A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 81

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*2legs lies on teh pie counter smiley - biggrin


Post 82


ahem, i said 'off' the pie counter.


Post 83

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*someone presses the eject button and 2legs is thrown up and off the pie counter smiley - yikes weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! smiley - boing weeeeeeeboink smiley - dohsmiley - biggrin *suddenly a hole appears in the ceiling and scrambled egg falls down, soaking up the remaining water and confussing the fish counter staff who begin dancing ontop of the halibut smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish *meanwhile, back at the queue for the check-out, the bobble-hatted brigade are engaged in arm-to-arm combat with the Warbleswic Bridge club and social societys commity membres smiley - yikes


Post 84


buys more eggs


Post 85

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*leaping over the fallen bodies of countless bobble-headed OAPs 2legs lands deftly ontop of a halibut, and gripping it by the fin begins strangling it smiley - fish


Post 86


eats raw egg and slavers over a defiant OAP


Post 87


*notices that the slavered upon OAP is 2legs with bits of fish on his face, creating the illusion of an old person...* would you like a tissue?


Post 88

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Thankyou, how kind smiley - smiley *reaches for a box of Kleenex off a nearby shelf and removes smiley - fish remains smiley - smiley Now, where was that damn halibut smiley - erm


Post 89


*watches all and reacts to nothing*

I was sure I was queuing for something....



Post 90


i think the firey cloak has gone out now...


Post 91

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*satisfied that sufficient numbers of people have joined the queue since he left it 2legs rejoins the back of the queue with his basket...
**the basket contains:
1 LB Halibut
1 box kleenex,
42 cans of guiness smiley - stout

*begins chatting to anothe quee
'yes, well, I was rather supprized by the scrambled eggs too, not enough salt, and I don't think they used proper butter'.
'oh, yes, I didn't expect it to fall from the ceiling, well, not untill the four bridge players from Wablswicc had ran three times around the cheee counter, and they don't appear to have done that yet'.
*waits patiently


Post 92


All of a sudden, gordon,seeing that 2legs isn't looking,reaches over and pinches the halibut out of his basket and runs down the aisles,shouting something about loaves of bread.


Post 93


buys matches in fear that the supermarket will get normal again


Post 94

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Momentarily caught off guard, 2legs suddenly notices the missing halibut, and the rapidly disappearing figure shouting something about bread, and casting ginuess to the wind, takes off in a small helicopter, and in hot persuit smiley - zoom *the advantage provided by being in the air, powered by a pair of Robby rocket rocket pants, 2legs notices the Bridge players from Warblswicc, circuling the cheese counter and heads off in that direction, stratigically throwing a block of extra-mature chedder at the figure with the stolen halibut


Post 95


Momentarily stunned by the flying cheddar, Gordon drops the halibut right under the feet of ethel, who distracted by her incontinence pants, slides gracefully on the halibut straight past the frozen section.


Post 96

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*The halibut, seizing their chance quickly looks round, and grabs its suitcase and begins running toward the cheese counter


Post 97

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*The halibut, seizing their chance quickly looks round, and grabs its suitcase and begins running toward the cheese counter


Post 98


Not having seen a halibut with a suitcase ever before,the cheese counter loses count at 356 and forgets where the emmental went.


Post 99


Ethel, still sliding, bangs into Foot causing her to throw up the remains of her raw egg into the air, which lands directly onto a number of recipes, including butter and milk, The halibut whisks its tail around the recipes to form an omelette


Post 100

The Halibut

*The Halibut, remembering about four things at the same time, sees the omlette, decides it is good and continues running about in teh store

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