A Conversation for Ask h2g2

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9121

A Super Furry Animal

Well, I've not been on here for a while, but can I offer my personal insight into the internet-dating thing? Yes? I'll take that as a yes. OK, here goes:

1. Things to do on a first date: Art gallery, walk in park/gardens, museum. Do it in the daytime, at a weekend.

2. Things not to do: Cinema, theatre, dinner (esp. during week), meet in pub.

Why? Option 1-type dates are open-ended, you're not forced to be together for a prescribed length of time...if you don't get on, it's easy to get out. You've got something to talk about (the art, the museum, the flowers), and you're mainly interacting with each other. If you get on, you spend the whole afternoon together. Option 2-type dates force you to be together for a length of time, most of which you're not talking to each other. Food is also a no-no: You'll be trying to impress her with your choice of restaurant, she'll be trying to impress you by eating a salad or something daft. Neither of you will enjoy it, so save your money.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9122

Researcher 815350

I can only agree, re the Cinema.

Here are some mo no-nos:-

For the woman: When a bloke you've takled with daily for a month on IM, and he's shown his face on web-cam, whe he ask to see you, SHOW HIM you face, he don't care about spots, or the state of your dress, he does want to see you 'live' to get an idea of you. Don't expect him to go off a 'staged' photo.

And from a blokes point, when you do meet a woman, pick her up at home, don't let previous bad experiences of this put you off... And phone her that you are on your way, why else would she give you her phone number! Be personal, it's not a bussiness meeting where you just expect people to turn up.

Oh and on meeting, don't blurt out "You don't look like your photo." smiley - doh

Don't think "I can't recover from that." go quiet, and start to follow the woman round like a puppy. Not 'man like' not attractive!

smiley - popcorn

And when she is getting the coffee (yeah a woman that played fair *shocked*) becuse you got the tickets...

NEVER say "you're going to go before you go" meaning a nip to the loo, only for her to just hear "I'm going to go."

Just do what she did, just go after finding where you are going to sit.

smiley - popcorn

And here is where I soo agree about being trapped for a period of time, if the film is so naff you start to nod off smiley - zzz at one point grab her, and kiss her, and get the hell out together!

Hmm, so I'm a rubbish date, but it was my first date ever; I've met a couple of women from a website before that, since they meant nothing, it was so easy.

Boy do I wish I'd gone for a 'day out' type of date, kept my expectations to a minimum, or picked her up at home, and let her do whatever she wanted to me, anything but sat in a cold cineima watching "23" the worse film ever!

I did go for the kiss on the cheek at the end, but it did not happen, nor did the set-up of a next meeting.

Nah, she's right not to want me, but I do miss that wicked almost evil sense of humor of hers.

I should stick to h2g2 and really just give up on the idea of finding a woman... As for h2g2 women, about two years ago I mentioned going to "the pictures" to somebody but she started going on about snogging on the back row. Joke or not it just put me off. So even then I was 'off' the physical stuff. smiley - erm

Strange thing is, she still has my nads as earings, she's welcome to 'em. smiley - online2long

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9123


smiley - biggrini hated the film 23 it sucked
and 1st dates are very important cuz it can b how u remember some1 for the rest of ur relationship!!

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9124

Researcher 815350

"23" it did indeed suck. And I get to remember sitting next to a beautiful sexy woman and doing nowt. smiley - puff

She did hint ( I took as a jokes ) at being a physical sort before we went out, but I didn't jump on her and make her mine. Looks like I need a reeeeeeeeeeeeeet slapper for anything to happen, but really want a lady with slapper tendencies.

I've taken what RF said, and put a very simple 'first date' request.

So a question; when talking about safer sex, a woman says “they sell personal items in Supermarkets” should one take it that she's expecting to be “nailed” big time?

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9125


smiley - rofl

"nailed big time"?

smiley - musicalnote "If i had a hammer; i'd hammer in the morning"smiley - musicalnote

She probably works for the supermarket in question, or is a sales rep for condoms. Either way, she's been fed a definitely dodgy sales script. Personal items, my a*se; nobody says that in RL!


My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9126

abethemudoken - Call me Mew - Keeper of the Sacred Sonic Screwdriver

I'd say honestly, never assume a woman wants to be "nailed" (smiley - laugh) if she mentions condoms. Women are fickle creatures who enjoy tormenting and tantalizing you but then denying you when you try to "hit a home run" at the end of the evening.

Having said that, you will run across a nympho from time to time who thinks dinner and a movie must be followed by coitus or else it's just not worth it...but they're the minority.

I hate to reveal the hidden secrets of our gender, girls, but I hate to see a man in torment (unless I'm the one doing the tormenting lol smiley - ok)

smiley - tardis

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9127

Researcher 815350

Oooh T&Y in the morning? smiley - evilgrin

Try: [quote] "you know they sell items of a personal nature in supermarkets these days." [/quote]

The jist is she was different from the crowd. These online dating sites, some of the stuff you get asked for. smiley - blush

Still what does it say about me for looking. I put that it's somebody to hang around with, cinema; OK so I like 'chick flicks' now and again, I can handle it *snif*.

Keep geting the wrong kind of offers still. smiley - grr

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9128

Researcher 815350

abethemudoken, Mew: [quote] Women are fickle creatures who enjoy tormenting and tantalizing [/quote]

Yes, she's all woman on that score! smiley - laugh The home run, nah, I just was going for a quick kiss, the 'home run' on the first date, if it's that easy for *me* then do I really want to be walking such a well beaten path?

smiley - popcorn

Oh there are loads, and loads that are looking for "dating." Which translates on profiles as; "a drink, dinner and who knows." They just sound horrid to me. But if a woman want's to buy me dinner, I like Italian. smiley - winkeye

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9129


"And from a blokes point, when you do meet a woman, pick her up at home, don't let previous bad experiences of this put you off... And phone her that you are on your way, why else would she give you her phone number! Be personal, it's not a bussiness meeting where you just expect people to turn up."

Er, no. If i was a woman, and meeting someone i'd only spoken to on-line, i certainly wouldnt wasnt him knowing where i lived till i was comfortable he was ok. Infact, being a bloke, i wouldnt want some woman knowing where i lived till i was confident she wasnt a bunny-boiler.

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9130

Researcher 815350

Hmm, the first woman I ever met from on-line invited me round for tea, to this day she still does not know my full name or where I live, that and the state of things put me off ever wanting to go to straight to somebodys house again.

The second, I insisted we meet at a public place, it worked, yes "home-runs R us." on that one.

The third, direct to the venue, but in this case I feel I should have been more personal, made her feel more special, the whole bogbrush thing

Too rushed, she has a brain, pitty I didn't use mine, ask her what she wanted.

smiley - popcorn

"Bunny Boilers" are easy to deal with, you just go OTT in their direction, "they don't like it up 'em Captain, Mainwaring!"

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9131

Researcher 815350

See! Failed again! smiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerup

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9132

abethemudoken - Call me Mew - Keeper of the Sacred Sonic Screwdriver

The first guy I met from online stayed in my dorm with me for a week at University and ultimately broke my heart into little tiny peices. I've not had an online relationship since then (as you could probably guess lol).

And I have to say that even after all these years, it's amusing to me that men are still deeply affected by the movie Fatal Attraction. "Bunny boilers..."

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9133

abethemudoken - Call me Mew - Keeper of the Sacred Sonic Screwdriver

oops...did the smiley wrong...smiley - rofl that should have been lol

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9134

Researcher 815350

>>> stayed in my dorm with me for a week <<<

smiley - erm I used the phrase "five night stand" when talking to a RL mate about looking online for a friend of the female persuasion, he'd not a clue what one was. Had to explain, it's just another way to get used and abused.

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9135

abethemudoken - Call me Mew - Keeper of the Sacred Sonic Screwdriver

This is true. Though with that person I did have a long distance, mostly online relationship for about 2 years. I should have known it would end in heartbreak for me anyway...he lived in a different country from me lol. Ah well, you live and learn as they say.

smiley - tardis

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9136


it's nice to get used + abused for a short while- as long as u are not expecting to muchsmiley - sadface.......oooooooooooohhhhhhh. I think in the states,smiley - bubbly they call them sex buddies.smiley - alesmiley - choc

wattaraysmiley - biggrin

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9137

Brown Eyed Girl

Are we talking friends with benefits?

smiley - biggrinBEG

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9138

ol don one

Don't you need insurance,to get benefits?

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9139

Researcher 815350

>>> Are we talking friends with benefits? <<<


*reads nickname with more care*

"Brown Eyed Girl B. Perv (Hons) (summa cum laude) I am a hussy."

Maybe that should be... Yes please! smiley - rofl

smiley - popcorn

But I kind of got stuck on wanting her around forever. I'd be exclusive to her, becase that's my nature...

Had a girlfreind ask me why would I be with her, when I could be off with whoever I wanted?

The answer is "because I'd made a commitment."

The follow-up was "geting shagged every day was quite enough ta!" The wear and tear, t'was getting serious!

smiley - popcorn

In the case of the woman I can't move on from, I did expect her to give the same back, be exclusive because that's what I've always had, and am willing to be 'trained' to what she likes. Yeah I'm weird, seeing a woman pleasured that'd do for me, even if I don't "finish" with her or at all. smiley - erm

Could be, reading her profile she does want the "use and abuse" for a week thing, which is naff, I done it, if you find somebody you like shagging, why stop?

smiley - popcorn

Ahh hell, this woman I want so much; today I'm past caring who else shes shagging. Hmm, putting my own worth into question? I've *never* had to or been willing to share a woman before... I really must have on a hard for this woman? smiley - erm

My penis and I - what do women think of penises?

Post 9140

Researcher 815350

Day latter after sleeping on it.

Nuts to her!

I'm going to stick with my values, get a proper girlfreind, just have to put up with all the emotional stuff, even if I was hoping to avoid it for once.

Or a 'friend with benefits' that can guarentee being exclusive to me.

And so what if I can't get my choice short dark 'natural', with brain I'll make do with yet another tall blonde 'doll' type without brain that's popped up.

*wonders* Why do I get stuck with blondes coming onto me? Why? I don't like them! smiley - wah

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