This is the Message Centre for ol don one


Post 1


Haven't seen you around for a few days now - are you ok ?



Post 2

ol don one

I'm sorry I missed your last post! I can't believe it! 2 months ago,
My apologies,I just never thought to look in messages,but thats me.
I forget most things these days.
How are you these days?I hope you are having better weather now spring
has arrived and you and your family are well and happy. Also I wish you a lovely summer, Best wishes,Don.smiley - smiley


Post 3


Thanks Don - we're all fine down here in sunny Cornwall - best place on Earth !


Post 4

ol don one

Good,we're hoping to have a few days down there in the summer,and see how the Eden project has progressed since we were last there.Plus all
the fishing villages(nearly as good as Derbyshire!)smiley - smiley.

Best wishes,Don.

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