I am 76,from 30th April! I retired last September'08.and had open heart surgery in Januarylast year,but I'm feeling ok now.(second op!)I have a partner now (Jean).
A Lancashire lass and a Yorkshire lad,and life is wonderful again!
I'll update the rest in a little while,meanwhile good luck to all at hootoo!
what for,I still love the job (truck driver)after 49yrs+
and 30yrs on the continent,still got white line fever!
I lost my wife 7yrs ago and I'm bored at home.
Working in europe is so much more pleasent,much better meals(free wine!),no parking fees(£12-15 in uk) people are more pleasant and on and on.
Am I whinging,perhaps,but the difference stands out.
How do I pass the time on? well I take plenty of books which when read are
exchanged with other drivers (mostly thrillers-books I mean!).
I have now been working 3 weeks on the agency,and am feeling much better.
Have regular job on agency working for Sainsbury's,between distribution centres(not supermarkets).Earning more now than ever! Why did it have to wait till I'm nearly past it?
Life is looking good! I hope everyone can have the feelings I have.
My email (for private insults only!) [email protected]
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ol don one
Researcher U3518490
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