A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11141


So might you be, if you were launched by Camilla.. smiley - winkeye

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11142

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

If I may make an Astute observation...
What kinda name is Asstoot?
It's more damning than Golden Hind.
smiley - pirate
smiley - evilgrin

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11143

Taff Agent of kaos

just goes to show the poor standard of maksmanship among naval personel

6 rounds, 1 dead, 1 injured

admittedly 1 round, 1 kill is difficult enough with a hand gun

if he had double tapped them(2 rapid shots at the same target) he should have been looking at 3 wounded if not killed.

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11144


smiley - erm

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11145


Taff: >>just goes to show the poor standard of maksmanship among naval personel<<

As I recall, many of you brown jobs had trouble hitting a target of half-a-square-foot at a range of less than 1 foot at the bottom of the pan.

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11146

Taff Agent of kaos

turns out the news report was wrong, he had an automatic rifle, probably an SA80, not very good for close quarters in the cramped conditions inside a sub.

not the best method of conflict resolution, especially with innocent parties around.

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11147


Let us spray - but only six rounds?

Not easy to hide - where'd he get it?

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11148

Taff Agent of kaos

if he was on gaurd duty he would have had a full magazine,

probably got lumbered with gaurd duty at the last minute, instead of going ashore and decided to get his own back on the guy who spannered him for gaurd!!!!!

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11149


Taff Agent of Kaos aka Drew Peacock

Sounds like the accuracy of a Stormtrooper to me. smiley - rocket

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11150


From the Gruniad story of the shooting:

"Di McDonald, chair of the Nuclear Information Service, which promotes awareness of nuclear disarmament, said the incident ought to prompt a rethink on the value of confining men in such an unnatural environment."

Really Di? You might want to see how long submarines have been used for...over a century...and also what is an 'unnatural' environment?

I am sitting in a house...which is an 'unnatural' environment.

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11151

Taff Agent of kaos

""Sounds like the accuracy of a Stormtrooper to me.""

look at the blast paterns!!! only imperial stormtroopers are this precise!!!smiley - huhWTF!!

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11152

Taff Agent of kaos

""Really Di? You might want to see how long submarines have been used for...over a century..""

after a tour of duty on a sub, when submariners return to port they are advised not to drive for 24 hours, having been confined with nothing further than a few meters away for monthes screws up their depth perception, apperntly!!!!(anecdotal evidence from a [former naval] colleague)

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11153


Taff Agent of Kaos aka Drew Peacock
<""Sounds like the accuracy of a Stormtrooper to me.""

look at the blast paterns!!! only imperial stormtroopers are this precise!!! WTF!!>

That is indeed what is said however if you then see how stormtroopers shoot during the rest of the film they couldn't hit a barn door if they were lying face down on one.

Then again Obi Wan had been in the desert for decades and with the Empire needing to cut back on stuff the weapons training might have been reduced since his time.

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11154


Taff Agent of Kaos aka Drew Peacock
<""Really Di? You might want to see how long submarines have been used for...over a century..""

after a tour of duty on a sub, when submariners return to port they are advised not to drive for 24 hours, having been confined with nothing further than a few meters away for monthes screws up their depth perception, apperntly!!!!(>

After a tour of duty away from heir partner they probably spend the next 24hours still going down anyway.

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11155

Taff Agent of kaos

""if you then see how stormtroopers shoot during the rest of the film ""


What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11156

Taff Agent of kaos

""if you then see how stormtroopers shoot during the rest of the film ""

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11157

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Well I think you guys are arguing apples and orangutans here.

Obviously, Imperial foot soldiers were not as effective with rifles
at close range as the Artillery boys were on the long shots.

smiley - towel

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11158

Taff Agent of kaos


the Royal Artillery don't have the knickname 'drop shorts' for nothing!!!!

smiley - bat

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11159


HMS Astute is armed with Tomahawk Block IV cruise missiles. Just
imagine what damage this chap could have done if he was in charge of
those smiley - erm. He probably would have off loaded them against some oil
rich evil doer.

It seems like things are getting a little shakey in Egypt:
"Egypt's army has cracked down on protests in Cairo's symbolic Tahrir
Square, leaving at least one person dead and dozens injured."

And here is Mr Cameron doing a little arms dealing with the Egyptian
army after the evil-doer Mubarek had to be stepped down:

What News Story has caught your attention today?

Post 11160


Sesame Street stars drafted in the US War Against Terror:

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