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Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 41

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

It was fun, wasn't it? So sweet and innocent, really! I envied the girl in our class who babysat his daughters, and questioned her closely!

(If he'd reciprocated, aside from legal issues) I wouldn't have the first clue of what to do!)


Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 42


smiley - erm

I think you missed my point Vicky.

We went for the women.

The male teachers were just *so* very boring.

The women despite their maidenhoodness were just so much more complex and interesting......

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 43

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I *did* miss your point then!

All of the women were old, my mother's age at least (50-something) and I thought of them as auxiliary mothers, or aunts, of which I didn't have any...But I did admire them!


Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 44


>my mother's age at least (50-something) and I thought of them as auxiliary mothers, or aunts, of which I didn't have any...But I did admire them<

Right, Okey dokey, smiley - winkeye I get where you're coming from now.

It sounds like the men at your school were really heated up and sexually attractive. smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

But yes, admiration of women is most important.

(But come on weren't you just a tiny teensy bit tempted by the women.......smiley - laugh)

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 45

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Well, two of the men were attractive... One of the others was downright scary, (he yelled a lot at what I called stupidity), and of the women, I think there was one who was a wee bit tempting, although she was a newly-wed, and then a preggy.... (She was one of the new wave of young teachers coming along just as it came time for me to leave school.)


Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 46

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

smiley - erm Which song is all that from? Sounds like it might be something by Squeeze.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 47


smiley - laughsmiley - applause

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 48


That actually reminded me of Oasis "Supersonic"

"I know a girl called Elsa
She's into Alka Seltzer"

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 49

badger party tony party green party

The line, "there's going to ba a jail break somewhere in this town"

Has to be defended. First you have to consider that in the unspecified town in question ther might well be more than on jail. Generally youths, women and men are generally housed in separate jails then there are maxi and low security jails plus privately run and state run prisons to consider.

Then you have to consider that the line might be best read as metaphor or escaping an unfulilling situation one feels "locked" in.

The really bad line rom Thin Lizzy is from "The boys are Back in Town"
"Every night she'd be up there
shaking what she's got
When I say she was cool
I mean, she was red hot"

So Phil, is she "cool" or "red hot"?

Actually on the theme song to Bobby Brown raps "Too hot to handle, too cold to hold"

Not many people know this but Bobby Browns real first name is Phil...Im starting to see a pattern here.

smiley - rainbow

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 50

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'm always annoyed by songs with a refrain "Love love love love...". How lazy is that?!

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 51


It's all you need smiley - biggrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 52

Terliwig Renfrew Hidalgo worship mina here A39119024 go on you know you want to

any song with "LALALALA" or "NANANA" or any other noise rather than words

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 53

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned MacArthur Park;

smiley - musicalnoteSomeone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'cause it took so long to bake it
And I'll never have that recipe againsmiley - musicalnote

Yes I know it's supposed to be a methaphor, but really smiley - rolleyes

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 54

A Super Furry Animal

Here's that earlier post, with the word that rhymes with "hat" removed:

>> We could have an entire thread just for Sting's lyrics. <<

From the "No Sh*t Sherlock" school of lyric writing:

Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon

But really, this is like shooting smiley - fish in a barrel. he's a pretentious hat, who writes pretentious lyrics.

Do we know any other pretentious hats? Who write pop songs?

OK, for starters, there's anyone else who calls themselves by something other than their given name: Bonio springs to mind. Then there's various "gangsta" rappers. And of course, the master of pretension in a pretentious universe, Mr. David Sylvian (né Batt - which rhymes with...hat!smiley - winkeye) who came up with this twaddle:

Standing outside on a kitchen floor
Love utensils in the palm of her hand
Saluting supermarket majorettes
We understand
Oh muzak for digital clocks
Departmental stores, vacate no sound
Exchanging surgical appliances
On hired ground

What does that mean? Anyone?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 55

aka Bel - A87832164

I was just about to ask that. smiley - doh

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 56

Sho - employed again!

OI! You leave David Sylvian alone!

I really get smiley - grr when I hear Oasis (is it Champagne Supernova?)

Slowly walking down the hall
faster than a cannonball


Stop. Now.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 57

A Super Furry Animal

Don't get me started on Oasis.

Gallagher #1: What rhymes with "sister"?
Gallagher #2: Who the **** cares? Just put any old rubbish in there! How about "missed her"?

Gallager #1: "And my dog's been itching...'ere, what rhymes with "itching"?
Gallagher #2: Who the **** cares? Try "kitchen"...that'll do! No-one listens to this sh*t anyway.

...As I imagine the songwriting conference went in the Gallagher household.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 58

Researcher U197087

"Eh our kid, don't forget to tell 'em to be, say or do what they wanna."

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 59

Taff Agent of kaos

Eh our ma, is zis all thats for me dinner....soup???

Nah, You Got A Roll With It!!!!!!

smiley - bat

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 60

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Here's a gem from Eurovision-stealers Lordi:

"On the Day of Rockening, it's who dares wins.
You will see the jokers soon will be the new kings."

This is the same song which uses the word 'Arockalypse'...

Limp Bizkit are a joy for quotes:

"I've got a chainsaw.
I'll skin your ass raw,
And if my day keeps going this way I just might
Give me something to break!"

"Hey kids, take my advice:
You don't wanna step into a big pile of sh**."

Seriously, they can't have a very high opinion of their fans if that counts as 'advice'.

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