A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Help with medieval Latin
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Mar 7, 2010
And my admiration for his noble efforts grows.
Mind you, we'll all await Montana's report on how successful it was.
Help with medieval Latin
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Mar 8, 2010
So far, so good. Anhaga is due a huge thanks (including the one in my dedication with his real name) and a big fat . As well as the
being on me. And, of course, my undying gratitude.
Help with medieval Latin
Rod Posted Mar 8, 2010
Don't leave it at that, Montana, not just yet, eh?
Keep us posted
~anhaga~, my hat, to you, is doffed. Magnificent.
Help with medieval Latin
anhaga Posted Mar 8, 2010
Oh, pshaw! This is the sort of stuff that Victorian dilettantes would do for light entertainment before a breakfast of Scotch Woodcock.
Dilettantes today, of course, get into arguments on hootoo.
And I really haven't done much yet.
Help with medieval Latin
You can call me TC Posted Mar 9, 2010
I assume it's the season for woodcock. Perhaps Montana should be cleaning her(?) rifle.
Help with medieval Latin
anhaga Posted Mar 9, 2010
Scotch Woodcock
some form of anchovy, preferably 'Patum Peparium' http://www.recipezaar.com/Patum-Peperium-the-Secret-is-out-Gentlemans-Relish-228778
toast bread
scramble eggs
spread patum peparium (if using) on toast
put scrambled eggs on toast
if not using patum peparium, top with anchovy filets.
Help with medieval Latin
Mrs Zen Posted Mar 9, 2010
I love it that the Victorians had a foodstuff called after oral sex.
Help with medieval Latin
anhaga Posted Mar 30, 2010
So. . .
I'm still alone with this, am I?
For what it's worth, I'm making progress. And the rust is gradually being polished off my Latin.
Help with medieval Latin
Stealth "Jack" Azathoth Posted Mar 30, 2010
Well at least your getting something out it then, giving your Latin parts a good polish.
Help with medieval Latin
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Mar 31, 2010
AND he has an eternally grateful person on the other end who will buy him really, really good beer.
Help with medieval Latin
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Apr 2, 2010
Well, when you say American beer, are you thinking Bud? Fizzy yellow beer is for wussies. I don't drink it. I drink GOOD beer.
And anhaga, we'll figure something out!
Key: Complain about this post
Help with medieval Latin
- 41: anhaga (Mar 5, 2010)
- 42: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Mar 7, 2010)
- 43: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Mar 7, 2010)
- 44: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Mar 8, 2010)
- 45: Rod (Mar 8, 2010)
- 46: toybox (Mar 8, 2010)
- 47: anhaga (Mar 8, 2010)
- 48: You can call me TC (Mar 9, 2010)
- 49: anhaga (Mar 9, 2010)
- 50: Mrs Zen (Mar 9, 2010)
- 51: Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ... (Mar 10, 2010)
- 52: anhaga (Mar 30, 2010)
- 53: Stealth "Jack" Azathoth (Mar 30, 2010)
- 54: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Mar 31, 2010)
- 55: anhaga (Mar 31, 2010)
- 56: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Apr 2, 2010)
- 57: anhaga (Apr 2, 2010)
- 58: Titania (gone for lunch) (Apr 2, 2010)
- 59: anhaga (Apr 2, 2010)
- 60: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Apr 2, 2010)
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