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is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 61

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

She is in teh shrubbary!!!! smiley - bigeyes We've sort him here, we've sort her here, we've sort him there, we've sort her there, and all the time, Captain Kebab wasn't there, but neitther was wisky, and my computer was being controlled by a infinite number of monkeys, and its clear, yea, so clear, that the large white beach ball did flood through the thread, and whilst we whistled the theme tune from some show and hummed hte hotel calafornia, the beach ball did carry off mhrrily so, and thus it came to pass, whilst we were all in the thread, not existing, and hence forth the shrubbary hides the truth!

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 62

Researcher 556780

bah, humbug, I still don't believe in tomatoes

smiley - winkeye

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 63


I believe in a thing called tom, just look into the shrubbery, i believe we can see it now, can you see the fruit right there?smiley - musicalnote

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 64

Researcher 556780

Footbacon, I'm scared of you, my mommy told me to be beware of people that mention shrubbery and insist that its good to go check out the shrubbery...

I refuse to go into the shrubbery smiley - nahnahsmiley - run

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 65

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Once the shrubbary that 'ere stands, benign, yet tall and grand,
its feather-like extensions glistening like hair,
the shrubbary loaths hate, worry and fear.
for lo shrubbary, once gave lodge to the raw earth,
mere abandanment revealing trodden forefathers prints and path,
natural blister, unearthly pain,
shrubbary beneath the large white beech ball rides the waves of imagined detmaterialisatio n and hither to those that passed this way who were not here did not exist yet trod soft with tender feet on melt like carpet dep, and nere slept nor counted of sheep, for rotten core of an apple decay, never for those that wer ehere to see the light of the day, for at night it seemed the raindeer did scatter dazzling beams of sawdust reminants from a exploded shell, like the lemon of old which tolls in the bell, and hither and fro the people that were not here did go, and tomato or momato, its the vegetable thats insaine, we mark the landing spot for the droplets of rain, that splatter the cealing which stands on the floor, ranting a blue hedgehog which marvels at the giant statue of the anterior of a automobile, and those that came who didn't come at all and didn't see as they weren't hear, didn't hear the noise of the bright light, as they weren't here in teh night, and lo, shrubbary removed the ground lay bare, the white ball continues with prospect and all smiley - alienfrownsmiley - headhurtssmiley - tomato

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 66


If you do not search the soul of your shrubbery then you will never find your inner tomato and will never know what wondrous event lay in the fate of your gardeners soul

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 67


there is no shrubbery

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 68

Researcher 556780

I am sorta worried now

smiley - erm

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 69


ah do not worry grasshopper! you will find the truth path to your one and only destiny is looming beyond the teatree oil tree, wait and it will arrive at your doorstep, the deep dark tomato fruit of your soul lies beyond these vegetables and in the great wide shrubbery of the worldsmiley - zen

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 70

Baron Grim

A Tomatoe Tanka,
by Count Zero smiley - vampire

smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

Lying tomatoe,
Are you a vegatable,
Or are you a fruit.
Don't lie to me you b*****d!
Or soon you will be Catsup!

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 71

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The path that we tred lays strewn with the tortured souls of the non shrubbary-enlisted who sort in their vegerations the fruitition of the anamalamania that only a true and passible shrubbary lasts its own l laughable sinserity. For as true as the tap did fly south, then as the sea sold its tapas to those that did not trust the strength of the quagmyre on which they stood and foul sage, foul bismarch, render inpalpable the macherationsof the sincer, and the sincerly satrical and the sincerly satrical systems say something shallow as a shallott and the shiliverous vegetable let it take you by the hand and lead as far as a short distance to the taps and wherein teh shrubbary lies, lays the fruit.

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 72


oh yea!smiley - zenLettuce spry

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 73

Researcher 556780

Not really sure about anything any more...should I respond or not?

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 74

Researcher 556780

Going to wander off, have some smiley - cakesmiley - teasmiley - stiffdrink and I think everything will be well again. If I ignore the tomatoes and shrubbery it-will-all-go-away- *shivers*

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 75


Is Cake a grain?

smiley - towel

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 76

badger party tony party green party

I think this was by John Heggley I could be wrong.

I was walking through the market with my friend Tim
when someone threw at himsmiley - tomato
tomatos dont hurt cos they're covered in skin
but this one did cos it was in a tin.

smiley - rainbow

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 77

Baron Grim

smiley - grovelTomatoe spraysmiley - grovel

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 78


Don't be smiley - silly!!!

smiley - cakeis quite obviously a nutty banana

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 79

Researcher 556780


smiley - stiffdrink

is a Tomatoe a fruit and a vegetable

Post 80

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You can respond? but I'm not here.

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