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is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 21

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The fruitfulness of the vegetablatious nature of a plant is in the fruitfulness of the explinations which expand the vegetable-like nature of organic matterials contained therein, if the vegetablness of a fruit is more fruitful than the vegetabulationsionus, of the fruitfulness of a vegetable, then the vegetablation of a fruit are indeed as fruitful as a fruit smiley - cakesmiley - zen

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 22


fruit i say fruit i say fruit oh yea to the fruit, fruit i believe fruit it is fruit it must be, fruit for ever more it will be fruit oh yea tis the fruit, oh yea i believe in the fruit, give me the precious fruit and i will show you the wonderousness of the fruitynessness, oh yea the fruit smiley - grovelto the fruit, in awe of the fruit, you must bow down to the fruit, you must believe in the fruit, i believe in the fruit why don't you believe in the fruit, oh yea to the fruit, the fruit is the one and only of all the fruits that ever were and ever will be fruit, oh yea to the fruit

smiley - erm it's vegetable int it?

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 23

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

It is vegetable (as in animal mineral or vegetable).
But, it is an* fruit. smiley - zen praise be to teh fruitfulness of fruit smiley - zen hail the lemon, praise the tomato, praise the mispelt tomatoe smiley - yuksmiley - erm give servitude to the apple smiley - zensmiley - huh its a bit early for me, who is Tom Ato, and which council is he counciler on?

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 24


Is your tomatoe any relation to Dan Quayle's potatoe?


is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 25


oh yea to the an Sproutoesmiley - grovel

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 26

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The tomatoe, as I imagined everyone knows is a special* kind of tomato, grown only in Dan Quayle's garden smiley - biggrinsmiley - laughsmiley - doh

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 27

Florida Sailor All is well with the world


Are you trying to join the Vogon poetry club? Post 22 should get you in wih high standing smiley - biggrin

F smiley - shark S

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 28


smiley - wow You really think its worthy of the Vogons?!smiley - wow

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 29

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow Join the vogonpoets, I did smiley - biggrin

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 30


where be they? I might take a gander...

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 31

Florida Sailor All is well with the world

smiley - applause

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 32


Ahemhem. The classification of the tomato depends on what context you are using the word: Botanically, yes, it is the fruit of the plant. But culinarily (?) and culitvationally it comes under veg. And I speak as the poor sod responsible for reporting on the Agricultural Produce of the EU smiley - geek

smiley - tomato

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 33


hi Lucky Star, smiley - smiley

So, to sum up. The tomato *is* a fruit. Though it might be called a vegetable by some depending on what people do with it.


is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 34


Thanks az,

Everybody got that!? The part of the tomato that we eat is a fruit, right?
Class dismissed.

BTW, carrots are often eaten raw, and they are definitely the roots of a plant, as are potatos.

Another category is legumes; beans, peanuts (not really a nut), etc.

smiley - towel

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 35

Gnomon - time to move on

The scientific categorisation of tomato is that it is a fruit, as is a marrow, a cucumber, an aubergine and a courgette. But the scientific view doesn't always match up with the common view. For example, according to the scientists, strawberries are not a fruit, because the seeds are on the outside.

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 36



Please see post 20, definition 2 of fruit. smiley - smiley


is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 37

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I eat raw smiley - fish does that make smiley - fish a fruit? smiley - evilgrinsmiley - laugh Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahwahahahahahawahahahahahahahwahahahahahahwahahahahahaha smiley - ermsmiley - evilgrinsmiley - dohsmiley - sharksmiley - bluebutterflysmiley - orangebutterfly

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 38



Nothing *makes* it a fruit. It *is* a fruit. It's just that some people call it a vegetable because, well, I guess they prefer to think it is a vegetable. Perhaps because it isn't sweet? They probably also call avocados vegetables . . .


is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 39

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Tomatos can be sweet though... smiley - smileysmiley - magic and some people... me included eat them like ruit smiley - biggrinsmiley - magic because, they are* fruit smiley - evilgrin

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 40

A Super Furry Animal

Strawberries *are* fruits. They're just not berries.

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