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Is w**king necessary?

Post 861


Over here, tonight we had severalsmiley - strawberrys which had been left stewing in smiley - redwine, a bit sticky, but w**ked well. They made a mess when the pussysmiley - cat spread them across the table, but in general it was good stuff. Worth waiting a couple of days for.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 862


I will have to try that one day, but I don't know if it would help my w**king efficiency...

Is w**king necessary?

Post 863


Now that it's a new year I seriously want to change the type of w**k I do . . . any suggestions?


Is w**king necessary?

Post 864

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

"Now that it's a new year I seriously want to change the type of w**k I do . . . any suggestions?"

Have you been involved in w**king the same way for long? They do say a change is as good as a rest, and I know several friends who have tried w**king in different ways and said it was the best thing they ever did.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 865


hi Dai,

Well, although I find my w**k quite personally satisfying my method (free-lance w**king) doesn't have the same security others seem to get from w**king for others.

On the other hand, w**king for myself has become something I would find difficult to change. I've become used to being my own boss and I don't think it would be possible anymore to have someone telling me how to w**k, how much I should w**k, etc.

Bit of a quandary . . .


Is w**king necessary?

Post 866


Well it's good to know you find satisfaction in w**king - most people spend about a third of their daily life w**king - it's important to enjoy it!

Is w**king necessary?

Post 867

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Yes w**king by yourself and w**king with others can be quite different. I have done both and admit that w**king by yourself has an air of risk but the rewards can be much better than doing it for somebody else. While I enjoy being a company w**ker there is a feeling of going through the motions.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 868


Previously when I have w**ked for others it was often said that I wasn't enough of a team-player to w**k properly with my co-w**kers. At first this bothered me but then I realised that w**king means so many different things to different people.

So, apparently, in terms of w**king, I remain a smiley - blacksheep


Is w**king necessary?

Post 869

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

You should be careful when w**king smiley - sheep especially smiley - blacksheep unless you have your own smiley - sheepsmiley - dog

Is w**king necessary?

Post 870


That's why the old adage about not w**king with animals is so important!

Is w**king necessary?

Post 871


Belated reply to posting 833 . . .

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh


Is w**king necessary?

Post 872

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Isn't it strange how paranoia gets to you in this big brother society. The full quote is I think 'Never work with animals or children'. I was going to post just 'Or children' when this pathetic, defensive, knee jerk need to fully explain my post bubbled up. smiley - sadface

Is w**king necessary?

Post 873


You too, WB? I was going to do the same and then went - oooooh, can't say THAT!

Of course, this refers to actors w**king with either animals and children in films . . . um, yet another 'don't go there' topic.

Except to say that actors who *do* w**k with children and animals in films should probably be locked up. smiley - smiley


Is w**king necessary?

Post 874


WB? Oops, that should have been WA. But you knew that . . . smiley - blush


Is w**king necessary?

Post 875

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

No I didn't

Is w**king necessary?

Post 876


Yes you did! smiley - tongueout

smiley - run


Is w**king necessary?

Post 877

Dai the Death, "My other sink's a Porsche"

Interesting comment on the aspect of w**king for others, I did that until just over 5 years ago when I decided it was time to bite the bullet, take things in hand and w**k for myself.

Have to admit w**king by yourself can be stressful atimes, but the flexibility of being able to w**k anytime you want is a big plus!

Is w**king necessary?

Post 878


I find I sometimes lack the self-motivatin to w**k when I should be - sometimes having others telling you when to w**k is a good thing, but on the other hand, I do tend to w**k best when I am in the mood for it, rather than because I have to.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 879


Could you maybe do a bit of both, and maybe w**k a couple of days with someone else, and still w**k by yourself as well?

Ideally you'd have security and also be able to w**k in the way that makes you happy smiley - ok

Is w**king necessary?

Post 880


Best thing is just to have a friend to lend a hand if you've been w**king too much lately. It can get very tiring!

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