A Conversation for Ask h2g2

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7261


Free meal at some pizzeria* in Marseilles smiley - biggrin

That is to say, the offer is true Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and you must roll three dice and obtain "421" before paying.

smiley - geek

What bugged me a little in this is: I heard that on a radio show, and the host stated that some guy had computed that you the odds for your getting a free meal are 1:36. He added that he didn't quite believe this result as he found it "too low". Nobody else among the guests and audience** could help him out. And he would personally gutfeelingly estimate the probability around one in a few thousands against smiley - doh

Should this (probability of getting 4,2,1 in a single throw of three dice) be standard mathematical numeracy? Or at least how to find out and get a coarse estimate of the result?

* Chez Picone
** In fairness to the audience, maybe those who knew just didn't speak up.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7262



Oh dear...they caught the bloke who hit him...smiley - laugh

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7263


That would never happen to a Canadian Prime Minister: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawinigan_Handshake

smiley - laugh

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7264

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> Not a new law, but one going back to 26th Brumaire year IX (17th November 1800)
and which has never been repealed for some reason. <<

Hey, Napoleon had a lot of good ideas.
A lot of them are still on the books.
Mind you, there weren't a lot of bicycles around in 1800.

smiley - ok

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7265


That could be a later addition smiley - biggrin

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7266


I didn't get much sympathy for my cold weather story.smiley - sadface

Here's a bit more detail:

'Edmonton has established a record it would probably rather forget.

The Alberta capital recorded the lowest temperature in North America overnight Saturday — and set a record as the lowest temperature on a Dec. 13 in the city's history — as the current deep freeze established records across the province.'


Anybody else get to -46.1 *without windchill* last night? Did I get the lowest temperature just in North America or was it most of the world? It's summer in Antarctica, after all.smiley - smiley

It's only about -30 so far tonight. I went for dinner with the extended family at my parent's this evening and the power went off for about four hours. It was one of the nicest family dinners we've had.smiley - smiley

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7267


Nice bit about teh kitteh smiley - cat

smiley - smiley

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7268


I'm cewrtainl.y not going to judge anyone by their spelling or grammer.smiley - winkeye

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7269


Lest ye be judged?

smiley - winkeye

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7270

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

Maybe it is not spelling/grammar but typing.. ? .. ... ....... ............................................ . . smiley - pggb . .. ...

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7271


'The city of Berkeley mailed coat hangers to 20 members of Congress on Wednesday in protest of the anti-abortion amendment in the House version of the federal health care bill.'


smiley - cool

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7272

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

>> I didn't get much sympathy for my cold weather story. smiley - sadface
Anybody else get to -46.1 *without windchill* last night? <<

smiley - yikes

Well most folks have no idea what that would be like.
And I live downhill from you so I expect it'll reach here
in a day or two. Mind you the traffic and smokestacks between
there and here will have taken a bit of the edge off it by then,
but thanks for the warning!

smiley - snowman

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7273


Anhaga, -10°C is already terribly cold for me... smiley - brr
I can't even imagine what -40 would be like, apart from turning me into a block of ice!!

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7274


An odd thing is that if I hadn't read the news, I wouldn't have noticed that it was particularly cold.smiley - laugh

another odd thing is that the forecast for Thursday is +2.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7275


Indeed, "46" is the sort of temperature I usually associate with "+". Actually I don't think I can even imagine the difference between, say, -16 and -46. Bloody smiley - brr in both cases.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7276


Amen to that, Toybox!

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7277

Mrs Zen

Macdonald [former Director of Public Prosecutions] said that Blair's fundamental flaw was his "sycophancy towards power" and that he could not resist the "glamour" he attracted in Washington.

"In this sense he was weak and, as we can see, he remains so," Macdonald went on.

"Since those sorry days we have frequently heard him repeating the self-regarding mantra that 'hand on heart, I only did what I thought was right'. But this is a narcissist's defence, and self-belief is no answer to misjudgment..."


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7278


"A study conducted at the Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, north of Sydney, found that in the year to July, 91 emergency patients with violent, acute disturbances comparable to werewolves were admitted."


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7279


here's story from my town that isn't about the weather.smiley - winkeye

'A Grade 3 teacher with a passion for kickboxing is one of 13 Edmontonians featured in a new calendar celebrating local Muslim women.

Noreen Bashir will be seen in the calendar wearing boxing gloves and a sports hijab at the gym where she works out almost everyday. . . .

The calendar is the brainchild of local photographer and filmmaker Shazia Javed. The women featured in the calendar were nominated by the local Muslim community and include medical students at the University of Alberta, a local youth worker and a pizzeria owner who raised triplets on her own. Some, but not all, wear head coverings.'


smiley - cool

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 7280


As a contrast to the story about the calendar of Muslim women:

'Some people in Verona, Italy are up in arms about a nativity scene at their local courthouse in which Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are depicted as dark-skinned people. . . .

Verona has strong links to the Northern League party, a political entity allied with PM Silvio Burlusconi that is strongly anti-immigration — the League is in the midst of a two-month initiative, called White Christmas, in which they hope to "ferret out foreigners without proper permits in Coccaglio, a small League-led town east of Milan". They've also advocated for separate buses and trains for immigrants, banning new mosques, and getting rid of all Chinese and kebab restaurants in the towns where they have the most influence. '


I don't understand at all (actually, I think I do): Why is it that white Europeans seem to be unable to make multiculturalism work and we (Canadians) seem to be able to make a go of getting along with each other?smiley - erm

The international news makes a lot of European countries appear to be on the brink of full-on ethnic warfare. I mean, it's not like we don't have a huge population of visible immigrant (and native) minorities, large, crowded and diverse cities, and a multitude of languages (the Northwest Territories have, if I remember correctly, 14 official languages, only two of them of European origin). Our Muslim population has been well established since the 19th century, is rapidly growing, and is pretty much the same percentage of total population as the Muslim population of the UK. Our constitution enshrines the existence of a multitude of 'nations' with in our larger nation and one of those nations is a part of our state while never having ratified our constitution and our Head of State is not even a citizen of our country! Our national government is required by our constitution to encourage and help to preserve the culture of every individual, native born or immigrant, and the country is a pretty bloody happy place with some really good restaurants.smiley - smiley

Why doesn't it seem to work in Europe?smiley - sadface

Sorry for the rant, but the Italian story is very upsetting to me, not least because I have fond memories of summertime in Italy a quarter century ago.

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