A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What attracts you?

Post 341


Ah, what is a 'filthy mind'? In your opinion.

Imaginitively sexy?

Nothing particularly 'filthy' about sex, in my opinion, unless one gets into somewhat messy stuff (to do with, well, you know).

A 'sexy brain' - to me - is one that keeps me alert and challenged - and I don't come across this very often, to be honest. It doesn't necessarily have to do with sex per se, it's just sexy in itself that someone's intelligence can sometimes leave me feeling limp with desire to learn more . . .

Does that make sense?


What attracts you?

Post 342

Mrs Zen

....someone's intelligence can leave me limp with the desire to know more....

Oh, god, I do know that feeling. And yes it does. And jeeze is is sexy.... *sigh*

A filthy mind? In one of Woody Allen's movies someone asks him if sexy is dirty, and he says 'only if it's done right'. To me, a filthy mind is one which is experimental, creative, willing to push boundaries, (and willing to respect them), and one which can see enticing possibilities in stuff like feathers or chocolate sauce or marker pens.


What attracts you?

Post 343


Sounds good to me, Ben. Really, you are talking about someone who is not afraid to experiment, have some fun, do whatever might feel good between two consenting adults . . . totally agree.


What attracts you?

Post 344

The Doc

Going to have to think about this one.........smiley - winkeye

What attracts you?

Post 345


There was a girl in high school, who had a beautiful mind. She was just really smart and interesting, and it felt very stimulating/challenging to talk to her. I'd like to meet someone like that again. Though I don't know if she knows what to do with magic markers.

What attracts you?

Post 346

The Doc

Have thoight about it, but I did love an Email I got the other day with an attachment of an ad in a "Lonely Hearts" column. It read: "Incurable romantic seeks filthy whore"
Did make me smile.....

Still - what do I find attractive? A woman who is not afraid of her sexuality and has the confidence to flaunt it when she wants to. I love a woman who can stand her ground in a debate, and has opinions on issues that she is not scared to come out with. I like a woman who can seduce you with just her eyes without a word being spoken - and I love a woman with a pasison for life. If reading Kahlil Gibran (or poetry in general)moves them spiritually, then that also makes them extremely beautiful.........

Just wanted to leave the final word on "Beauty" to Kahlil himself........

And a poet said, "Speak to us of Beauty."

Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide?
And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech?
The aggrieved and the injured say, "Beauty is kind and gentle.
Like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us."
And the passionate say, "Nay, beauty is a thing of might and dread.
Like the tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us."
The tired and the weary say, "beauty is of soft whisperings. She speaks in our spirit.
Her voice yields to our silences like a faint light that quivers in fear of the shadow."
But the restless say, "We have heard her shouting among the mountains,
And with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the roaring of lions."
At night the watchmen of the city say, "Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east."
And at noontide the toilers and the wayfarers say, "we have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset."
In winter say the snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."
And in the summer heat the reapers say, "We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves, and we saw a drift of snow in her hair."
All these things have you said of beauty.
Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,
And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.
It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,
But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.
It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,
But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.
It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,
But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.
People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.
But you are life and you are the veil.
Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
But you are eternity and you are the mirror.

What attracts you?

Post 347


Something I heard recently was that something seriously attractive in a woman is:
"being able to seduce you whilst convincing you that she's chaste and innocent". smiley - oksmiley - biggrin

What attracts you?

Post 348

A Super Furry Animal

Sense of humour, intelligence, wit...check, check and check.

And a nice pair of smiley - titsmiley - tit.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What attracts you?

Post 349

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

She was pure and chaste and often caught....
The smile, the eyes and the conversation....
Pretty feet, preferably in good shoes [the way a girl looks after her feet is symptomatic of her general approach to her body]
upholstered bum [not bony]
Oh, and the confidence to lead me to her quarters and demand I satisfy her needs!

What attracts you?

Post 350

'doing the Albert'

The smell of catfish and collared greens.

What attracts you?

Post 351


I'll say it again, someone having a passion for something is quite attractive.

What attracts you?

Post 352


I have to remember to send a copy of my old posts to my boyfriend smiley - laugh

A quick summary of research undertaken on the subject of “attraction” – based on first meeting.

What attracted me to him: *Very* intense eyes, the kind of eyes that can look at you a certain way and make you catch your breath. The ability to be very animated at times, and display a very smiley - zen kind of calm at others…Music nerd smiley - coolsmiley - ok!! A soft friendliness that was very genuine and engaging. A strangely perfect balance of “dark and brooding” and “lost and nervous”. Obviously very smart, but humble. Intellectually curious. Able to argue without fighting. A smart @rse who knew when to stop pushing…

What attracted him to me (so I’ve been told): Velvet. Hair. Music nerd. “Excellent diction” smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl .

The first night we met we talked for more than 6 hours in the City in the middle of the night and I didn’t even notice the time flying past…

And now, 16 months after we first met, and 14 months of being “each other’s” it still holds true. I have less hair and he has more, so aesthetically we’ve both changed a fair bit. But I have to admit that, regardless of whether he’s a monk or a pirate, he’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I don’t know how much it has to do with “looks” though. He’s a stunning man, but then maybe I just think so because he’s the coolest person I know smiley - erm??

Research conclusion indefinitely postponed. I’d like to keep this one going as long as I can smiley - biggrin

What attracts you?

Post 353


Fascinating and complex contradictions that defy understanding, allied with intelligence and ironic humour, and a passionate nature. Oh yes and nice eyes! smiley - biggrin

What attracts you?

Post 354


And how could I forget? Extreme enjoyment in fast driving!

What attracts you?

Post 355

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

personality then eyes etc..........

What attracts you?

Post 356

A Super Furry Animal

Oh, etc. Yes, I'm always attracted by etc.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

What attracts you?

Post 357

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

not gonna list etc but can if you want?

What attracts you?

Post 358


ETC = Eyes, Toes and Colon.

Must have all of the above intact.

What attracts you?

Post 359

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

OK order of importants personality, sence of humour, eyes, smile, teeth, face, boobs, bum, legs, \/ area.

smiley - fullmoon

What attracts you?

Post 360

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

And I can certainly think of alternative body parts for the last 2 letters, that should also be intact if at all possiblesmiley - whistlesmiley - run

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