A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 221


> I would be surprised if they would go for
complete independence.<

I'd think I was hallucinating..

But my point remains that the English now will view the Scots now in an almost qualitatively different way.

That'll be interesting to me.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 222

warner - a new era of cooperation

I think the unfolding result on AV (which is currently ~65% against .. NO!) shows how dived the nation is becoming..

There are the tories (primarily in the south), who still feel secure despite 'the cuts' etc, and labour's growing popularity primarily in the North and urban areas.

However, I wouldn't trust labour to deliver ..

1). they can't deliver if the country goes bankrupt
2). their agenda is not sympthetic to anybody but the 'working class'

So .. imo, this short-sightedness will lead to 'more of the same'
ie. 2 parties jeering at each other in parliament

Better than nothing, I suppose, but not good for the country, as a lot of resources are wasted in the political changes that they make smiley - erm

..such as 'job centre plus' .. 100's of different benefits .. bringing all benefits under one etc. etc.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 223


>>I think the unfolding result on AV (which is currently ~65% against .. NO!) shows how dived the nation is becoming..<<

I dunno, the country seems fairly united in its rejection of AV, with Scilly and Orkney giving similar results. Not only has AV been resoundingly rejected, the two party system that is favoured by FPTP has been endorsed.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 224

warner - a new era of cooperation

>> I dunno, the country seems fairly united in its rejection of AV

Yes .. but that's my point.
The majority seem to be going for either labour or conservative (which shows division right/left), and hence feel that it's in their interest to keep the status quo.
ie. when one party is out of favour, their party will be in smiley - sadface

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 225


Division is good: division causes debate and creates innovation. Division forces extremists to moderate their views and means apparent enemies can come together on common causes. Provided you retain respect for their dignity as individuals, disagreeing with someone's opinions is perfectly healthy and good.

Anyone claiming humanity can be united under a single view is utterly deluded, humanity by its very nature is divisive.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 226

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Meet the new politics, same as the old politics. Tories in charge, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. No hope for future. Bad bad day

I have never felt as pessimistic about the future as I do today. There is literally no hope of there ever being anything better in our Politics. Only a matter of time before the Tories ideal of the "Foxification" of our media means that there will never be the prospect of politics changing anything for the better ever again.

It's over.


Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 227



Wasn't that New Labour?

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 228

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Ha ha! The thing is the lesson of New Labour seems to be that the absolute best that I can possibly ever hope to see in Politics is a government satisfied to slightly slow the rate at which income inequality grows. But in return for that I'll have to accept osul destroying authoritarianism.

And the alternative is an ever rightward moving Tories (who will probably end up being just as authoritarian after a bit al la the CJB).

I just don't believe there is any hope that anything will ever get better. Ever.

Oh well at least Argyle have been saved from the brink of Bankruptcy.


Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 229


offers FB a smiley - stiffdrink, it's homemade sloe gin, really good for the spirits, tis bad, but there has been worse,

lines up another sloe gin, good for your heart honest,

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 230


Don't despair FB..it will prove a great inspiration culturally. smiley - musicalnote No future smiley - musicalnotesmiley - winkeye

Blighty really isn't such an effete little thing to go under to this hiccup.

Yes foxification...do you really think people will just roll over? I was pretty appalled at the royal wedding presentation on the beeb...childish in the extreme...all very 1950s without the class though, of a Richard Dimbleby.

Something will turn up...smiley - winkeye

It's the calm before the storm...

I do keep telling myself these things like I did through the Thatcher years. smiley - erm

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 231


results are bad, sloe gin really good, just thought I'd qualify

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 232

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

There is simply no question about the Foxification. Despite being formally advised to refer the BSkyB deal to the competition commision The "Hulture" sec Jeremy Hunt is instead going to wave it through. The Tories owe Murdoch and he will expect payment in full. And some. And he will get it.

Game over.


Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 233


I've just planted a couple of little Blackthorns as part of a hedge. Sloes grow on blackthorn.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 234


I've made the point earlier on this thread that I think it was a total disgrace the way this debate about voting was ignored by the BBC. Sure other media don't need to bother if they sense no great appetite. But the BBC absolutely should have organised proper debates on tv about it. The only stuff I heard them report was garbled half truths put out by the NO campaign.

Aunty really is becoming the Tories little lapdog.

Big Society themed stuff now gets put into food and cooking programmes. It got so I couldn't watch the 2 Italians one a few days ago, it was all so obvious and transparent as ideology to my mind.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 235


I don't think the Scots are stupid enough to go for independence as they would quickly find out that their free universities and health care were funded by English taxes...they are better off keeping in the UK and getting more cash. All independence would give is stiffies for the people in power while they jump around shouting 'We run a country." The fact that the money they will get from purely Scottish taxes won't be as much as they get from the UK government does not seem to bother them.,

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 236


The BBC and no doubt the rest of the British Media are reporting that
the British Public have dealt a major blow to Nick Clegg by voting
against AV.

It is this type of misleading and manipulative reporting that is part
of the "collateral language" that so dominates our 1984-esque society.
But it seems like the Scots are on the path towards a more enlightened
society (maybe).

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 237


Um no, I do think the general pubelic have stuck 2 fingers up to Nick Clegg and voted no in the AV vote and voted against the Lid Dems generally...it seems pretty obvious that is the case.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 238


I'm no Nationalist but quite apart from your statement being simply wrong 3Dots, it doesn't take into account that Scotland wouldn't be spending billions on foreign wars or funding other nation's nuclear arsenals and space programmes.

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 239


Scotland is what? About 5 million people.Yeah we'd be lost without your £billions...

Alternative Voting Referedum. (UK Centric)

Post 240


You'll miss the 40-odd Labour MPs in Westminster though. Add that in to boundary changes etc and you'll have 50 years of Tory rule.

Good luck with that.

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