I hope my life isn't a joke, because I don't get it.

"He took his virpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought." I value life, I think and love to procrastinate, well I would but that would be too arduous and there are easier things to do. I live somewhere most of the time and the rest of the time I'm up with the fairies. Most importantly of all, I have an addiction to cheesecake. I'll get around to "spicing" this entry up at some point. "Variety is the spice of life", I think. The Chocolate Milk and Cheesecake Followers` Cult Badge Page Welcome to the badge implementating page for The Chocolate Milk and cheesecake Followers` Cult. It has recently been updated to be more aesthetically pleasing, and include the cheesecake smiley instead of the plain cake smiley! Our new badge looks like this: I am a Cult follower of cheesecake and Chocolate Milk! Copy the code by highlighting and dragging with your mouse over the white box below. Copy by using CTRL-C / Command-C, and Paste by CTRL-V / Command-V into your personal space in the relevant place. If you need any more help, Click Here
I am a Cult follower of Cheesecake and Chocolate Milk!

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An ACE G'day Tams80 .... Nov 16, 2008


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