A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Help with medieval Latin

Post 21


If I'm the only one around here that feels they might be able to take on this task, then I'm afraid King Alfred would be very disappointed in us all:

'Swǣ clǣne hīo wæs oðfeallenu on Angelcynne ðæt swīðe fēawa wǣron behionan Humbre ðe hiora ðēninga cūðen understondan on Englisc oððe furðum ān ǣrendgewrit of Lǣdene on Englisc āreccan'

'So completely was [wisdom] fallen off in England that there were very few this side of the Humber who could understand their services in English or furthermore translate a letter from Latin into English.'

Oh, the state of learning in England!smiley - sadface

smiley - winkeye

Help with medieval Latin

Post 22

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - whistle

Help with medieval Latin

Post 23

Montana Redhead (now with letters)


Help with medieval Latin

Post 24


I'm starting to think I'm it.smiley - erm

Help with medieval Latin

Post 25

The H2G2 Editors

I wish we could help here in-house but we don't know any Latin - we're two comprehensive boys. Is there anyone else out there can possibly help?smiley - ok

Help with medieval Latin

Post 26


Couldn't you ask Stephen Fry?

Help with medieval Latin

Post 27


I'm still planning on doing my best, Montana.smiley - smiley

Help with medieval Latin

Post 28


Well, to be honest, it's a very big thing to ask of someone to translate a twelve-page document for free. Especially if it requires specialist knowledge like this.

Kudos to you if you're going to do it, Anhaga, but I don't think the lack of replies is surprising.

Help with medieval Latin

Post 29


'I don't think the lack of replies is surprising.'

I think that any reply was surprising, particularly my own.smiley - laugh

I'm anticipating it as a bit of brush up exercise -- if I ever get the text.smiley - winkeye

Help with medieval Latin

Post 30

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

ask and you shall receive!

I know I'm asking a lot. If you could just give me the jist of things, even, that would be awesome. And you know I'm good for a serious number of pints the next time I'm on that side of the pondÉ


Help with medieval Latin

Post 31


smiley - erm I thought we were on the same side of the pond.smiley - erm

I'm going to have a quick look before I start laundry, dinner, plans for two or three shows, etc.smiley - winkeye

Help with medieval Latin

Post 32


well. That looks exceptionally dull.smiley - laugh

Time to start dinner.smiley - smiley

Help with medieval Latin

Post 33

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

we are. For some reason, I thought we weren't. Well, that makes things easier...

Help with medieval Latin

Post 34

You can call me TC

Have been following this conversation. My husband is a Latin teacher, but his English wouldn't be up to it. And the length of it is rather daunting, especially for someone in full time employment. Very sorry I can't help. I hope Anhaga manages.

It's just such a shame that this can't be dealt with, seeings as we are in the very place where the babelfish was invented.

Help with medieval Latin

Post 35


What about we involve all hootooers? Everybody translates just one word, and voila smiley - magic

Help with medieval Latin

Post 36

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

well, that's a thoughtÉ smiley - smiley

Help with medieval Latin

Post 37


Good thinking, toybox. I'll do the ampersand, which translates as &

There, that'll get you all off to a quick start

Help with medieval Latin

Post 38


about two hundred of you lot can take a rest -- I've already done your share.smiley - steam

smiley - winkeye

Help with medieval Latin

Post 39

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And now a word from the Roman Bricklayers Union...

"This union site has worked safely and accident free for X days. Up the RBU!"

smiley - run

Help with medieval Latin

Post 40


I'd just like to say that one of the best hangover cures I've yet found is to start the day with a couple of hours butchering Medieval Latin.smiley - smiley

Really, everyone should try it.

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