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Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 361


Yon's fechtin' talk


smiley - winkeye

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 362

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Hmmm. I guess I can see why my post was removed. But I was *explaining* certain sectarian epithets rather than employing them as such.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 363


>We Jolly Brits cannot necessarily be trusted <

Dunno about your neck of the woods..but here in England, not a problem.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 364

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

And apropos of...not a lot:


Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 365

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

>>Dunno about your neck of the woods..but here in England, not a problem.

Do you not at least accept that it *could* be a problem, if people go all out to make it one? I find your attitude a little like saying that we don&#39;t need laws against theft because most people are honest.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 366

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

btw, swl - that YouTube wasn&#39;t at all topical. Noooooooo. smiley - winkeye

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 367


Of course it might be a problem..but it isn't here. My views about these things are based on a good knowledge of history and the evidence of how it actually is.

London has more languages spoken than any other city on earth I think..and I'm king proud of what we've made. It feels very solid.. smiley - shrug but yes I do fear because of the coming cuts in public spending...it might go backwards a bit...we'll have to see because the cuts really have hardly happened yet.

I remain optimistic though because the overwhelming majority here absolutely *loathe* any sort of extremism. I'm on the edge of Milwall country..and even Milwall people will tell you how they simply cannot stand the uncivilised racist Millwall people smiley - laugh

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 368


Incidentally, the Old Firm game has passed off without any arrests. The Police had promised to arrest anyone singing sectarian songs even if it meant marching into the crowd to do so. No arrests means there was no sectarianism so the problem has obviously gone away.

Except... I'm not the only one who heard what sounded like hundreds if not thousands of people singing the Sash, the Soldier's Song, No Surrender and Up the 'Ra.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 369

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Well, of course, swl. But are you saying that because everything can&#39;t be done immediately, nothing should be done ever?

Yes, yes, I agree the police - and the clubs - would like to pretend they&#39;ve got it all sorted. But maybe they need to be constantly goaded into applying the law? To learn Zero Tolerance from Cumbria?

Time to revert to playing Old Firm games behind closed doors, maybe?

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 370

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Your point is very valid, Name Censored. But could it be that one of the many things that has made this potentially volatile mix work is things like laws or racial aggravation? It&#39;s a bit chicken and egg, pethaps: those laws passed through parliament because they express the kind of thing society thinks is important at the present time - Stout Yeopersons excepted. Oh - wait - The Majority think different.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 371


>like laws <

Absolutely no argument from me there. As I said sometime ago it's line drawing thing. It's an inexact science. Surely even Marxist theory doesn't have a simple answer for everything. You need to take account of local cultural stuff and the way communities have evolved.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 372


The point is Ed, the Police very publically said they would do "A" if "B" happened.

Most Scottish football fans applauded and waited expectantly.

As usual, "B" happened.

As usual, "A" didn't.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 373

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

Can you excplain why this an argument against the law the police *should* have imposed?

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 374


However, here's something I've stumbled upon. At what point does celebrating your identity become inflammatory and a crime?

I was looking for the Police statement as to their intentions at todays match and found this -

"Fans risking arrest for singing banned songs at Old Firm game" http://www.irishpost.co.uk/tabId/60/itemId/9724/Fans-risking-arrest-for-singing-banned-songs-at-Ol.aspx

I was surprised to see this -

"Kieron Brady from Celebrate Identity Challenge Intolerance (CICI), commenting on the announcement said: “If this comment is genuine and there are plans to enforce such an action then Strathclyde Police are leaving themselves susceptible to accusations of racism and actions from individuals that could lead to vicarious liability being brought into the equation."

smiley - huh

Looking for CICI, I found this -


He seems to be saying that one side of the Old Firm has a right to sing songs about their violent heritage as it's part of their cultural identity.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 375


smiley - simpost

It's not an argument against the law Ed, it's an expression of disgust that once again the Police have failed to do their duty, to uphold the law.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 376

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

>>Surely even Marxist theory doesn&#39;t have a simple answer for everything.

As far as I&#39;m concerned, the whole point of Marxist theory is that it doesnt. ~All that is solid melts into thin air~ Srsly...itd be Your Kind Of Thing if you delved a little deeper. Where would PoMo be without Marxism?

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 377


Do you guys get Marxist-Leninists running in your Parliamentary elections? Here's their candidate on the ballot in my riding for the vote in a little over a week: http://www.mlpc.ca/candidates/Alberta/Edmonton_Strathcona_Hunter_MLPC2011.html

smiley - smiley

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 378


Nah, our one's in jail for the next three years for being a liar.

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 379


In a totally unconnected piece of topic drift -

Tommy Sheridan leaves court after another hard day defending himself.

As he arrives home he realises he has left his stuff in court. Whilst Gail gets the tea on, Tommy jumps into a taxi back to the High Court where he sees a cleaning lady dusting the judges chair.

Tommy says "I'm here for my holdall", to which the woman replies "awe Tommy, d'ye no think yer in enough trouble already?"

Is it wrong to burn the Quran?

Post 380


After having a similar discussion with a friend, I don&#39;t know. As people have said, it is a stupid idea as it provokes people. When the provoked kill people in response, they look stupid. I thought the former and my friend the latter. Eventually we agreed on both, neither are good ideas and thus neither are wise things to do.

The problem I feel, is that people place such reverence on something that can be relatively easily reproduced. If it were a relic, or very limited in supply, I might be able to understand such anger, but when something anyone can get is revered so, I really struggle to understand.

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