A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Useless Facts

Post 9461


smiley - space
smiley - laugh

Useless Facts

Post 9462

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

"OK, I did some checking. Amanda Tapping missed four episodes of Season 9 because of maternity leave."

If it makes you feel any better, she probably appears in more episodes of the entire Stargate franchise, since she was in Atlantis' fourth season.

Though to be quite honest with you, I think Richard Woolsey was a better choice for the open spot.

smiley - pirate

Useless Facts

Post 9463

Cheerful Dragon

Amanda Tapping did Stargate Atlantis because her contract still had a year to run when Stargate SG-1 was cancelled. I suppose they gave her command because they couldn't think of anything else to do with someone of her rank.

Yes, I'm a bit of a Gate-Geek, but not as much as some.smiley - geek

Useless Facts

Post 9464

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Question: Did Christopher Judge and Michael Shanks still have years on their contracts? Because if they did then it suggests there were other reasons.

smiley - pirate

Useless Facts

Post 9465

SashaQ - happysad

If you put ---> in your h2g2 username, then your tag appears above your posts in Pliny!!!

smiley - laugh

Useless Facts

Post 9466

Cheerful Dragon

I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing that they (and Ben Browder, Claudia Black and Beau Bridges, for that matter) didn't have time on their contracts. If they had had time left, the production company would have had to find roles for them in Atlantis, too.

In fact, I seem to recall some fans were upset when Amanda Tapping moved over to Atlantis, as if she was somehow being disloyal to SG1. That's when *she* stated publicly that she'd been contractually bound to do one more series for the production company.

Useless Facts

Post 9467

Baron Grim

Hmmm... SashaQ, it may only take a dash... let's see.

Useless Facts

Post 9468

Baron Grim

Nope. nevermind.

Useless Facts

Post 9469

SashaQ - happysad

I see what you're thinking... smiley - ok

It also works with just two dashes in the arrow --> but not with one...

Fascinating smiley - laugh

Useless Facts

Post 9470

You can call me TC

Doesn't it anyway? Appear above your posts, I mean.

Useless Facts

Post 9471

SashaQ - happysad

The tag appears above the post title as well as in my username (and Mr X's) at the moment, so it looks like:

"It's a Kind of Magic!" } -->
Useless Facts
SashaQ --> It's a Kind of Magic!

smiley - laugh

Useless Facts

Post 9472

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ta
I have added the --> to my name and my tag now appears in Pliny.
Still... a lot of other issues keep me from migrating permanently.
But at least now Plinites can see me for who I really are.
And that's a pretty useless fact, eh.
smiley - cheers

Useless Facts

Post 9473

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - evilgrin

It is a useless fact indeed! smiley - cheers

I switch between Brunel and Pliny too smiley - ok

Useless Facts

Post 9474

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes
Canada is comprised of six time zones and
is roughly 41 times the size of the U.K.
smiley - cheers

Useless Facts

Post 9475

Baron Grim

On a related note, this appeared on the xkcd page today.

Warning: may be useful


Useless Facts

Post 9476

You can call me TC

"It's a Kind of Magic!" } -->
Useless Facts
SashaQ --> It's a Kind of Magic!<<

Not on my screen (in Pliny, I mean) - neither on my android phone nor on my laptop.

Useless Facts

Post 9477

Baron Grim

I believe that "feature/bug" has been "removed/squushed".

Useless Facts

Post 9478

SashaQ - happysad

Yes, sadly it has been "fixed"...

Fun while it lasted, though! smiley - laugh

I did like yours, TC: what's this arrow for? I still don't get it } --> smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Simple pleasures... smiley - teasmiley - biggrin

Useless Facts

Post 9479

You can call me TC

Thanks, Sasha. I suppose I'll have to remove it now.

Useless Facts

Post 9480

Cheerful Dragon

The male octopus has an arm he uses for reproduction. The arm is used to deposit a packet of sperm in the female's mantle (head/body). The tip of the male's reproductive arm then breaks off. The male swims away and dies in a few months. Poor octopus!smiley - sadface

Octopuses can grow new arms when necessary, but a male octopus can't grow a new reproductive arm.

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