A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Is w**king necessary?

Post 701


Jolly good! I will be able to sleep soundly in my bed & maybe even w**k better for thinking of the two of you having a great time together with Elvis!

Tell Ivan to slip in a memento of the concert into the parcel of goodies he is sending me! (& now you have my email, get in touch!)

Aww, what a nice coochy coo little thread this is, nothing better than w**king together for the common good eh!smiley - winkeye


Is w**king necessary?

Post 702


Well the chances of him actually driving/flying down tomorrow night and then driving/flying back before he has to w**k are slim, but we will keep our fingers crossed, shall we smiley - biggrin??

If he cannot make it, I will try and get something to Ivan to pass on to you smiley - ok

I think it's a great compliment to everyone involved here that we can w**k not only for ourselves, but to help each other out...what a bunch of hippie w**kers we are smiley - zen

Is w**king necessary?

Post 703


Yup, communal w**king w**ks wonders, crosses all boundaries of continents, class, culture, sex....just a pity we can't get the rest of the w**kers in charge to recognise this!

Ah well, carry on w**king, Socialist W**kers Party & all that!

have a great time at the gig; cheer yer man on for me Ok!


Is w**king necessary?

Post 704


I know...the problem is the w**kers that w**k the most and the best are usually given the least power...so we have all these magnificent w**kers in the hands of powerful tools, or is that the other way around smiley - erm?

Ivan is unable to make it tomorrow...but rest assured that I will cheer loud and hard, even if my boy disowns me. It's Elvis smiley - loveblush

Is w**king necessary?

Post 705

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I should be w**king now but it's just too difficult. Last night I met up with the other mathematicians so we could all w**k together but they couldn't do it either. At least the tutor can't tell us all off for not w**king hard enough!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Is w**king necessary?

Post 706


Iam also supposed to be w**king right now,but feeling so lazy i just feel like jumping into a bed and falling asleep.smiley - run

Is w**king necessary?

Post 707

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

I'm w**king on my bed because my desk is too small and starting to fall to bits through overuse - oh the joys of student life!

smiley - towel TF-P smiley - towel

Is w**king necessary?

Post 708

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

A little surprising that student life has changed so much that there is more w**king done on the desk than in bed. Ahh memories

Is w**king necessary?

Post 709


i just finished w**king for the day,and it felt great

Is w**king necessary?

Post 710

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Yesterday I w**ked in the rain, but a cold, wet day of w**k is better than no w**k at all, I suppose.

Is w**king necessary?

Post 711


Yes, count your blessings, some people are grateful for any sort of w**k at all, some of you poor students w**k for peanuts, just to get that all important "on the job" experience i know.


Is w**king necessary?

Post 712


I just broke a nail on my right hand, which is making it really difficult for me to w**k properly at the moment...smiley - grr

Is w**king necessary?

Post 713

clzoomer- a bit woobly

That's a bit rough! smiley - winkeye

Is w**king necessary?

Post 714


It is!!

And more to the point, because it's still a little jagged, I have to position it funny so that it doesn't cause anyunpleasant friction while I w**k

Is w**king necessary?

Post 715

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

It's obviously a good idea not to indulhge in such a bad habit as w**king.

smiley - biggrin

Is w**king necessary?

Post 716

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

smiley - ermHaving said that, I'm still at it at 11.15 p.m.! smiley - sadface

Is w**king necessary?

Post 717


Yeah, I'm supposed to be on break, but I'm w**king none the less...I suppose once you get into it it's harder to stop smiley - erm

Is w**king necessary?

Post 718

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Don't wear yourself out!

smiley - yikes

Is w**king necessary?

Post 719


Once I'm in the zone I can w**k happily for hours...sometimes I even forget to eat smiley - smiley

Is w**king necessary?

Post 720

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Just remember to drink plenty of water! smiley - smiley

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