A Conversation for Ask h2g2
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Mu Beta Started conversation Jul 29, 2003
I am wearing my favourite pair of jeans (to work!), and for whatever reason, the fly zip seems to be both frictionless and gravitationally obedient. Hence, it tends to slide down of its own accord at regular intervals.
Needless to say, this is becoming a bit embarrassing. Without resorting to a tailors, is there any way I can keep it up?
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Saturnine Posted Jul 29, 2003
I just *had* to see who's unknowingly flashing their workmates...
OK. So have you got a safety pin anyway near? They usually do the job - you can anchor the zip at the top of the fly, and it should stay up.
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
pedboy Posted Jul 29, 2003
One of the scourges of being well endowed...
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
PQ Posted Jul 29, 2003
Get a bit of cotton from one of the seams and jam it in there. Also make sure that the little pully bit is laying down along the zip (this is what's supposed to stop it coming undone).
My flies are always falling down especially if I find a pair of comfy trousers...think I'm just the ideal shape for zip slippage, I wish button flies where more common.
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Saturnine Posted Jul 29, 2003
Ooh. I love button flies. But eventually, they wear out too. And it's harder to fix them...
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Odo Posted Jul 29, 2003
He’d have less of a problem if the stole some jeans from his brother.
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Mu Beta Posted Jul 29, 2003
Hmmm...no safety pins, no loose strands of cotton (new jeans).
I prefer button-flies too, despite the fact they make me look like an old man.
They're a bit more inconvenient for toilet stops, though. There's nothing more embarrassing than elbowing the blokes on either side of you at the urinal while fiddling with your buttons.
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. Posted Jul 29, 2003
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Odo Posted Jul 29, 2003
Elastic band through the top of the zip and then round the button at the top of the jeans?
Well I don’t know it might work!
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
PQ Posted Jul 29, 2003
Far worse than button flies for toilet stops are those stupid tie up jeans...nothing worse than being desparate for a wee only to discover a knot
So far as further advice goes you could do what hubby does...undo buttons and fly and stay seated with shirt covering
Also hairspray/gel might work to make the zip a bit more sticky...or you could try some jam
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Abi Posted Jul 29, 2003
Before I opened this thread I had a private bet with myself that this thread was started by B...
My internal bookmaker refused to quote me a starting price!
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
PQ Posted Jul 29, 2003
Or paper clip hooked through the loop and around the button?
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jul 29, 2003
Smear the zip with pritt stick- it's just sticky enough to make it stay up, but won't stop you pulling it down. I speak from experience here- a number of my pairs of trousers suffer from this problem
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
BobTheFarmer Posted Jul 29, 2003
I have that problem on a pair of my jeans. It got even worse when the button at the top broke and was lost. I tried safety pinnig it, but the inherent stresses in trouser architecture made this untenable.
So I just let it fall and pull it up when I remember...
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Beatrice Posted Jul 29, 2003
Sounds like it needs a new battery.
I'd say, wear your underpants on the outside of your jeans for the rest of the day.
A handy phone-box makes the best changing room, I believe.
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Odo Posted Jul 29, 2003
Take a poll round the office.
You never know but someone may be able to sew you up if they're carrying the necessary in their .
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences Posted Jul 29, 2003
Key: Complain about this post
My Fly Zip Keeps Falling Down!
- 1: Mu Beta (Jul 29, 2003)
- 2: Odo (Jul 29, 2003)
- 3: Saturnine (Jul 29, 2003)
- 4: pedboy (Jul 29, 2003)
- 5: PQ (Jul 29, 2003)
- 6: Saturnine (Jul 29, 2003)
- 7: Odo (Jul 29, 2003)
- 8: Mu Beta (Jul 29, 2003)
- 9: Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. (Jul 29, 2003)
- 10: Odo (Jul 29, 2003)
- 11: PQ (Jul 29, 2003)
- 12: Abi (Jul 29, 2003)
- 13: PQ (Jul 29, 2003)
- 14: Mu Beta (Jul 29, 2003)
- 15: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jul 29, 2003)
- 16: GreyDesk (Jul 29, 2003)
- 17: BobTheFarmer (Jul 29, 2003)
- 18: Beatrice (Jul 29, 2003)
- 19: Odo (Jul 29, 2003)
- 20: Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences (Jul 29, 2003)
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