A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 21

A Super Furry Animal

That's "Don't Stand So Close To Me"

It's no use
He sees her
He starts to shake and cough
Just like the old man in
That book by Nabakov

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 22

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"Jailbreak" by Thin Lizzy.

"Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak somewhere in this town."

I wonder which part of town? The jail, perhaps?

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 23

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

We could have an entire thread just for Sting's lyrics.

"When their eloquence escapes you, their logic ties you up and rapes you." smiley - huh

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 24

Mister Matty

"I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss/
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross"

"Your Song" by Elton John (although Bernie Taupaulin or whatever his name is deserves the raspberry for writing the lyrics).

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 25

Mister Matty

The Stranglers are great for dodgy lyrics:

" can think of a lot worse places to be
Like down in the street
Or down in the sewer
Or even on the end of a skewer"

From "Peaches"

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 26

Moving On

Led Zeppelin's "Trampled Underfoot"is a bit obscure on the lyrics front, as well. Infact, *most of Led Zeppelin's lyrics are are a bit obscure, now I think about itsmiley - rolleyes

But hey, it's a good noise, so who cares, really?


Post 27

A Super Furry Animal

This post has been removed.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 28

Moving On

Sounds like a cry for help, to me.

Talking of which; has anyone actually looked closely at David Bowie's lyrics and not come away with a bit of a headache? Or a mild case of confusion, even?

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 29

Sho - employed again!

Kooks sounds pretty sensible to me.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 30

Moving On


I didn't realise the word "pretentious" was a yiksing offense..smiley - rolleyes

Honestly! What was remotely offensive about that post anyway???

RF...take this slap on the wrist and feel duly chastenedsmiley - tongueout

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 31

A Super Furry Animal

Good Lord! What's going on? I insulted St. Bonio?

I sincerely hope it's not some copyright nut...six lines from a song lyric are allowed!

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 32

Moving On

It may have been the word (spelled TeeDoubleyouATee) after pretentious that could have given someone indigestion

Metaphorically speaking.smiley - erm

But you're right; much as I like Sting's singing, he *is full of himself IMO when it come to subject matter, on occaision.

Still, it pays his bills for him alright.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 33


Badge, Cream. In a class of its own:

I told you not to wander round in the dark.
I told you 'bout the swans, that they live in the park.
Then I told you 'bout our kid, now he's married to Mabel.

For dessert, you can then try "Tales of Brave Ulysses" by the same perpetrators. Hilarious. An absolute masterstroke to come up with a title that has to be mispronounced before it'll scan.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 34

A Super Furry Animal

Whilst talking about parks, that reminds me of TBSGTNIT:

The reflex is an only child, he's waiting in the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark

Simon, what *are* you on about?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 35

badger party tony party green party

"you dont know what you've got till you lose it"

Just for the sake of pedantry it should be "you dont know what you HAD till you've lost it"

Logically however how would inadvertantly totally missplacnig something make you more aware of the qualities of something you had very little idea about when you had it?

smiley - sadface

"Whats up Phil"?

"I had this box with a million quid in it, but now Ive lost it"

"no shit a million quid exactly"?

"well Im not even sure it was a million quid, to be fair I didint even look in the box and it might have been a bag if Im completely honest I never took much notice but now that I have lost it I know there was a million quid in it"

"What are you gonig to do about it Phil"?

"Im going to go on stage at Live 8 swear a lot and embarass everyone"

smiley - rainbow

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 36

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

"Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing pavements"

When I first heard this I was covinced it was a mondegreen... but no, that's what she's actually singing. Silly girl.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 37

Researcher 1300304

the t word is a euphemism for female genitalia. this might not be known to some of the younger researchers. young people seem to use it as a variation of twit.

and before all the 'angries of mayfair' jump to conclusions, no, i didn't pull the plug on it.

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 38

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Debbie Harry years ago..

"I remember my finest hour/The one I spent watching you shower"

Hilarious! smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I actually really love the sheer stupidity of it!


Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 39

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


The one about the dodgy school girl and the even dodgier teacher, "Don't stand so close to me"< I think it's called...


(I'd had a mad crush on a teacher when I was 16, he was one of three male teachers in our all-girl school, and he was the only one under 60!)

Stupid or just plain bad song lyrics

Post 40


smiley - erm I thought everyone had crushes on teachers during teenage years?

I had several. I also went to an all girls school. 99% of our teachers were female. All highly qualified and intelligent but basically old maids. smiley - laugh

We all had several crushes on the younger ones though.

I look back on such pleasures with great relish and enjoyment. smiley - smiley

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