A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What attracts you?

Post 281

Mister Matty

No. smiley - tongueout

What attracts you?

Post 282


Suit yourself then..

What attracts you?

Post 283

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

He's only afraid to list them because he knows I am his ideal woman...smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 284


Probably right there smiley - laugh

What attracts you?

Post 285

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

what makes me take notice of someone is if they strike up a conversation with me or if i like the look of someone or if they have brought up an interesting point in a conversation say in a lecture and i wish to talk further to them on that topic... on h2g2 however it is only different as you cannot see who you are talking to

What attracts you?

Post 286


If somebody has a passion for something, that makes them attractive. If they have found "The One Thing", whatever that may be for them. Someone with a real interest in something is just really nice to be around.

What attracts you?

Post 287

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Have been out at the weekend, and got chatting to a gorgeous young man.. blue eyes are definitely a good thing with me smiley - bigeyes.. unfortunately (for me) he was gay smiley - erm and thinking about his conversation afterwards, I think I'd met my first true yuppie smiley - biggrin

Someone who can be a bit daft - i.e. not worried about what other people think all the time smiley - smiley

What attracts you?

Post 288

Mu Beta

How very blonde.smiley - winkeye


What attracts you?

Post 289

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Are you saying bad things about blondes? smiley - grr

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 290

Mu Beta

Only the female variety.

Besides, **takes deep breath** you're more ginger, aren't you?


What attracts you?

Post 291

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

smiley - yikes

Have at you squire!

I'd watch that beard of yours - if it gets much bigger, folk may think you'd put your head on upside down smiley - tongueout

Being out with somebody who's concerned about being a loon, for fear of what a bunch of strangers think, is terribly dull smiley - erm

What attracts you?

Post 292

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Ginger? Me? Are you having a laugh or do you have a smiley - skull wish?

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 293

Mu Beta

smiley - erm Strawberry blonde?


What attracts you?

Post 294

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

You're just struggling now, aren't you?

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 295


Course it's blond Master B.

That's why I mistook him for a giant moving pint of Guiness at the Nodnol meet.

smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

What attracts you?

Post 296

Mu Beta

Glad you didn't try and blow the froth off - God knows where his toupee might have landed.

**when in a hole, keep digging**


What attracts you?

Post 297

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

smiley - laugh I think you are about to hit Australia. Mind you don't fall off...smiley - winkeye

If it is a toupee, you think I'd have enough sense to get one that doesn't make me look like a balding git?

smiley - shark

What attracts you?

Post 298

Mu Beta

Fair point - well made.


What attracts you?

Post 299


unlike the toupee smiley - run

What attracts you?

Post 300


smiley - laugh

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