A Conversation for Ask h2g2
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Icy North Posted Dec 30, 2014
I once saw a llama on the loose in Hampshire. I have a grainy photo somewhere.
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swl Posted Dec 30, 2014
I heard there was a madman with a mullet going mental with a mallet in Millets the other day. Didn't get a picture though.
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Pastey Posted Dec 31, 2014
Young bloke has to work two days out of three during the festive period, demands the system changes to suit him:
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Icy North Posted Dec 31, 2014
I fully understand the guy's complaint. Maybe his employer can compensate him somewhat for having to work these antisocial hours - maybe a small bonus?
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Pastey Posted Dec 31, 2014
The laughable part of it, or one of them at least, is that they claim they're not properly rested with just a day's break. Okay, I can understand that a little, because if I've done a long run I need to have at least a day's break before running again. However, I'm not a professional athlete.
And also, and I may be wrong here, but don't clubs like that have more than enough players to rotate them? And maybe put out their B team for the games where they're more likely to win?
The schedule's always been like this, this is nothing new.
I'm sorry, but I can't see this as a poor attempt at an excuse as to why they were held to a draw by a team they expected to thrash.
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Icy North Posted Dec 31, 2014
He might find he wins more if he seeks a transfer to a team with better players around him or one which employs better tactics - has he considered that?
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Pastey Posted Dec 31, 2014
That I can't comment on as I don't really follow football. Yes, I live in Manchester and don't really care about football
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quotes Posted Dec 31, 2014
Spurs had played on the 26th as well, so both teams were equally badly affected by the schedules. If anything, you might expect the 'stronger' team to have an advantage, if they were both equally worn down.
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Pastey Posted Dec 31, 2014
A valid point, it's not as though they're the only team playing all these matches.
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Pink Paisley Posted Dec 31, 2014
If they whinge make them play professional tennis.
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ITIWBS Posted Jan 2, 2015
I personally think that a 4-twelves working week is more forgiving than a 5-eights schedule, especially if there's a lot of overtime, one day off to rest, another to play, and yet another to rest again before going bafk to work.
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Pastey Posted Jan 2, 2015
My working week has now shifted to pretty much every day But I do get to start and stop when I want during it.
But that's both the pros and cons of running your own business.
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Maria Posted Jan 2, 2015
I like Pope Francisco´s attitude before many issues.
The last thing:
"Pope Francis Calls for Action on Climate Change & Capitalism on a Planet "Exploited by Human Greed"
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Recumbentman Posted Jan 4, 2015
Does anyone else get the feeling that greed is often treated as a specifically human vice?
It's not human nature, it's nature.
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Atticus Posted Jan 4, 2015
"Does anyone else get the feeling that greed is often treated as a specifically human vice?
It's not human nature, it's nature."
That doesn't make it excusable though. Greed at other people's expense is contemptible.
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Baron Grim Posted Jan 4, 2015
Many people, conservatives in particular, consider life a zero sum game. For there to be winners, there must be losers. This is why they fight against paying workers a living wage. Others realize that it's not a zero sum game and if workers earn more they spend more and everyone is lifted up.
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Recumbentman Posted Jan 4, 2015
There are periods and individuals in history who have shown the value of caring for all ... for a while life is a bit better, then they get forgotten again.
And yes, 'natural' is no excuse. Excusing and its opposite, accusing, are particularly human activities.
I just find it futile to go into a funk and say 'mankind is inherently evil'. It isn't (we aren't).
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logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Jan 5, 2015
"""& Capitalism """ So what will he be doing about the wealth that the church has, will he be using some of this wealth for the good of others rather than increasing it... The info is out there concerning its wealth and its spending, what is sad is its refusal to fund contraception, there bye causing suffering and starvation for many....
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Maria Posted Jan 5, 2015
I have two minds about this Pope, on one hand he can be a screen, a propaganda campaign launched by the OPUS DEI , which still has most of the power in the Vatican, and in its wealth, the banks mainly.
The church after all the scandals on pederastia needs to show a kind shepherd to keep the sheeps quiet. A follower of St. Francis of Asisi would be just the right thing.
May be he is conscious of that move but he wants to do as much as he can. Im not sure, in any case, recently in Spain a few priests have been accused of pederastia, they are now in the hands of the justice. They are OPUS DEI members.
There are more acts like that one. So be it a campaign or not there are positive moves inside a rigid and dark organization like the Catholic church. I hope he doesn´t follow the fate of John Paul I, it´s said that he was wiped out when he started to clean the
Ambrosiano bank.
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Maria Posted Jan 5, 2015
Forgot to say that the case of pederastia was brought to light by the Pope. A young man wrote a letter to him denouncing the abuses he suffered when he was a teenager. The Pope took direct action.
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- 16501: Icy North (Dec 30, 2014)
- 16502: swl (Dec 30, 2014)
- 16503: Pastey (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16504: Icy North (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16505: Pastey (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16506: Icy North (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16507: Pastey (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16508: quotes (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16509: Pastey (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16510: Pink Paisley (Dec 31, 2014)
- 16511: ITIWBS (Jan 2, 2015)
- 16512: Pastey (Jan 2, 2015)
- 16513: Maria (Jan 2, 2015)
- 16514: Recumbentman (Jan 4, 2015)
- 16515: Atticus (Jan 4, 2015)
- 16516: Baron Grim (Jan 4, 2015)
- 16517: Recumbentman (Jan 4, 2015)
- 16518: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Jan 5, 2015)
- 16519: Maria (Jan 5, 2015)
- 16520: Maria (Jan 5, 2015)
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