A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Opinions Please..........

Post 41

Researcher 195767


You know that that is not true!

I told that person that her children were born sinners, and would end up like all the other sinners of this generation, doing what the world thinks de rigeur. Whoring and fornicating are considered 'good', but those who are not saved.

Opinions Please..........

Post 42

badger party tony party green party

Ah I see what you two are doing. Thirdman would you be happy to be branded a rapist because all who rape are men?

Justin, because a follower of christ betrayed in the book you love so much does that mean all followers of christ are the same as Judas?

You obviously have your own agendas for pointing out the intolerance of some muslims, but have you ever thought that there may be other muslims who are saying as you do Justin, "They are not real believers if they do such things"?

Justin we can easily see with the border dispute over Kashmir that Hindus can be violent and threatening, but heres a link for a very famous Hindu:http://www.engagedpage.com/gandhi.html

"Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man."
Mohandas K. Gandhi on nonviolence

"Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable.
He lived, thought and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony.
We may ignore Gandhi at our own risk."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

one love smiley - rainbow

Opinions Please..........

Post 43



See posting 17:


I did make a mistake in saying the children were 3 and 4 years old, they are 1 and 3 years old.


Opinions Please..........

Post 44


smiley - yikes

I have checked that link out and have included a quote here, cause it really was unbelievable and sick and maybe even evil what he said.

'I would fully expect your children, except they be born again, to end up in horrendous crimes against God, like whoring/fornicating, lying, lust, disobedience to parents, etc. Those things are pretty well de rigeur in this sick world, and you may not have too much of a problem with that, but God does, and this is His world.'

Oh and Justin the new testament is about forgiveness and inclusion. Jesus said to suffer the children to come unto him, he didn't hate children like you have shown you do. 'Love thy neighbour', again something you donot do. Jesus preached forgiveness, you preach hate. I think Jesus was a great man, I think you are a hate-filled person who likes to hurt other people. I have met truely Christian people and you are not one of them, no true christian would say what you did say in that quote above.

Opinions Please..........

Post 45

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Yes, it's true that when it comes to Islam I have a different view as regards the world stage to that of many people. I view Islamic countries such as Saudi, Pakistan and others as intolerant dictatorships with an agenda at odds with their public announcements. Tolerance is one thing but appeasement is another, the Saudi Royal family enjoy the protection the US military give them but seem to do little against the militants from Saudi who make up the majority of Al-Qaeda terrorists. I have held a strong view about Islam since the Rushdie affair when a British national was forced into hiding in his own country for writing a book. We saw demonstrations and book-burnings in the UK because of the opinion of one man in Tehran. The majority interviewd agreed they had never read the book. Book-burning and blind allegiance to one man remind me of another regime that we practiced tolerance towards.

Opinions Please..........

Post 46

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

As I see it, the great benefit to be gained from inter-faith dialogue is that it allows for people to explore their commonalities, rather than purely focusing on their differences. Interacting with other human beings, who in many ways aren't actually all that different from you, dispells the fear and distrust that comes of viewing other people as a label or stereotype. It's not so easy to hate someone when you see their life in a more comprehensive fashion.... not just as "other faith" or "other nationality" or "other ethnic group", but as people who work for a stable lifestyle, who care about their friends and families, who want to live peaceful and productive lives. From that mindset it's actually not all that difficult to extend some compassion towards other people of various lables who you haven't even met and not just assume that they're different and somehow almost subhuman, and you can develop the realization that, by saying it's justifiable to damage other people's lives truly is no different in principle than to say it's justifiable to kill your brother because you don't hold the same political or religious views.

Opinions Please..........

Post 47

badger party tony party green party

Presumably you hold similar opinions about America as you do about Muslim countries.

Wasnt that the country where John Lennon was shot? The same country where his bands records were burnt because of his flippant remark about them being "bigger than god"?

Why tar the whole of what you would term a group with an assumption made about people in a counryt you have not visited and the edited soundbites of a few people daft enough to spend money to burn a book to show their displeasure at what they were told was in that book. You might not be being quite as foolish as they were on that subject, but believeing that such incidents and the way they were reported accurately portray Islam, is getting close.

Just because people stood in the streets baying for the blood of people they did not know when they were named and shamed by the News of the World does not mean that all the residents of Portsmouth are either a mob of thugs or paedophiles.

one love smiley - rainbow

Opinions Please..........

Post 48

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

When The Beatles records were burnt it was the action of individuals, when Khomeini issued his fatwa it was the action of the state.

Opinions Please..........

Post 49

Researcher 195767


Some of the sentiments you express, from where you are, would make much sense for those who are outsiders to the kingdom of God, and may improve some people's behaviour in this world.

However, all you have to do is to continue in the vein you are in, and never find Christ Himself, and you will meet and be able to compare notes with the little old Hindu man, for all eternity, without Christ - in between your screams.

He has nothing to teach a child of God.


Opinions Please..........

Post 50

badger party tony party green party

Then if it was *a state* how can it be Islam which is a religion?

Werent those individuals claiming to do what they were doing because they were christians?

Just because others cant distinguish between acts of groups and and the sensibilities of individuals within wider groups doesnt mean you should do your best to emulate them.

Group hysteria

In the current discussion of race hatred, homophobia, anti-Semitism and all those things that take up space in today's newspapers, it might help if we stopped talking about communities - Muslim community, gay community etc - as if these various groups were all formed of people of one mind.

One reason for this illusion has been the emergence of a body of opportunists who claim to act as spokesmen for the Muslims or the Jews. Generally speaking, these people have no proper credentials and have seldom if ever stood for any kind of democratic elections. Nevertheless they make some kind of career for themselves by being interviewed on Channel 4 News and providing quotes when rung up by news-hungry journalists.

In the case of the homosexuals, there has never been such a thing as a gay community: that is to say, a body of people who meet regularly, sharing religious beliefs etc.

But it is almost equally meaningless to bracket together all Muslims or Jews. In the latter case, for example, the so-called Board of Deputies issues regular accusations of anti-Semitism against critics of Israeli governments. These self-appointed spokesmen are represented as speaking for all Jewish people in Britain.

Yet a great many British Jews are concerned about Israel's policy in the Middle East and strongly disapprove of Ariel Sharon, not to mention his wall.

smiley - rainbow

Opinions Please..........

Post 51

Researcher 195767

Kaz and Azahar,

Sometimes I think you must sit down to plot out a plan of deliberate misinterpretation of what I said, in order to blacken the name of Christ and His people.

As Kaz has kindly reposted what I put you will see that I was telling the woman concerned that her children were BORN sinners, and WOULD go the way of sin into those things that I mentioned, and would NOT be able to prevent it. I did NOT say that her children were 'evil' as Azahar said at all. I said that they were born sinners, and would, like ALL sinners, go the way of sin. That is plain truth before God.

I do not hate children at all. I think you should withdraw that lie. I think everyone who knows me would fall about laughing at such a suggestion, as they know that I adore them.

The gospel does NOT preach forgiveness EXCEPT to those to whom GOD gives repentence. Now, I am a minister, and you are not. I do KNOW God, and you do NOT, I do study the Bible at length most days, and you do NOT. I do have a Bible college degree, and you do NOT. So, please, cease instructing me, you do not begin to know your subject.

There is NO hate in me against anyone.

Opinions Please..........

Post 52

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

oh god - that thing! You'd think people would have learnt from the last one! smiley - cross

Opinions Please..........

Post 53

Researcher 195767


OK, thank you.


Opinions Please..........

Post 54

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

You're welcome.
smiley - smiley

Opinions Please..........

Post 55

Jimbob - Got a Favourite Band? Tell Us All About It at A2464355


In between the arguments about who said what, the consensus opinion of those who have contributed so far seems to be that it's a good thing for representatives of world religions to sit down and talk about the relationships their respective faiths have with other faiths. I'm certainly of that opinion.

Have these opinions, thus expressed, had any impact on your thoughts on the matter?

Opinions Please..........

Post 56

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I've enjoyed this discussion. It's good to see something deep and serious on Hootoosmiley - smiley

Opinions Please..........

Post 57

Researcher 195767


It is not so much of a case of 'having an impact on my thoughts'. I know how God views it,and that is all one of His people need to know. However, I was interested to see if I had calculated correctly how outsiders would see it. And in that sense I have not seen anything unexpected in the answers.

You have inadvertantly stated something interesting too. I understand you don't know these things, but you are right. It is good for all the religions of this world to sit down and talk together, they all serve the same master anyway. However, it is nothing to do with us.


Opinions Please..........

Post 58

Researcher 195767

Third Man,

If only certain people would stop trying to make it an 'attack Justin' thread and simply engage the questions it would help! I too have seen the banal and inane stuff that normally passes for items to discuss here too! smiley - sadface


Opinions Please..........

Post 59

Random person


Many non-Christians (with whichever definition it currently suits you to use) live perfectly blameless lives if one does not consider their choice not to be a Christian as a sin. So the only inevitable "sin" (please note quotation marks) is that they will not be a Christian. So your argument is that anyone who is not a Christian will inevitably fail to be a Christian. Now failure to be Christian does not, in fact, harm anyone else, it does not harm the person concerned, it does cause the person concerned to spout dogmatic messages of religious intolerance, so the only problem is that the otherwise blameless person concerned is acting kindly and morally because they have excercised their rational mind and decided to do so, rather than claiming that everything they do is done to glorify God. If this is the only difference between good and sin, I would rather not worship such an egotistical megalomaniac as the God you believe has created this system.

Opinions Please..........

Post 60

Random person

sorry, read that as:

it does NOT cause the person concerned to spout dogmatic messages of religious intolerance

why do typos always happen in places like that?

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