A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 21

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - oksmiley - sporksmiley - cheerssmiley - cheesecakesmiley - run

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 22


I feel like we're in the midst of the second coming

of Justin the Preacher.smiley - sadface

Please, WGJustin, judge not, don't throw stones, don't call others to repentence -- oh, right, your nasty god tells you that you have to be a judgemental git and and lambaste us for our sins even though he also tells you not to be a judgemental git and not to through stones. Yet more of that divine consistency.

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 23

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Jehova! Jehova!

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 24


Jesus is coming! Look busy.

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 25

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

I've heard some rather less savoury versions of that...

such as 'get under cover!'

smiley - snork

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 26

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

BoB-Damn it... all I ever wanted was for people to be nice to each other for a change... I must say, I'm rahter impressed with these digital watch thingies.

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 27

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Oi, 2jesuses, my dog's got no nose!

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 28


I am going to give that boy Jesus such a slap when he gets in. What hour does he call this? Making me worry about where he might be or what could have happened to him. For all I know he could be dead.

Blessed are the cheesemakers...

Post 29

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Awful!!!!! smiley - snorksmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - snorksmiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - crysmiley - laughsmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - laughsmiley - crysmiley - snorksmiley - snork damn.... think I just wet myself smiley - blush now, lettuce see how well this water to wine trick actually works smiley - zen

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 30

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Not exactly in the general spirit of hootoo there, WG. (You don't mind if I call you WG, do you? I never could keep up with people who change their names. The KZ just doesn't register.)

You want to be careful, posting things like that. People might think you're serious.

TRiG.smiley - evilgrin

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 31


Honest Iago, you need to repent because God has let it be known that everyone needs to repent, including me and you.

"All wrongdoing is sin" 1 John 5

If you have ever done anything wrong, then you have sinned, and need to repent. I don't know you, but I know you need to repent because in His word God says that all have sinned, and that no one is righteous.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 32

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

"If you have ever done anything wrong, then you have sinned, "
I'm alright then, I've never done anything wrong, not as far as I'm concerned anyhow, and I don't let others judge me with their twisted view of what may and may not be right as according to their own peculiar set of judgements as arrived at through their own particular lifestyle and socialisation.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 33


Hi Trig:


Nah, call me WG if you like. I just had a phase when I thought I should have thought a bit more carefully about choosing my name. I thought WelshGenghis is actually not that suitable. I'm not Welsh or Mongolian. Then I called myself Kuzushi for a while, but thought people wouldn't know who I was, so I ...anyway.....

I am serious.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 34


2legs old bean:


I'm sure if you thought about it there must be things you wish you hadn't done, or things you know you should have.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 35



You say that because what I'm saying sounds crazy to you, but I'm not crazy.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 36



I'm quite secure, although we're in for some scary times.

The Hope

Post 37


It's not all doom and gloom. There is hope


Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 38

STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring )

I am sure you are serious about your belief but sadly starting this type of thread here is only going to leave you open to ridicule. In an ideal world a thread like this would be gently discussed with people making perhaps helpful but disagreeing comments, but the more you say the more you will get ripped apart here. I think there are religeous boards on BBC somwhere where you will get a better response.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 39


>>HonestIago, you need to repent because God has let it be known that everyone needs to repent, including me and you.<<

So where do you come into this? I don't think god needs you as an interlocutor, so why don't you mind your own business and let me look out for my own "sins"?.

If god comes and asks me for my repentence, I'll tell it to smiley - bleep off myself.

Jesus is coming back. Get ready.

Post 40


I'm with HonestIago on this one. I try to live a good life, and just don't think that I've done anything terribly wrong. Nothing that a mild "I'm sorry," wouldn't clear up. If God gives me a hard time about that, then I've got some questions for Him! Like why should anyone get cancer, especially children?

This end of the world nonsense is being fueled in the United States by racism. Right wing Republicans keep saying that Barack Obama is the Antichrist. They're afraid the world will end if he becomes President.

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