A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What can we blame 2legs for?
Peanut Posted Apr 1, 2011
As I definatly got no chips or sauce I blame 2legs for making me think about toast as an alternative
What can we blame 2legs for?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 1, 2011
There is not, nor ought there be, any situation, time, place or occurance, for which the addition of toast, cannot improve the situation (a patently badly adapted statement for which I blame 2legs).
I blame 2legs for toasted French-bread rye and white flour home-made baguettes, with caraway seeds, made using a poolish starter, and there ability to tempt me to have toast at almost any time of the day... but, for my wondering if it is, now, indeed too late for toast
What can we blame 2legs for?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Apr 2, 2011
Set all your clocks to different timezones. It´s always munchietime, somewhere. And don´t blame me.
What can we blame 2legs for?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Apr 2, 2011
Toast time again, leggsy!
I'm having a toasted soda farl with peanut butter and a glass of juice - and then it's pony time again!
Just blame 2legs for them not being bondage ponies.
What can we blame 2legs for?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 2, 2011
Mmm, soda farls.... must try find a recipie for making them... not had in ages
I blame 2legs for it being ages* until lunchtime...
I also blame 2legs for the phonecall I just got from the contractors/firm who'll hopefully be replacing my Windows, to discuss the latest piece of insanity from Cambridge council, in which they require utterly pointless but expensive 'third party' individuals to do some pointless report things, to analyse the method for fitting windows into my house, and do a risk assessment what the
What can we blame 2legs for?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Apr 2, 2011
Leggsy, probably someone in the firm doing the survey is married to someone in CC who ordered it. I blame you for not having torpedoed that wedding by turning up blind drunk.
What can we blame 2legs for?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Apr 2, 2011
I blame 2legs for the fact that my horse stepped to the side unexpectedly in the forest, took a jump, and nearly impaled me on a snapped-off branch I dived to the side, but I'll still have a nice bruise there tomorrow.
What can we blame 2legs for?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 2, 2011
Sadly I expect that is not the reason, not least that the firm I'm using, will use whichever firm they want to do the unnecessary survey, before the actual* survey, done by the firm I am using. I blame 2legs for people who work for our council being unqualified to sit on a chair let alone do any work.
I also blame 2legs for my need to turn the PC off and dash to get a cab and go to the rail station
What can we blame 2legs for?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Apr 2, 2011
I blame 2legs for whatever you are planning to do there. May God help them.
What can we blame 2legs for?
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Posted Apr 3, 2011
I blame 2legs for the last session of a Beer Fest....
Ale dirt cheap, half pints being served in Pint glasses....
What can we blame 2legs for?
KB Posted Apr 3, 2011
I blame 2legs for the fact that I've heard the word "poolish" more in the last two months than I have in the rest of my life combined.
What can we blame 2legs for?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 3, 2011
guess waht? I just made up a bowl of poolish!
I blame 2legs for 170% hydration bowl of poolish, made with 100 G rye, 150 G white, and 425 G water, 1/4 TSP yeast and a dab of sugar
I also blame 2legs for my not having decided yet what sort of bread I'll make tommorrow
What can we blame 2legs for?
I blame 2legs for my not knowing who's coming for the Spring Meet and for my not being in bed in spite of being utterly tired and having an utterly annoying
I also blame him for my writing of long incoherent sentences and my not installing my dictionary programme on my new computer.
However I'm not sure I can blame 2legs for my abscence for HooToo lately. That I think I should blame the Hospital for making me tired and only managing to play Mafia Wars when coming home from w*rk.
What can we blame 2legs for?
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 3, 2011
: Was talking about this last night, with my friend, after the Bonzo gig, and he was all for me to start working down to three decimil places!; I had to disapoint him, my scales only seem to work in 1 Gram units
170% poolish (hydration).
poolish forms 20.83333333333333333% of total dough.
2.5% salt,
67% overall dough hydration... actually maybe I don't need quite so many decimil places on some of those numbers
I blame 2legs for my not realising I'd actually* have to use maths to make bread
I also blame 2legs for my considering adding an extra step to day two of making bread, and doing an autolyse of day two's flour (950 Grams white flour, plus 379 Grams water)
What can we blame 2legs for?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Apr 3, 2011
Leggsy, one gram of water equals one cc, so no problem. Don´t get it mixed up when cooking with gunpowder though - one grain of powder is .06 grams, so blame yourself for having a hot night.
What can we blame 2legs for?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Apr 5, 2011
My flight out of Belfast is now delayed by 5 hours, so I won't be meeting Robyn for dinner. Curse you, legster!
What can we blame 2legs for?
Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) Posted Apr 5, 2011
You should have booked a flight on a plane, not one on 2legs.
Key: Complain about this post
What can we blame 2legs for?
- 16001: Peanut (Apr 1, 2011)
- 16002: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 1, 2011)
- 16003: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16004: Malabarista - now with added pony (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16005: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16006: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16007: Malabarista - now with added pony (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16008: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16009: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Apr 2, 2011)
- 16010: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16011: KB (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16012: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16013: KB (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16014: dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour. (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16015: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16016: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Apr 3, 2011)
- 16017: Malabarista - now with added pony (Apr 5, 2011)
- 16018: Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed ) (Apr 5, 2011)
- 16019: Peanut (Apr 5, 2011)
- 16020: dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour. (Apr 7, 2011)
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