A Conversation for Ask h2g2

God and origins of the Bible

Post 121

Twophlag Gargleblap - NWO NOW

Kreggit, the poem you are mentioning is likely Babylonian in origin, and would have been borrowed by the Jews from the Babylonians during one of the periods of captivity there. When the narrative switches over to Adam and Eve and the Elohim and all that, it marks the start of the Jewish creation myth. The Babylonian myth was tacked onto the beginning of it.


Post 122


I didn't intend to 'insult' you or anyone else Colonel Sellers, you give your opinion, I give mine.


Post 123

Niz (soon to be gone)

I must agree with Tigerlily that extremists of any kind, be they religious or athiest are the ones who create trouble and further ignorance. I must admit though that for many (me included) religion can and does invade personnel freedom. e.g I was FORCED to go to sunday school every sunday till I was 15 even when I protested in a manner that was based on a well founded argument. The same went in school assembly when I asked the headmasters permission not to attend the hymn singing and the praying aspect of assembly. It was not even considered.
Saying this though I feel the only way to change this is by pointing out that everyone should have a personnal freedom to do what ever they want as long as they are not infringing others rights and beliefs.

Beliefs should be challenged never ridiculed!!


Post 124


Well said Niz!


Post 125

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Ridicule can be good, making people see different aspects of the issue at hand. Applied with caution of course. Ridicule can also hurt feelings. However, someone who cannot face their religion being ridiculed is either uncertain of their own belifs, and in that case they really should question them (their belifs). Or they belong to a religion that is in itself to jealous of all other religions, and that can be dangerous.

There might of course be other reasons, but I can't think of any right now....


Post 126

Naughtiness (Tentacle Mistress, Goddess of Sadistic Soup Greens)

God seems to be a very popular topic at almost any gathering, be it a jijh White mischief cocktail party or a gathering of Quantum physicists...

Einstein:"God does not play dice with the universe."
Bohr:"Who are you to tell God what to do?"
Hawking:"God not only plays dice, but sometimes throws them
where they cann't be seen."
Douglas Admas: "Who is this God person anayway?"

Doesn't matter who he is or whether or not he can play lie dice, He's a popular chap regardless.


Post 127

Naughtiness (Tentacle Mistress, Goddess of Sadistic Soup Greens)

Agreed, that belief is very much open for debate and that any outlook that is "Obsessive" in nature, is prone toward chaos and can hence be rather narrow minded and thus dangerous...

But Passion as tunneled as it may appear is a very Beautiful trate, and Beauty is frequently surrounded by that which lacks appeal.


Post 128

Niz (soon to be gone)

To me the word ridicule means to make fun of in order to belittle.

I believe people should regularly question what they believe through their own thought process and through conversation with others with different views. This site give a perfect opportunity to do so.
But ridicule will just result in different sides of the argument becoming defensive and not talking in a rational way.
I must agree though that there is nothing worse than unquestioned belief (someone who has given no thought in to what they believe) and being part of a church community in my youth I can say that there are alot of people like that.


Post 129


"there is nothing worse than unquestioned belief"

For the person who is the unquestioning beleiver there is nothing better => they are happy(?).
You questionning their belief => you are not(?).


Post 130

Niz (soon to be gone)

I disagree I am relativly happy in my belif structure thanks very much.
What I am trying to say is that blind belief is not a good thing, it is a good thing to think about what you believin in and why?
It is called thinking.
I suggest everyone should try it every now and then.
Also look at other beliefs or ways of life philosophy, buddism, Islam etc.
How can anyone make an educated desision without being educated. Quite frankly I still don't know everything and do not pretend too, but at least I am trying to learn


Post 131

Mostly Harmless


Ridicule is never a good thing, it belittles and takes away a persons dignity. In the news there is a guy who's last name is Gay. He was ridiculed because of it. He was ridiculed so much that he devoloped a hated for guys and he shot up a guy bar. Most of the school shooting here in the states have be caused by the teens ridiculing the shooter because he is different in some way. They ridicule them becuase they think they are guy or they wear to much black or because of the music they listen to or any other stupid reason. Question YES. Ridicule HELL NO!!!!!!!!

Mostly Harmless


Post 132

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Perhaps "ridicule" is the wrong word. What I am thinking about is what Monty Python did with the Bible in "Life of Brian". That kind of ridicule. What you talk about is of course very bad. Anyone can see that.
If my english proficiency led someone to belive that I condone ridiculing individuals, I apologize. Attacking institutions, ideals and ideas is sometimes good, attacking individuals is never good.
Can we agree on that?



Post 133


I think so (seeing it was me who brought the word 'ridicule' into the conversation thread!)


Post 134

Mostly Harmless


Question the idea, never the person.

Sorry for my rant.


Post 135

JAR (happy to be back, but where's Ping?)

Agreement at last! smiley - smiley

Let's all share this moment and a newly fried smiley - fish


Post 136

Mostly Harmless

smiley - smiley


Post 137

Naughtiness (Tentacle Mistress, Goddess of Sadistic Soup Greens)

it's covered in ear wax...


Post 138


Group hug!!!!!


Post 139

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

{interrupts any conversation about her boy with or without an invitation} Why do you think the lad gave you people brains, anyway? Just to keep your skulls from collapsing? Though he is egotistical enough to enjoy blind leaps of faith, it saddens him that he gave humanity the tools to work with, and some of them refuse to use them to build a solid structure. Keep the lad on his toes--it's good for Him. smiley - smiley


Post 140

Niz (soon to be gone)

I feel touched. And not on a sexual level either. Perhaps there is hope for us after all. I'm off to hug a tree smiley - bigeyes

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