to make it my living. I will be adding journal entries to that end.

In my former H2G2 life I made friends with Cafram, Wowbagger, Loonytunes and Bassman to name but a few and I see that they are still writing, contributing and making people laugh. Good on you guys.


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